White Online

Chapter 280 - Closure

Chapter 280 - Closure

Chapter 280 - Closure.

''Eh?'' The Player jolted backward, almost crashing into players behind him.

''What the..?'' Chills ran down his back, making his body jolt and flinch every time he met Isaac's gray eyes.

''Haahh…'' Isaac ran his hand over his hair and brushed past the greedy Player.

After getting pushed to the side, the Player woke up from his stupor and turned around to look at Isaac's retreating back.

''You should watch your back!'' The Player tried to save all the face he had left, ''Ignorance is stupidity!''

Isaac glanced behind him and smiled, ''Stupidity… Sure.''

He turned his head away from the petty man and proceeded to walk further away from the crowd of greedy players, who held both temptation and wariness in their eyes.

The temptation to steal the golden ticket, wariness from the likely consequence of trying to do so.

While walking through the crowded corridors, Isaac strolled through the crowd casually. Each step caused more Players to stand aside to let him walk forward unhindered.

The Players had mixed reactions. A few of them glanced at his neck and noticed that they couldn't see any marks of his head ever being separated.

This made them fearful. Never had they met a Player who could not be killed.

Many of them decided to complain to the Legacy Company and spread the news to every News Station that would be willing to listen to them.

Isaac had no idea that there would be a storm coming and already saw the Player Lounge in the distance. The sounds of talking and laughter drifted through the air and reached his ears.

However, when Isaac left the corridor and took the first steps inside the boisterous lounge, everything became silent.

Isaac's gaze passed over hundreds of Players and landed on Darth's face. He walked by the other Players, whose gazes followed him with every step.

Darth had already stood up and rushed over. He patted Isaac's shoulder and smiled, ''Haha, that match was something else!''

The members of the Black Arrow guild looked at Isaac with mixed reactions. There was amazement, wonder, and even respect.

''Congratulations!'' Queen Diana gave him a quick hug and glanced at his neck, surprised to see that nothing was wrong with it.

Isaac nodded and separated from the hug, ''Thanks.''

He plopped down on the soft cushioned couch, ''Whew…''

Darth sat next to him and glanced at the side of his face, ''What was that thing before? That skill is way too powerful, and it was nothing like any of the Marksman skills.''

''It's…'' Isaac scratched at the back of his head, ''A secret. For now, at least.''

''I understand,'' Darth nodded and didn't delve any further into it.

The nearby Players trying to eavesdrop felt disappointed after not being able to hear anything about the God-like skill.

Queen Diana was about to open her mouth. However, an individual soon sat next to her and wrapped his arm around Isaac's shoulder.

Isaac stopped moving and felt the heavy arm around his shoulder; for some reason, he felt pressured.

Darth and other Black Arrow members took their bows and arrows from their quivers.

''Easy now…'' The individual spoke and grinned, ''Isa… Wraith, right?''

Isaac widened his eyes as he recognized the voice. He turned his head slowly and felt his words getting caught in his throat.

''Who are you?'' Queen Diana took an arrow from the quiver and rested it on the individual's neck.

''Stop!'' Isaac said to her and carefully pushed away the arrow.

''Hmm?'' Queen Diana frowned and saw that Isaac was smiling for some reason. She raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth between Isaac and the unknown figure.

Darth and everyone else were just as confused.

''Everyone.'' Isaac pointed his thumb at the average-looking man and said, ''This is my big brother.''

Marvin raised his hand and smiled, ''Yo!''

''What?!'' Darth exclaimed.

Colorful had been quiet this entire time, and from the moment Marvin appeared, she had already recognized him. She was the only one who hadn't bothered drawing her weapons.

Queen Diana, with embarrassment, placed the arrow back into her quiver and bowed with an apologetic look, ''I'm sorry about that.''

''It's fine,'' Marvin waved his hand and whispered to Isaac. '' Hey, you should look behind you.''

Isaac did as his older brother suggested and turned his head. At first, he simply saw the crowd of Players; however, toward the back of the lounge area, he saw four individuals gathered on a long couch.

He recognized the men instantly, ''Oh no… You put together a full squad of troublemakers…''

Marvin grinned and said, ''Let's go talk to them.''

''Alright,'' Isaac stood up alongside Marvin and walked by the others. It didn't take long to reach the couch, where four delinquent-looking men were seated.

Lionel, Niko, Ins, and Derek raised their chins and saw Marvin walking toward them with a white-haired youth.

''Yo!'' Lionel grinned and waved his hand, ''Nice match.''

Niko grabbed a tiny rock from the floor and threw it at Isaac.

Isaac caught it effortlessly and instantly flicked it off toward Derek.

''Hey!'' Derek barely caught the pebble and threw it at Marvin.

Marvin snatched it out of the air and threw it to Ins.

Ins slapped the rock away and snorted, ''You fucking children.''

Isaac sat in the center of the delinquents. In the eyes of the Players gathered in the lounge, it looked like he was about to get bullied.

''Isaac, you went to visit your grandparents?'' Lionel asked, ''Marvin said something about it earlier.''

''Yeah, the view is fucking awesome,'' Isaac recalled the Layer of Feasting and started talking about it, ''There is this place called Layer of Feasting. Every moment of the day, the smell of food lingers in the air. It's an incredible place.''

They listened closely, and Marvin was already feeling hungry just by Isaac's talking about food.

''I remember watching a cooking match that was happening there,'' Isaac chuckled after recalling the different instances of the trip.

''Any idea how long you will be there?'' Ins asked from behind Isaac.

''No, why?'' Isaac turned around to look him in the eye.

''Well. We already thought you would come with us to beat the fuck out of Oliver,'' Ins said while Lionel, Niko, and Derek nodded.

Marvin waved his hand and patted his shoulder, ''Isaac wants to beat the shit out of him by himself.''

''Ohhh.'' Niko grinned, ''Real life isn't a game. It's dangerous, especially knowing that coward is always surrounded by his dickless friends.''

''I am aware,'' Isaac locked his fingers and looked coldly in front of him. ''However, it's just something that I have to do.''

''I can teach you a few moves!'' Lionel stood up and cracked his knuckles, ''Even Oliver has some fighting experience.''

''Thank you,'' Isaac nodded, and he meant it. There was no way he would decline Lionel's kind intentions, especially knowing that Lionel was one of the strongest people he knew.

Suddenly, their discussion was interrupted by loud dinging noise.


Their annoyed gazes shifted to the holographic screens.josei

Every Player present turned to the holographic screens and read the messages that had appeared there.

[The Colosseum Has Been Closed For Today!]

[You are welcome to return tomorrow at 10 A.M!]

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