White Online

Chapter 85 - Master Classes.

Chapter 85 - Master Classes.

Darth grabbed one of the items from the desk and looked at it with widened eyes.

[Fox Beast's Tail - Rare]

He looked at Isaac with a face full of shock, ''Now I understand why you didn't want to go to City Square; you will be robbed in 10 minutes.''

Isaac awkwardly chuckled, ''Yeah...''

Queen Diana was also quite serious, ''This item will let our Potion Master make a Rare Healing Potion!''

''It will probably also increase his level by a lot,'' Darth said with a small smile.

''How does his level increase by doing that?'' Isaac tilted his head in curiosity.

''Potion Master levels up by doing Potions and more difficult and higher ranked potion it is, more XP he will get,'' Darth replied.

Isaac nodded, 'I guess Healers and Medics get HP with healing teammates and helping others to fight Beasts, Monsters, and other Players...'

The handsome NPC was looking at the items with a thoughtful expression. He knew the value of some of the items, but he debated whether he should offer a lower amount than it really is worth or not.

''Give him a fair price,'' Darth said sternly.

''A-Ah, alright!'' The NPC instantly nodded with embarrassment and understanding.

He looked at a few of the items and put the information of the items in front of him.

[Wolf Beast's Fang - Uncommon]

[Bear Beast's Claw - Uncommon]

[Fox Beast's Tail - Rare]

[Two Silver Axes - Common]

[Healing Cane - Comoon]

[3 Panther Fur - Common]

[6 Lion Claws - Uncommon]

[11 Wolf Fangs - Uncommon] josei

[6 Wolf Fur - Common]

While the NPC was doing the calculations of how much the value of the items was. Darth and Isaac were discussing about other classes, while Queen Diana tried to join the conversation.

''Poison Master can also kill players, so it is a very versatile class.'' Darth said and continued, ''They get XP from killing Players, and also if someone using his Poison Potions to kill someone, he also gets 10% of the XP. It is one of the classes with the highest XP grinding speed, but their ability in fighting is still very lacking.''

Isaac nodded thoughtfully and then asked, ''Do you know what Priest usually does?''

''Oh, why are you curious about it?'' Darth asked curiously.

''My sister seemed interested in becoming a priest,'' Isaac mentioned with a small smile.

Darth nodded, ''I haven't personally seen any Priest in action, but...'' He looked at Queen Diana, who was pouting because they were ignoring her.

''But... Guild Master has.'' Darth said with a sigh.

Queen Diana's eyes sparkled, ''Yes, I have!''

''Can you tell me about it?'' Isaac asked.

Queen Diana puffed her chest in pride, ''Of course!''

''Priest's are usually non-combat class, while Dark Priest's are combat-related, which is quite strange.''

Isaac and Darth nodded. It was strange indeed.

''But...'' Queen Diana slyly smiled, ''Priests can't fight against Shooter or Fighters classes, but they can fight against Dark Priest's and win!''

''How?'' Isaac furrowed his brows, 'Does their ability nullify Dark Priest's abilities, or what...''

''Dark Priest's are mostly using curses and Dark Magic, but Priest's can borrow the strength of the Gods to nullify the effects of the curses and Dark Magic.''

''I heard that Priest's are communicating with Gods, is that correct?'' Isaac asked.

Queen Diana looked slightly surprised, ''I don't know where you heard that, but it is correct. Priest's are so-called Messengers of the Gods; even though it seems fancy title, not many are interested about that class because it seems very weak, and there is no way that weak people can get Legacies.

''But there have also been few sneaky ones who tried to become Priest so they can get into good books of the Gods and ask for Godly Legacy.''

''Has it worked?''

Queen Diana giggled and shook her head, ''Gods aren't stupid; they instantly knew what they were thinking of doing, that's why the Priest's who tried to do that got their privilege of communicating with Gods removed.''

''So, the only special thing about them got removed, which makes them completely useless and no one wants to have anything to do with them, because there is a rumor that if you talk with them, you get cursed.''

Isaac looked shocked, ''That's quite of a punishment!''

Queen Diana nodded, ''It was their own mistake of trying to be greedy.''

''But, what about Dark Priest's, can they communicate with Gods?'' Isaac asked; he always felt that class is very strange and very evil-like, but is it really.

Queen Diana's brows furrowed, even she doesn't know.

''I don't really know, but not all Dark Priests are evil, like not all Assassins are evil either. But, most of them are one of the edgy kids who think that violence and insulting are cool, but with that attitude, they won't make far in this game, maybe if they join with some other kids like them, then they might.''

Queen Diana knows better than everyone how important it is to have friends and be part of the Guild. Making enemies blindly will backfire in the end.

Darth nodded, ''Like Guild Master said, this game is indeed not for solo players, but that's only if you are planning to become Top Player, then being part of Guild is almost needed.''

Isaac nodded and looked at the NPC, who was almost finished.

''Have you ever wondered why Trap Master was part of Mixed Classes and not part of Support Class?'' Isaac asked.

Darth and Queen Diana looked at each other, not knowing how to answer that question.

''Our Trap Master said that... Making traps isn't their only specialty, like he was able to make Explosive arrows.'' Darth said, he took a glance at the NPC and continued, ''I think Trap Master can do well in the battlefield, but it needs good brains and great mastery of making traps to become successful.''

Isaac nodded and was about to ask for something, but then the NPC opened his mouth.

''I am done finishing counting the value.'' The handsome NPC said and wiped his sweat, ''I don't really know the value of the Fox Tail, but I have heard some rumors of how much it was selling in Merchant Stores.''

''Alright, how much do we need to pay for cutie-chan?'' Queen Diana asked.

The handsome NPC paled slightly, ''Well.... It will become slightly expensive.''

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