White Online

Chapter 606 The End of the First Round (7)

Chapter 606 The End of the First Round (7)

Chapter 606 The End of the First Round (7)

'This is so humiliating.' Hades thought while feeling the sharp gazes on his face, 'My reputation, which took millenniums to build, gone in one night. All because of... him!'

Isaac saw the look in his eyes. He only smirked, and smashed his fist into Hades' face. The delicate 'smack' resounded in the streets.

The Inhumans, who weren't watching in the arena for the matches, were frightened as suddenly two people appeared, and started trading punches. Among them, Mona, and Iah were shocked to see Isaac fighting against a person, who seemed like a god.

They were on their way to the arena while holding hands, but then they saw the scene.

''S-Shit...'' Hades held his bleeding nose, and turned to Isaac with crimson eyes glowing, ''You will regret that.''

''As if!'' Isaac kicked the ground, and tackled Hades through a three-story building's wall. They fell on the room, which resembled a lot of kitchens. The building was empty. The family, who lived here, was in the arena currently.

Hades grabbed Isaac by his collar, and threw him through the ceiling. Isaac continued flying through at least five ceilings. From the outside, the building seemed like it only had three floors, but, like every other building, it was way bigger on the inside.

Isaac fell back down, and pulled the trigger. This time, he used Icy Shot, and as the bullet made of ice landed on Hades' arm, it became frozen.

Hades smashed his arm into the ground, and broke the ice. Then, he was hit in the head by a falling Isaac, and crashed head-first onto the floorboard.

Isaac pulled him off by his ruff, and tossed him across the building. Hades crashed through the wall, and landed in the dimly-lit alleyway butt-first. With the help of the nearby building's brick wall, he stood up, but then a fist again struck him in the cheek, causing his head to smash against the brick.

''Fuck off!'' Hades backhanded Isaac across his face, forcing him to stagger backward. Then, he tackled the white-haired man, and once both of them were on the ground, he mounted Isaac, and started smashing his fists down.

Their previous fighting was delicate, and every move was calculated. However, now they were like barbarians, throwing away all discretion and just started throwing punches, and acted like hooligans.

Isaac placed his arms as a block, but the punches coming from the Gods quickly diminished his remaining HP. The corruption effect was finally starting to take effect. His movements became sluggish, and his vision blurry.

''Die, die, die!'' Hades shouted while punching like a mad man. The smack, smack, smack, smack, sound continued echoing. It even reached the ears of the Inhumans, waiting in the arena.

''Take off that mask!'' Hades reached towards the white-mask, donned by Isaac. However, he allow that, and dodged the hand, then Isaac smashed his elbow into Hades' temple.

''Urfgh!'' Hades fell to the ground, and rubbed his head in pain. Isaac staggered to his feet, and carefully touched his mask. Then, he turned around, trying to find his weapons. However, he could barely see one step in front of him. The vision was incredibly poor.

It looked like all the buildings were made of mist, and were feeble enough to be pushed away by a wind breeze.

Hades climbed to his feet, and saw Isaac's poor condition. His lips curled into a smile, and he discreetly moved closer to Isaac, and when close enough, he punched.

However, against all his belief, Isaac placed his arm perfectly as a block. Then, the silver-eyed man kicked his shinbone, making him lose his footing.

As Hades crashed on the ground back-first, Isaac removed the mask, and blinked with narrowed eyes. He couldn't see anything, everything was now dark. He dropped the mask, making it fall on the hard pavement.

''Tsk.'' Hades rubbed his painful back as he stood up. Seeing Isaac looking around in confusion, he realized that his corruption had reached his eyes. He was now blind.

''Not so tough anymore, are you!'' Hades grabbed him by his hair, and smashed him head-first on the pavement. The ground below cracked. He again lifted Isaac's head by his hair, and looked at his bloodied face. Then, he again smashed it on the pavement.

Isaac, couldn't see anything, but he could hear. His health bar beeped, signaling that it had only 1 HP left. A discreet smile appeared on his face as his vision returned like a shining beacon.

Hades pulled him back by his hair, and expected to see pure white eyes. Instead, he saw beautiful silvery eyes, gazing back at him. His eyes widened in shock as Isaac's eyes shone in crimson, and a beam flew straight at him.

The crimson beam blasted through Hades' head, leaving nothing but burnt skin behind.josei

Hades staggered backward while his head was slowly regenerating. Now, he was blind after his whole head exploded.

Isaac staggered to him, barely able to stand. After reaching the silent Hades, he placed his hand on his torso, and whispered, ''Destruction...''

A bright light engulfed Hades' figure, and then, it exploded!

Hades' body parts flew across the alleyway while the walls were painted in golden. However, soon all the body parts started connecting. It was like he just couldn't die!

''Shit...'' Isaac staggered to the head, which happened to regenerative before anything else. He could see Hades' frightened eyes. He felt the fear of death.

''I-I am god... y-you can't kill me.''

Isaac grabbed the head by his hair, and whispered, ''We'll see about that...''

Hades' eyes widened in shock. However, before Isaac could do anything, a hand appeared, andstopped him.

Isaac turned to the person, and saw a blue-skinned person, looking at him with a silly grin.

''This is enough.''

''S-Shiva-sama?'' Hades said with a shock, then a look of relief, and happiness appeared.

Shiva coldly looked at Hades, and said, ''I, along with others, decided that you, Hades, should stay in the Underworld to learn some manners, and respect.''


''You lost to a player. Which is the first time that happened.'' Shiva said, and grabbed Hades' head. As he looked dead straight in the eyes, he said, ''Return to the Underworld. You may only leave when I allow you to leave.''

Hades hatefully looked at Isaac.

''Look at me, and not at him!'' Shiva's words shook the moon.

''I-I am sorry!'' Hades snapped his gaze back to the rageful Shiva, and fearfully said, ''Y-Yes, I will return to the Underworld.''

''Good... now, go.'' Shiva took a tight grip on Hades' hair, and tossed him away, far into the distance.

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