White Online

Chapter 95 - Moon City.

Chapter 95 - Moon City.

Isaac and Darth were standing on top of a small rocky hill. The scenery was nothing but rocky terrain, but they also saw a majestic sight of the world of Four Seasons floating in the distance.

Even though the scenery on the moon is quite crude, it was still the greatest view they had ever seen.

''My sister will be so jealous,'' Darth said with a grinning face.

Isaac looked surprised, ''You have a sister?''

Darth shrugged, ''Little sister, she is 8 years old, and she has always loved to gaze at the moon.''

Isaac nodded, ''I have four siblings.''

Darth nodded and was about to ask a question, but then he thought he saw something.

''Hmm?'' He rubbed his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

Isaac turned his head and frowned.

''Are you seeing this?'' Darth asked with a somewhat suspicious gaze.

Isaac nodded, ''I am.''

In the distance, they saw a hole forming on the rocky ground. The hole was leading downwards like stairs were made just for them.

''Is that the test?'' Darth asked and started getting excited. The initial excitement of fulfilling his childhood dream was fading off, and they started remembering the reason they were here.

''Let's go,'' Isaac said and started hopping towards their assumed test destination.

Darth quickly followed behind him.

In the distance, Selena was looking with her beautiful blue eyes.

'I wonder why Arthur wants them to enter the Moon City...' Selena thought to herself. Her body started becoming illusionary, and started floating after Isaac and Darth.

Sometime later, Isaac and Darth finally entered the entrance of the hole.

They thought it would be an annoying way to the down, but there were stairs leading to the underground!

They started getting more sure that the test was in the underground.

Without further ado, they started hopping down the stairs

Their journey lasted surprisingly only 10 minutes. After reaching the bottom of the stairs, they saw a large cave in front of them with crystals stuck on the wall.

Instead of blue crystals... The crystals were pure white like made of snow!

Isaac and Darth had first difficulties looking in front of them because of the bright light, but soon their eyes got used to it.

In the distance, they saw metal gates in greyish color, and there was one symbol on the gates.

A symbol is s figure of a woman with obscure facial features. She was carrying a bow and was aiming towards the large object in the sky, which resembled of a moon.

Darth was about to start hopping towards the gates, but suddenly he noticed that the gravity was different on the underground and he could walk normally!

''Weird,'' Darth said and looked at Isaac, who also seemed fascinated.

They walked at a slow but steady pace to the metal gates.

''Is opening the gates the first test?'' Darth guessed, ''Maybe we need to find a key or something.''

''Maybe,'' Isaac said, but their questions were answered pretty quickly.


The metal gates started slowly opening, which caused an ear-piercing sound to ring in their ears.

''Argh!'' Both of them covered their ears in pain, but they still heard the piercing sound, which almost made their eardrums explode.

After a minute of pain, the metal gates were completely opened.

''Damn!'' Darth screamed and looked at his palm, which showed a drop of blue blood.

Isaac rubbed his sensitive ears.

Finally, after recovering their concentration, they looked at what was behind the metal gates.

They only saw a small room with nothing inside, but there was a wooden door leading somewhere.

They entered the room and slowly approached the door.

Isaac put his frail hand on the door handle and slowly opened the door.

The first thing they saw was a luxurious palace with hundreds of NPC's running around busily.

There were hundreds of desks, and each one of them had lines. Behind the desks, a professional-looking NPC was talking with the NPC's in the line.

Isaac and Darth dumbly looked at the scene. They entered the luxurious room, and instantly the metal gates behind them closed.

Few NPC's glanced at them but soon started minding their own businesses.

''What should we do?'' Darth whispered.

Isaac looked at the lines and said, ''Let's go stand in the line, maybe the NPC working here could tell what our next test is.''

Darth nodded and followed behind him. They entered the shortest line and started waiting with patience.

Their outfits were greatly different from NPC's clothing. Everyone else was wearing luxurious clothing, while Darth was wearing his Guild robes, which didn't look anything fancy.

Isaac was wearing his Chain Armor, which didn't really fit with his beautiful face.

The NPC's looked at them curiously.

Darth felt slightly uncomfortable, and so did Isaac. josei

But soon, their turn came.

Isaac sat down on a chair while Darth stood next to him. A man with a professional smile was sitting on the other side of the desk.

''Greeting, how may I be of assistance?'' He asked with a smile.

''Hello,'' Isaac replied and pondered what should his first question be.

But Darth was the first one to ask, ''Can you tell us where are we?''

The man nodded and said with a calm tone, ''You two are in Outer Layer of Moon City.''

''Moon City?'' Darth frowned, while Isaac felt amazed.

''Do you know anything about a test?'' Isaac asked.

The man's professional smile slightly crumbled as slight shock appeared in his eyes, but he soon calmed his nerves and continued smiling.

He took a stack of papers from the cabinet and put them on the desk.

''Where are you from?'' He asked and started going through papers.

''Stronglord,'' Isaac replied.

The man nodded and took one of the papers from the stack. He turned the first page and started calmly reading it through.

He trailed his finger alongside the words with concentrated expression, and soon he found what he was looking for.

''Second Test of Duo Dungeon Stronglord is located on Moon's Range.'' He said with a calm smile and put the paper back on the stack.

Darth nodded and asked, ''Where is that?''

''Look at your maps; it will show there.'' The man said with a patient tone.

''Thanks,'' Isaac said and left the line so they won't hold up the line for too long.

Both of them put their Interface's in front of them and clicked [Map]

They couldn't see the full map of the Moon City, instead only the way to the Moon's Range.

There was a small red dot beeping, which told their next destination.

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