Who Made Me a Princess

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: 22

V.S stone was a magical item that can store in 30-seconds videos. If there was a wizard in the palace, he or she would definitely be able to create one.

(Video storage stone: V.S stone)

But it seemed like there were none with Diana in it. Well, isn't is obvious. She was just a someone who danced in front of Claude after all.

But Felix seemed disappointed as if it is his fault.

"I really wanted princess Athanasia to see Ms. Diana."

"Sir Robain...."

I felt it before, but I think Felix also liked Diana as much as Lilly did.

It's weird though. Diana was a girl who spent a night with Claude and was gone from the Ruby palace then on.

I knew Lilly and Diana's friendship but I felt something was wrong seeing Claude and Felix's reaction of Diana.

But that thought was soon to be replaced by Felix's words. josei

"I will ask his majesty."

Huh? Say what to Claude?

"It is possible for his majesty to show his memories of her in person."

Lilly then reacted saying "Ah!". I was only listening to their conversation not sure what is going on.

"Since it was a long time ago, it might not be as clear as the V.S stone but I'm sure he can give the princess some flashes of Ms. Diana's pictures."

I was shocked to those words.

Whaaaaaat?! Claude bast*rd could do that? I don't remember reading anything like it in <Lovely Princess> though. Were there parts I didn't read because it was so damn annoying?

"But will his majesty approve?"

"It is for princess. I will request to him."

But that was not the problem.

Wait, wait, wait! Wait a sec! Is this oppa crazy? You, are you crazy? Do you think Claude will say 'of course' if you asked that?

I don't even know if Diana is on Claude's good side but what if he kills me because I reminded him of someone he hates? Even if that's not the case, it'll not benefit me at all.

I felt like this for a while now, but Felix has no nerves what so ever towards Claude.

"Then I will go to his majesty right no...."


I slammed opened the door at the sudden dangerous thing it might happen.

Gasp. I think I said it too loud. They both seemed shocked. I calmed myself down and spoke in a tranquil voice.



"Do not talk about mom to papa."

When I held onto her dress and spoke, Lilly made a sad expression and asked.

"Why, princess?"

I mean, why that expression? I really am fine!

What do I need to do to make these people leave me alone?! Is there anything Atanasia can say to this? Ahhh! Think fast, me!

"Papa doesn't like it when it's about mom."

A sudden thought of last tea party with Claude popped up in my mind. Claude got in a bad mood after hearing what Felix said.

"But if I say I want to see mom."

Euhhhh, a mental breakdown that I hadn't had for a while now. Someone, help.

"What if papa won't like me anymore?"


Lilly widened her eyes at my words, seeming not to believe I said it.

"That, that though.... Were you concerned about that?"

Gasp. My heart dropped at Lilly's shivering voice. She was about to cry. Of course I was panicking.

Whwiwbskwgqiakdbduanqo. S-sorry! Lilly, sorry! Maybe this was too much even though I didn't have anything in mind. What to do. You aren't really gonna cry now, are you? Don't cry, Lilly! I'm sorry!

Just then, Felix called me who was panicking. He held onto my shoulder with his one leg down.

We were now direct with the eyes but and I soon was drawn in by Felix's most serious face I've ever seen.

"His majesty won't hate it. I will promise, really, with my name."

He spoke with no hesitation to try and gain my trust.

"His majesty does not hate Ms. Diana nor princess Atanasia."

Uhh.... What should I do?

I felt guilt seeing these two too serious. Euu, eek. Am I just fooling pure and naïve people? I only said it like how Atanasia would say using the words I learned....

"So, it'll be fine if you say you want to see Ms. Diana."

This situation was not flowing the way I wanted it to flow.

"Princess is young enough. You don't need to learn how to hold in your thoughts yet."

I panicked for a little then spoke.

"No. Atti is really fine. I don't want to see her anymore. Really."

But the 2 didn't believe it. Lilly still had tears in her eyes and Felix looked at me pitifully.

And K was just sweating from the gazes. S, shoot. Now what do I do.

Felix made a face that expressed pity but soon smiled brightly as if he thought of something better.

"Then let's do it this way. I will ask him for you if you don't want to."

Now we are back to the starting point! What do you think the reason is for me to join your conversation?! Did you cosplay to kill me?

"You don't need to!"

"No. I will defini...."

Shoot, I told you it's fine! Frustrated, I screamed as I pushed Felix as hard as I could.


Ack, my hands. Why am I the one to be pushed when I was the one who pushed.

I saw him surprised to my motions and that made me feel even more guilty. Well if I didn't, I feel like he would really tell Claude.

"I will not like you if you tell papa! Really really will hate you! I said I don't want to see her now!"

Felix opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. However, I didn't want to listen any longer. He's going to say something that will make me even more frustrated anyways! And I was really, very, truly uncomfortable. Gahhh, I'll run away!

I turned around and ran before Felix said anything.


I heard shaking voices from Lilly, but that was not enough to stop me from running.

So where to did I run off is, well....

My room.

Oof. B-but there's no better choice! If I went outside, there wouldn't really be a place to hide and when I leave the palace, Lilly will worry too much.

I already almost made her cry, and I don't want her to worry more.

Feeling moody, I sat in front of the desk with 『Obelia's History』 book open on it. Little while after, Lilly came in.


"I'm going to read this."

Sniff, sorry. But leave me alone for now. I've got no mood.

Lilly seemed to get what I was going to say and left the room quietly.


Right after she left, I buried my head on the book and shook my whole body.

What do I do now? I can't focusssss. SOB... sob... sob sob sob...

Felix wouldn't tell Claude now that I did this, right? I extinguished the emergency fire but that fire could start forming again whenever. Somebody does something in this situation for me! SOOOB.

* * *

The next day we met with our faces tired. Guess we all didn't sleep well.

Felix and Lilly didn't seem to sleep well because of me, and for me it was for the same reason. All because of Lilly and Felix.

And I pretended to sleep early and heard what Lilly said as she patted me, and that made me feel even more uncomfortable and guilty. She was saying things such as 'Ms. Diana is always with princess Atanasia' and 'Ms. Diana will be so happy if she saw princess Atanasia this grown up so well and beautiful'.

I shouldn't have said that I want to see Diana in the first place!

WHAHAHHAHA! Guys, mumbling is this dangerous as you can see. You can die in the worst case.

"We must leave now."

I looked up to see Felix while sucking on a lollipop. It was time to leave in order not to be late as Claude ordered me to come today.

Hah. That bast*rd never once visits Ruby palace and orders me to come to his.

I didn't want to go, but I couldn't not go. If I did.... Umm. Maybe that day could be the last day I's be in this world. Hiiinng.

But Felix who would have picked me up by now, hesitated. I looked up thinking the reason why and I got the answer right after.

My my. This oppa doesn't know what to do. It should be a big shock I pushed him away and screamed. Felix couldn't reach out his hand easily and was hesitating.

Of course. I understand him.

Approaching the person who you had a big fight with is hard whether or not you are an a.d.u.l.t or a child. Even more if that person is the one who pushed you away.

I silently just watched Felix with my lollipop in my mouth. Then I grabbed a part of his cloths and lightly pulled with the hand I was not holding lollipop with.

"Atti's legs hurt."

No choice. I'll lead us to apologize. It wasn't Felix's fault in the first place and I went a little too far yesterday, too.

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