White-Robed Chief

Chapter 715 - All-Knowing

Chapter 715 - All-Knowing

Chapter 715: All-Knowing

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chu Li frowned and said, “Out of the twenty-two Asuras that have escaped, how many have you managed to track down?”

“We’ve tracked down two of them.” Fa Yuan sighed.

Chu Li frowned as he repeated, “Two?”

Fa Yuan replied helplessly, “These Asuras have all escaped from the formation used to suppress them. They’re very hard to deal with and track down. Even if we did manage to track them down, they would easily find a way to escape. The temple has already sent out as many people as possible, but unfortunately...”

He shook his head while speaking.

Chu Li frowned. “Given your abilities, you shouldn’t have only been able to track down two of them, though.”

Fa Yuan replied, “This is like finding a needle in a haystack. It’s not that easy!”

“... I’ll give you some help then!” Chu Li exhaled sharply. “This problem belongs to the Tempest Temple, and yet I have to help clean up after your mess. Unbelievable...”

Fa Yuan’s spirits were instantly lifted. “Indeed, I was going to ask for your help, Almsgiver Chu.”

“You’re hoping to use the Secret Guardians Hall’s network of information, aren’t you?” Chu Li scoffed.

Fa Yuan nodded. “While the Tempest Temple has its own sources of information, it can’t compare with the Secret Guardians Hall. If the Secret Guardians Hall can lend us a hand, I’ll be forever indebted to you!”

Chu Li let out another scoff before asking, “There should be some kind of a secret technique the Tempest Temple is using to find the Asuras, right?”

Every time after he defeated an Asura, people from the Tempest Temple would invariably pop up. Such was also the case this time. It was far too much of a coincidence for Fa Xiang to have appeared with his people right after Zhao Tianxing had managed to defeat the Asura.

Thus, he inferred that the Tempest Temple should have a secret technique of tracking down Asuras.

“... Yes.” Fa Yuan slowly nodded. “Indeed, we have a secret technique that can be used to track down Asuras. Unfortunately, it’s very hard to master. Only Brother Fa Xiang, Brother Fa Yin and I have successfully mastered this technique. As for the rest of our people, they would have to go on a blind search to find them.”

“Will you share it with me?” Chu Li grinned while looking at him.

Fa Yuan hesitated for a moment before pressing his palms together in obeisance. “Alright then, I shall pass this secret technique on to Brother Chu.”

Chu Li asked, “This won’t be going against the rules of the Tempest Temple?” josei

“It won’t be an issue.” Fa Yuan smiled. “To be able to practice this secret technique, one has to be accomplished in Buddhist Austerities. It’s like a divine power technique that can open up your sense of smell in such a way that you’ll be capable of detecting Asuras’ scent.”

“Asuras have a scent?” Chu Li was dumbstruck.

Fa Yuan slowly explained, “Brother Chu will understand once you think about it. After having murdered so many people, how can they not reek of death and decay? I’m not talking about just any ordinary smell, but the smell of mortal sin. If you manage to master this secret technique, you’ll certainly be able to smell it. If not, no matter how much I explain, you won’t be able to understand it anyway.”

Chu Li replied, “Alright then. I’d like to give it a try.”

He wanted to help the Tempest Temple to capture the Asuras. Firstly, because he did not wish to see more innocent lives lost at their hands, and secondly, because he wished to improve in cultivating the Nature Restoration Manifestation.

When it came to fighting, nothing could compare with the thrill of engaging in battle with an Asura or the disciples from the Holy Church of Light, for these people were not afraid of death at all.

Fa Yuan said, “To prevent any other outsider from learning this technique, I’ll have to pass it on to you using the Enlightenment Technique.”

“No problem,” Chu Li readily agreed in a casual manner.

Fa Yuan stared at him.

The Enlightenment Technique would require Fa Yuan to place his palm on the top of Chu Li’s head. If he changed his mind, he could instantly take Chu Li’s life, so it would actually be very risky for Chu Li.

Chu Li smiled and said, “I believe that you won’t kill me, Fa Yuan.”

“Amitabha...” Fa Yuan bowed with his palms pressed together, touched by these words. “Very well then. I shall pass it on to Brother Chu at once.”

Chu Li went and sat by the stone table. Then, Fa Yuan stood in front of him and slowly stretched out his left palm.

Since Chu Li possessed the Omniscient Mirror and the Nature Restoration Manifestation, he would be able to immediately detect if Fa Yuan had any intention of killing him, and to use his divine power to disappear from his spot in an instant. Thus, he was not worried of Fa Yuan betraying him.

Fa Yuan had a complicated sentiment toward Chu Li. While he admired Chu Li for his aptitude and intelligence, he also felt a sense of jealousy toward him. So far, he had been using positive thoughts to overcome this sense of jealousy, because what he aimed for was not to be jealous of others, but to stay true to himself while striving for improvement.

