White Online

Chapter 119 - Around The Campfire.

Chapter 119 - Around The Campfire.

In some random forest.

Five figures were sitting around a campfire with pitch dark forest around them.


A figure with a nametag Spectre was using a stick to move the wooden logs on the campfire with boredom visible on his face. He had somewhat long brown hair, about to reach his shoulders with lean body stature.

He was wearing leather armor with scratching marks all around, with some parts of leather armor even missing, especially around his arms.

At first, he didn't look anything special, but his real-life identity is quite unique.

He is Isaac's big brother, Marvin!

Four other figures around the campfire were his delinquent friends, and all of them had some resemblances. Their hairs were quite delinquent-like, with some even having mohawks and red hair.

Their ears had holes for ear piercings, but White Online doesn't allow real-life items to be teleported into the game.

''I am bored!'' One of Marvin's friends shouted with an annoyed look. He had short red hair with somewhat attractive face and broad shoulders.

He was wearing similar leather armor, which was in better condition than Marvin's.

Nametag floated above him, which had a tinge of orange.


''Agreed!'' Another one shouted. He had a mohawk in the color of orange and green with black eyes and full lips.

His nametag was white, with a tinge of orange on the sides.


Marvin shrugged, ''We have already reached level 10, so let's just finish that fucking dungeon first.''

''What are we waiting for?'' Gerberys said and stood up. His tall figure caused a massive shadow to overlap over everyone, ''After tomorrow, we need to go again to school; I am not sure about you guys, but I want to do other things than stay in fucking forests!'' He kicked a stone on the ground, which flew straight towards a man with blond hair and strikingly attractive facial features.

The man with blond hair caught the stone and looked at Gerberys with annoyance, ''Hey, Niko, be fucking careful!''

''Don't call me by my real name.'' Gerberys pointed at him and said, ''My name is Gerberys.'' josei

''Pfft.'' Everyone around the campfire snickered, which earned a snort from Gerberys and angry stomp to the ground.

The man with blond hair threw the stone on the campfire and watched as the stone slowly changed colors until it was burnt on the sides.


His ingame name is Lionsoul.

The last figure, who had been silent so far, was currently looking at his Interface with a frown and almost imaginary question marks popping above him.

He had short black hair with his average-looking face morphed into a pondering face. He was wearing similar leather armor as the rest are, but he had green robes and a wooden cane in the color of green.


Before entering the game, they threw a coin, who was going to be the healer, and he lost.

A healer is important for a proper party, and they knew it.

With his help, they managed to overcome all odds and reach level 10 fairly quickly.

''Ins, what are you looking at?'' Marvin asked from the healer, whose real name is Ins; they decided to call him that because his name was too long.

''Trying to choose my first skill, but these don't make any sense!'' Ins scratched his head with annoyance.

''Oh. what skills, maybe we can help to choose.'' Lionsoul said with interested expression.

Everyone else also felt more energetic after something to do appeared. They had spent almost 30 minutes in the same position, and to them, it was a nightmare.

The reason was simple, they don't know how to navigate in the dark forest and might wander accidentally to a nest of some wild animal who has night vision.

It would be suicidal to wander without a destination.

Ins nodded and said, ''First skill is something called Heal of Unity, like what the fuck is that supposed to mean?''

''Didn't you look at the description?'' Gerberys asked.

''It says, Heal of Unity, become the person who unites the team.'' Ins narrowed his eyes to slits and shouted, ''What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!''

Everyone else also scratched their heads in confusion.

''What about rest?'' Marvin asked.

Ins sighed and scratched his head, ''They are confusing as fuck; the second one is Healer of Support; it will let me support the team to bring best of their ability.''

''That sounds alright,'' Foenix said, and everyone nodded as well; at least it sounded better than the first one.

''Third one, Healer's Rage, don't underestimate the Healer's desire to protect his/her patients.''

''Combat ability?'' Gerberys guessed, but everyone looked at each other with questioning looks.

''I have never heard of any Healer having a combat-related ability.'' Lionsoul said and rubbed his forehead, ''I have heard rumors about everyone having their own unique skills to choose, and I guess it's correct.''

''Which one will I choose?'' Ins asked and leaned on the third skill, but he wanted an opinion of his friends.

''The second one seems best for teamwork,'' Foenix said, and everyone nodded.

''But, the third one seems most mysterious one, it might not be combat-related, instead give some boost to the person, which makes his/her combat prowess skyrocket.'' Marvin guessed.

While pondering what to choose, a dinging noise echoed in the forest, and a message appeared in the sky.

Marvin and others turned their heads towards the sky and saw majestic-looking words lighting the sky in bluish colors.

[Regional Announcement: Player Wraith and Player Darth (Guild: Black Arrow) have achieved First Clear of the Duo Dungeon Stronglord. Recorded in Stronglord Hall of Fame of Heroes!]

''Wow.'' Lionsoul exclaimed with an impressed expression, ''I don't know much about the game, but I know for a fact that getting First Clear isn't an easy achievement.''

''It seems we are quite far from the top players.'' Marvin sighed and stood up, which earned raised eyebrows from his friends.

''What are we waiting for?'' He grinned and glanced at the words one last time, ''Let's go complete that dungeon and start catching up on the top players.''

''Aye!'' Everyone said in unison and stood up from their wooden logs.

Ins looked at the choices in front of him and decided which one to choose.

He pressed the second one and saw notifications popping up.

''Ins, you coming?'' Marvin turned around and asked, while everyone else had already entered the dark forest and managed to look in front of them with the help of a torch in their hands, which barely lit up the route.

Ins nodded and ran after them, ''Come on, the one who finishes the dungeon last will be called a faggot for a whole week!''

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