White Online

Chapter 157 - Top 100 Rankings.

Chapter 157 - Top 100 Rankings.

Isaac picked up the dropped items of his opponent, which consisted of the shield HolySword was using and some kind of Potion-like item.

''Hmm?'' He picked it up and examined the bottle, which looked very familiar.

He tapped a few buttons in front of him, and soon, a holographic screen appeared in front of him, which told the info of the item.

[XP Boost Potion - Rare]

[XP Boost Potion: Increases the XP received by 100%!]

His eyes widened in shock. He expected it to be Healing Potion, not Rare XP Boost Potion!

He once had Uncommon XP Boost Potion, and that alone was a massive help!

Isaac took a glimpse of the spectators' area, and as expected, there were a lot of shocked faces, but some were also trying to see what items he received.

He sneakily stored the items inside his Inventory and slowly stood up, so he could start leaving the arena.

After leaving the arena through the gates, he heard approaching footsteps coming from the staircase.

He turned his head and saw Tristan stopping at the bottom of the stairs, who started waving his hand, ''Wraith, I have something to show you, and congratulations on winning!'' He only said those words and ran back to the upstairs.

Isaac was curious about what he wanted to show and left the basement area.

After reaching the spectators' area, he saw more clearly how shocked NPCs and Players really were.

Most of the Players were fuming with anger and some out of embarrassment after telling their friends of how obvious the match result will be.

Isaac scratched his hair and walked past the angry NPCs and Players, who weren't that pleased to lose a big sum of money, but the ones who gambled on Isaac were thrilled and almost cried in joy.

He saw Tristan waving at him from another side of the wall, and a massive board was behind him, with hundreds of different names and numbers.

Isaac stopped next to Tristan and saw the text on top of the board.

[Top 100 Rankings]

''Rankings...'' He repeated the words.

''It is rankings for Top Players, and now that you won your first match...'' Tristan smiled and touched the bottom of the board, where a familiar name was located.

[Top 97: Wraith - W: 1 - L: 0]

''I only won once... And I still got into rankings.'' Isaac was surprised and wondered what the point of the rankings was.

Tristan seeing his look, decided to answer, ''There are prizes for Rankings.''

''Oh?'' Isaac turned his head away from the Rankings Board and waited for Tristan to continue.

''Top 100 gets 1 XP Boost Potion of Uncommon Rank, top 75 gets 3 XP Boost Potions of Uncommon rank, top 50 gets 5 XP Boost Potions of Uncommon rank.'' Tristan did a few hand signals and saw Isaac nodding, which resulted in him continuing. ''Top 25 receives 3 XP Boost Potions of Rare rank, and from top 10 onwards, each rank has special prizes.''

''I see.'' Isaac nodded and turned his gaze at the top of the board, where the top 1 name was colored in golden color.

[Top 1: King Klaus - W: 17 - L: 0]

''King Klaus!'' Isaac exclaimed and was truly shocked to see his name on the board.

''You know him?'' Tristan asked.

Isaac sighed and shook his head, ''Not personally.''

Tristan nodded and said with crossed arms, ''He is a strong fighter, but... Very strange.''

''What do you mean?'' Isaac frowned and wanted to know more about him.

Tristan shrugged and sat down on the couch; he pointed at the seat next to him and watched as Isaac sat down before continuing, ''No one really knows his class. He uses a weapon, which resembles a gun, but also a spear.''

Isaac frowned and thought that it was a very weird description.

''Can you describe it more?'' He asked.

Tristan nodded and remembered the first time he saw his weapon, and it is still vivid on his mind, ''It was as long as your weapon, maybe a little bit longer, and it was covered in a dark cloak, which hid how the weapon looked, but the outline still made it sure that it was either a very long gun or ordinary spear.''

Isaac scratched the back of his head and remembered King Jonathan saying that King Klaus is Marksman.

''The way he used the weapon was similar to how someone would use a spear,'' Tristan said and remembered the scene of King Klaus' first victory and how effortlessly he sliced up his opponent with the blade of his weapon.

A Musket Rifle appeared on Isaac's hand, which surprised Tristan, but he decided to see what Isaac planned to do.

Isaac touched the thin blade and tenderly touched the side of the weapon.

Isaac felt incredible pressure coming from King Klaus' name alone. 'He is hiding what class he is using... But, he is still so strong even without using his weapon properly...'

''Wraith, congratulations!'' Both Tristan and Isaac turned their heads towards the beautiful middle-aged woman, who could steal anyone's breath away. josei

Tiffany smiled and sat down next to her brother and curiously looked towards Isaac, who was carrying his Musket Rifle.

''Thanks,'' Isaac replied and opened the Inventory and stored his Musket Rifle in there before closing his Interface once again.

''Here is your payment,'' Tiffany said and put a pouch made of leather on the table.

''I get money?'' Isaac raised an eyebrow and wasn't aware of it.

''You didn't know?'' Tiffany's eyes widened to saucers, ''Why did you fight then?''

Isaac shrugged and grabbed the pouch, ''For fun, why else?''

Tristan and Tiffany sweatdropped and they have not met anyone who would willingly fight a life and death match for 'fun'.

''Hahaha...'' Tiffany awkwardly laughed and said, ''Anyway, winning a match would earn you 50k White Coins.''

[50000 White Coins Acquired!]

Isaac watched as the White Coins was sucked inside his Interface and his White Coins amount, which was already a ridiculous amount, became even more ridiculous.

[White Coins: 202323]

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