It was with such a mindset that he could peacefully get along with Chu Li and maintain a friendly rivalry with him. While they might sometimes find themselves having to go up against one another, there was still a mutual trust between them.

Chu Li quietened his mind and allowed his consciousness to flow unhindered. He seemed to have entered a state of Zen as his heart stilled and allowed the external world to be reflected clearly within him without error.

A passage of scripture flowed into his heart like a steady stream of water. A moment later, when the process had been completed, he pressed his palms together in obeisance.

Fa Yuan withdrew his palm and returned the gesture.

A smile appeared on Chu Li’s face. “What secret technique is this?”

“The All-Knowing Scripture,” Fa Yuan replied. “This scripture may not be the grandest secret technique, but it has its own benefits. Unfortunately, without a solid Zen cultivation, it’s very hard to master this technique. Brother Chu, since you have a background in Buddhism, I believe your Zen cultivation should be quite strong, so it’s not impossible for you to learn this technique.”

Chu Li nodded. “After learning it, I’ll use it to help capture the Asuras.”

“Thank you, Brother Chu.” Fa Yuan bowed with his palms pressed together.

Chu Li waved a hand dismissively. “You guys are working way too slowly. Aren’t the previous generation of disciples going to come out and help?”

Fa Yuan shook his head. “Most of Master’s Seniors and Juniors are in isolated cultivation. They won’t pay any attention to the mundane affairs of the mortal world.”

Chu Li remarked, “It’s really interesting how things work at the Tempest Temple.”

“During their time in the mortal world, they had to clear their hearts of all desires,” Fa Yuan explained. “Only a heart void of desires can advance in the practice of Buddhist Austerities. Once Master’s Seniors and Juniors have achieved a certain level of sensibility and enter the next stage in their practice of Buddhist Austerities, they will venture out into the world to learn through experience before returning to isolated cultivation.”

Chu Li nodded.

It seemed like he had an incorrect understanding of the Tempest Temple. At the end of the day, the foundations of the Tempest Temple were still built upon Buddhist Austerities.

“Brother Chu, whenever you cultivate the All-Knowing Scripture, it would be better to extend the cultivation process as long as possible. The best thing to do is find a place and go into isolated cultivation. If you can continuously cultivate up to ten days in one go, you’ll be able to master it very quickly,” Fa Yuan said. “However, not many people can persist for so long.”

Chu Li raised an eyebrow upon hearing this.

Fa Yuan went on, “I can tell, Brother Chu, that you have a strong and healthy soul, which is the best aptitude for cultivating the All-Knowing Scripture.”

“Understood.” Chu Li nodded again.

“Well then, I shall take my leave now.” Fa Yuan pressed his palms together in obeisance.

Chu Li had been paying close attention to the situation a mile away all this while.

He had been watching as Fa Xiang and another middle-aged monk returned to the scene with four men each. While Fa Xiang and the middle-aged monk personally took on Xiao Yueling, the other eight monks seized the Asura and quickly glided away.

Very soon, Fa Xiang and the other middle-aged monk left as well. Xiao Yueling and Zhao Tianxing made no effort to chase after them.

Chu Li smiled and said, “Well then, until we meet again.”

With his palms pressed together, Fa Yuan went away. His gray cowl fluttered in the wind as he glided over the treetops and vanished in the blink of an eye.

When Chu Li reappeared before Xiao Yueling and she threw him an angry gaze.

Zhao Tianxing laughed. “Brother Chu left at such a perfect time.”

Chu Li replied, “I was held up by a monk from the Tempest Temple. I didn’t have a choice.”

“You have friendly relations with these stupid monks from the Tempest Temple?” Xiao Yueling huffed.

Although she had not been defeated even after being attacked from both sides by Fa Xiang and the other monk, watching them take the s away had left her feeling frustrated and upset.

Chu Li replied, “I’m on good terms with Fa Yuan, and he has informed me that over twenty Asuras have recently escaped. More importantly, the Holy Church of Light now has the ability to tame Asuras and have gotten hold of twenty top-notch Asuras so far.”

“The Holy Church of Light!” Xiao Yueling knitted her eyebrows together. “Twenty Asuras?”

Chu Li nodded. “These twenty Asuras will no doubt bring great disaster to the Ji Dynasty. In any case, we have to track them down!”

“I have to pass this news on to the sect,” Xiao Yueling said whilst still frowning. “Asuras are extremely destructive. I’ll have to ask the sect to intervene.”

Zhao Tianxing said, “I never thought that Brother Chu is friends with Fa Yuan.”

Chu Li grinned and asked, “Does Brother Zhao know Fa Yuan?”

Zhao Tianxing shook his head. “I’ve just ventured into the world, so I haven’t had the chance to meet such a figure.”

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