White Online

Chapter 623 Demon Lord Vs. Supreme God.

Chapter 623 Demon Lord Vs. Supreme God.

Chapter 623 Demon Lord Vs. Supreme God.

''No!'' Goddess Selene's eyes widened in horror. She was currently in the Summer Realm, helping New-Gen Humans evacuate. The realm portals acted as one-way pathways to the Four Seasons.

She stood in the tallest building in Superfort, but then felt like her entire body had turned freezing cold. She could feel death... so much death. The moon itself cried till it perished.

''Selene, we need to hurry!'' A fellow God shouted as he gestured for the New-Gen Humans to enter portals. Superfort was soon empty while the Gods, and Goddesses moved over to the other cities.

Selene shed tears as she moved through the air. The next destination was Strongrlord, which was heavily populated. However, the Gods, and Goddesses had already started evacuating early.


The Four Seasons' population suddenly tripled. The whole economic balance of the world was tipping sideways, and it was impossible to keep lawful order as the streets suddenly flocked with unknown people.

After the panic, and disorder, the worldwide curfew was put in place. No one could leave their house until all New-Gen Humans, and Inhumans had found a residence to sleep in. Since the population tripled, it was impossible for everyone to have a proper house to sleep in.

Thus, they emptied hotels of humans, forcing them to return to their houses if they had one. If their residence was a hotel suite, they may stay. Then, metro stations were emptied, made them comfortable enough to stay, and the construction companies were busy making thousands of new buildings.

The busiest was the Winter Realm. The weather was freezing cold, enough for a biting chill to bite into their bones. Thus, they had to hurry.

After some kind of order was put in place, everyone felt shocked as they turned to the sky. One of the four moons circling Four Seasons, was destroyed. They saw a crimson-colored laser slicing through the space like a hot knife.

They all started pondering the possibility of them being attacked. The concept of aliens was still new in their minds, but they had grown numb to the idea that there was life outside the world.

After the disappearance of Winter Moon, the temperature in the Winter Continent increased, and the water level started rising. The worst thing happened, 10% of Winter Continent surface ended up being covered in frozen water. They desperately needed more time.

As the weeks went by, they started shipping New-Gen Humans, and Inhumans to other Continents, wherever there was space. All the governments connected, and started working together. However, they lacked proper hierarchy. No one knew who they should report then.

Then, an incident happened on the island of Picu. The Dark Kings' corpses littered the ground while the Souldeath army was defeated. The warship moving across the water was smoking while slowly sinking.

On a small hill, Arthur stood with a silver-handled cane in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. Behind him was the destroyed forest, and the dead Dark Kings. The month was enough for him to surpass them all. How? He underwent a test of power with King Arthur's guidance, and cleared it with flying colors.

''They failed...'' He murmured while looking at the sky. The broken moon pieces started appearing in the world's atmosphere. However, there was a strange barrier surrounding the planet, which destroyed all the moon pieces.

The destruction of the moon made him sad, but he also realized that there was no time to waste.

''They must be panicking like headless chickens...'' He dropped the cigarette, stomped on it, and rubbed his shoe against it. As the fire was quenched, with cane in hand, he walked down the hill while saying, ''I guess it's time for me to enter public again...''


Garmagello floated in the starry space, surrounded by the destroyed moon, floating corpses, and behind him was the demon ship.

Odin, along with a dozen other Gods, faced the demons. Their faces had grown to be solemn, and severe.

'This is the worst... Already one of the Demon Lords appeared...' Odin gritted his teeth, and summoned his spear. Since Gungnir was with Kalzer, it was a new spear made by Hephaestus.josei

''Hahahaha!'' Garmagello flew across the space, slammed his fists into the shocked Gods, and killed them in one swift strike. Odin's eyes shook as he saw the Gods spurting golden blood as they died.

Odin swung the spear, and blocked Garmagello's fist. However, it sent him flying backward, straight into the moon rock. However, since the moon rock was one of the hardest materials in the world, it didn't break easily.

That also made the demon spaceships far more dangerous. Since their lasers could break through moon rock effortlessly, what if it hit God? Terrifying.

''!'' Odin quickly ducked as Garmagello's fist slammed on the moon rock, breaking it in pieces. He quickly moved after the spear-wielding god while throwing his fists. Odin, while dodging, and blocking, could hear the jeering, and taunting from the demons. They were enjoying this.

''Hah, hah, hah, hah!'' Garmagello's fists moved in different directions, and slammed into Odin's backhand, making him drop the spear. Then, he kicked at the weaponless god.

Odin's eyes slowly followed the kick, then his eyes glowed in a brilliant golden hue.

''Odinforce!'' With a roar, he sent Garmagello flying backward. He, however, stabilized him fairly quickly, and turned to Odin with a chuckle. Odin's hair had turned from gold to completely different. It was like there was a galaxy inside his hair as it shone like stars.

As he snatched the floating spear, he flew over to Garmagello, and repeatedly slashed. Garmagello weaved through the spear strikes, but then, Odin's eyes shone, and Garmagello's body froze.

The spear struck Garmagello's body. It should have went straight through. After all, it was made by Hepheastus. However, Garmagello simply stood like it didn't even inch.

Beneath his red robes, hexagon-symboled armor appeared that covered his entire body. It was indestructible!

''Good try, not really.'' Garmagello lampooned as he backhanded Odin across his face. The golden blood stained the surroundings before it froze.

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