White Online

Chapter 300 The First Man.

Chapter 300 The First Man.

Simo and Isaac reached a Garden located in the Heavenly Neighborhood. The building was grandiose with an extravagant garden.

In the middle of the garden was a table for three and a large apple tree.

''Whew.'' Simo dragged the chair behind him and got seated.

Isaac followed and sat on another chair. His body almost sank in once his butt landed on the cushion.

''What is this place?'' Isaac asked once he was seated.

''My home,'' Simo said nonchalantly. He looked somewhat disinterested while gazing around his house. His dwelling would be a dream house for many.

''Oh, you live here?'' Isaac didn't expect that. He thought God Realm was like the name suggested, only for God.

''Not really.'' Simo replied, ''I have my own residence in God Realm, but I am more fond of Winter Realm.''

''Winter Realm?'' Isaac's brows crinkled, ''What is that?''

''Right… You don't really know.'' Simo tapped the table, debating whether he should tell him.

Isaac waited patiently but soon noticed Simo had no intention of responding.

''Hmm… You don't need to know… Yet.'' Simo said, ''And, I have my own Cottage in Winter Realm, that's where I live.''

''I see…'' Isaac was somewhat dissatisfied for not receiving any answers but understood that there must be a good reason.

Simo unmasked himself, revealing his scarred face. Many would be frightened at sight, but not Isaac. josei

Isaac looked him straight in the eye.

''You… Need to get stronger.'' Simo said. He took an ointment from his pocket and applied it around his injury.

Isaac's face became serious and remembered Trolhelm, the person who humiliated him. The humiliation made him remember his real-life incident. It wasn't far away from being identical.

''I know…'' Isaac knew that he had to get stronger. Otherwise, the Legacy he received would be useless, ''I am just… Very distracted, right now.''

''Get rid of them.'' Simo finished covering half of his face in the ointment, ''Become free from distractions.''

''How?'' Isaac asked. He would really like to know how.

Simo crossed his legs and asked, ''What about your revenge? Has it been accomplished?''

''No.'' Isaac shook his head. Even remembering Oliver's laughing face made him fill with anger, but he was very fearful of failing his revenge.

''That is your main distraction.'' Simo pulled a flower from the ground. The flower had four petals.

He tugged one of the petals, yanking it from the flower, ''First, get your revenge.''

The petal vanished, and Simo instantly extracted another petal, ''Second, get your life in proper order.''

The second petal vanished. However, Simo instantly plucked the third petal, ''Third, focus on White Online. You have Mythical Helmet, use it like it was supposed to!''

Isaac nodded with a serious look.

''You are the only one with the Helmet… Until others receive it, you must be in the top 100!'' Simo put a lot of significance on his words. His words were worth more than any gold.

And lastly, he ripped the last petal and made it vanish, ''And fourth… Become strong in White Online… And also, in real life.''

''In real life…'' Isaac opened his mouth but was interrupted by Simo.

''Don't say it…'' Simo waved his finger side to side, ''Don't say you can't.''

That was precisely what Isaac was going to say. He slowly closed his mouth, nodding with clear understanding.

''Follow me.'' Simo stood up and stepped out of the garden.

Isaac stood up and quickly followed behind. They walked in the streets, going past cheerful citizens who also noticed them.

''Kyaa!'' One of the Goddesses suddenly shouted. However, soon covered her mouth with dread filling her face.

Simo glanced at the fearful Goddess. However, he soon turned his gaze away, making the Goddess's body relax.

She thought she would die after seeing the monster in the flesh and was relieved because she managed to survive.

The Goddess almost started weeping, her gaze still following Simo's back.

Isaac walked next to Simo and saw his bare face. Everyone who saw his disfigured face grimaced in disgust, even though they tried to hide it.

The trademark of White Death was his infamous ski mask, and not many knew how he looked underneath. No one in the streets recognized him.

Isaac wondered why he wasn't wearing his mask and didn't dare to ask either.

Simo calmly walked in the streets and sometimes heard the sound of disgust-filled whispers. Usually, Gods and Goddesses were beautiful and handsome.

They all loved beautiful things.

When they saw someone with a disfigured face or something that didn't please their eyes. They could barely contain their disgust.

Isaac, however, received flattering looks from nearby Gods and Goddesses. Few Goddesses wanted to pick him up and have fun in their enormous mansions.

However, seeing the white-haired youth walking next to the disfigured man made them stop from moving forward.

''See?'' Simo opened his mouth, ''Do you see the difference?''

''Hmm?'' Isaac raised his eyebrow, ''Difference between what?''

Simo said, ''No one would dare to look at me in the wrong way if they knew my real identity.''

''Or should I say… Fake identity. This is real me, while White Death is simply an alias.''

Isaac nodded and remembered the scene in prison. Simo was like a high-ranked God who appeared among mortals.

Simo's steps soon halted as he saw that they had finally arrived. In front of him, a large building and garden were surrounded by gold fences.

Lush bushes surrounded the garden, and the grass was a lovely green.

He pushed the gate open and entered the garden, followed by Isaac.

Isaac closed the gates and noticed many Gods and Goddesses looking at them with shocked gazes. They didn't dare to take one step closer to the building, and Isaac finally saw the street that went past the building being completely empty!

Everyone skipped to another side of the street, trying to avoid going past the building with any means necessary.

It wasn't because of fear.

Isaac saw a hint of respect and admiration in their eyes. Even longing and love.

'I wonder who is living here…'

Simo stopped in the middle of the garden and saw an apple tree, but it was different from his.

All the apples were in the color of gold!

One of the apples was bitten in half.

''Oh, I have guests?'' Both Simo and Isaac turned toward the doorway. A backdoor of the enormous mansion was opened.

From there, a man emerged. His face was inhumanly beautiful, with delicate eyebrows, eyelashes, and a pointy nose. His facial qualities were soothing to the brim, and he was even more beautiful than Isaac!

His captivating golden hair reached his nape, and his radiant blue eyes were like pair of stars!

Once Isaac saw the name hovering above the man's head, and felt his legs becoming jelly.

Simo smirked, ''Long time no see… Adam.''

[Adam - Mythical Figure]

Adam smiled and shook hands with Simo, ''Long time no see.''

'The first man to ever exist!'

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