Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Even Unwashed, It’s Fragrant

TL: Etude

Jiang Qin couldn’t find an answer to whether good friends could really last a lifetime.

But if the little rich lady, Feng Nanshu, were to ask Jiang Qin if he could be good to her for a lifetime, he felt no doubt about it. He was sure he could do it.

After all, she was his little rich lady, secretly spending her father’s money on him, always clinging to him. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also incredibly well-behaved.

No one could resist that, not even the monk Tang Sanzang.

However, the thought inevitably led Jiang Qin to wonder, would Feng Nanshu always cling to him like she does now?

He didn’t know.

An older colleague from the marketing department once said that he met his wife in college when she was a cute younger student who especially loved the smell of cigarettes on him, finding it very masculine.

But after marriage, the phrase he heard most often was, “Get out, go smoke on the balcony. Don’t you know I hate the smell of smoke?”

Damn, who could he even complain to?

Eventually, the colleague simply moved his ashtray to the balcony, where their dog ate from its bowl. He would smoke there as well.

So, he didn’t know.

People change. At least, that’s what Jiang Qin believed.

Gently massaging, kneading without really knowing where the wound was, Jiang Qin still maintained the demeanor of a gentleman: “Feng Nanshu, would you ever change your heart?”

Feng Nanshu seemed bewildered by the question.

“You don’t even know if your own heart will change, so why do you always try to corrupt my moral heart?”


“Boss, boss lady, dinner is ready!” Dong Wenhao’s voice came from outside the door.

“Got it!”

Snapping back to reality, Jiang Qin put a band-aid on Feng Nanshu’s ankle, then gently held her delicate and warm foot, helping her put on her shoes and socks.

“I haven’t washed them,” Feng Nanshu said, her eyes slightly resentful.

“It’s okay, they’re fragrant.”

Under the night sky, stars filled the heavens.

The lights in the rural resort’s courtyard cast a warm orange glow, instantly spreading across the yard.

At this moment, Lu Feiyu and Yang Shuai brought out a long table from the house, setting it up in the courtyard. They placed all the dishes prepared by Dong Wenhao on it, along with two cases of beer.

Jiang Qin led the way to sit down, surveying the table with a burst of admiration.

Stir-fried mixed vegetables, spicy chicken, goose egg with vermicelli, steamed bass, sour and spicy shredded potatoes, shrimp fried with eggs – if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed Dong Wenhao could cook like this.

Indeed, a chef who doesn’t aspire to be a writer is not a good manager.josei

Jiang Qin casually popped a peanut into his mouth, while Feng Nanshu behind him looked on in shock, involuntarily shrinking her feet back.

Then, the others also took their seats around the table, starting to eat and chat.

What is team cohesion?

In essence, it’s a sense of belonging.

Among all the staff of unit 208, only Lu Feiyu was a true local. The others had come from all over the country to study in Linchuan. In a strange city, they inherently lacked a sense of belonging. An overnight team-building activity like this easily brought everyone together.

Especially since the food was prepared by their own hands, the feeling of home came instantly.

Old Dong’s cooking skills were impressive, making the dishes flavorful and appetizing.

Like him, who could both write and cook, was truly a man who could grace a drawing room and rule a kitchen. He surmised that after marriage, he would be the one who came home from work to cook.

“I never participated in such group activities in my freshman year, except when going out with my roommates. In my sophomore year, I just stayed in my dorm, rarely going out.”

“Me too. Although I was often invited to celebrate classmates’ birthdays, I just kept my head down and ate.”

“I’m really grateful to the boss. I feel fortunate to have joined team 208 and happy to have met everyone here.”

“I also want to thank the boss. My dream of literature was almost shattered.”

“This is exactly the life I want – having goals and drive, and being with everyone. These are the happiest days.”

“I want to thank the boss lady. She was the first person in college to buy me fruit.”

“I hope 208 lasts forever, and everyone makes a lot of money.”

“My university life truly started to come alive from the moment I joined 208.”

Jiang Qin held his wine glass, squinting his eyes, quietly listening to the successive reflections of the people around him without saying a word.

The atmosphere didn’t need steering. With a bit of wine and some dishes, someone just needed to start, and everything else would naturally fall into place. This spontaneous outpouring of feelings was more genuine and touching than anything orchestrated.

Of course, Jiang Qin felt sentimental himself.

He wasn’t just changing his own life; he was also invisibly impacting the lives of others.

You can’t say for sure whether this impact would be good or bad for them in the long run, but for now, it was definitely positive.

This was his ragtag team.

Feng Nanshu, sitting next to Jiang Qin, listened to everyone’s emotions. Her clear eyes turned towards him as if she too wanted to join in the sentiment, but before she could speak, Jiang Qin fed her a slice of lotus root.

She chewed twice, watching Jiang Qin turn back to clink glasses with others, feeling joy and ease in her heart.

After dinner, the group moved to the guest rooms, some playing cards, others chatting.

Jiang Qin didn’t join in the card games. Instead, he listened from the corridor as Wei Lanlan made a phone call to Mr. Gao of the milk tea shop.

Mr. Gao was stubborn about the price, not budging, and quickly led the conversation to a dead end.

Then, he abruptly started complaining about the various manipulations of his ex-wife.

Wei Lanlan initially wanted to hang up, but Jiang Qin stopped her and asked her to put the call on speaker. They both listened to his ramblings until their heads buzzed.

“Boss, this guy talks too much. I don’t think he has any intention of selling, he just wants someone to talk to.”

“Your realization of this is a sign of growth,” Jiang Qin affirmed her.

“Eh?” Wei Lanlan was a bit confused.

“Why do you think he wants to talk?” asked Jiang Qin, leaning against the wall.

“It’s because he just got divorced and has nowhere to vent his frustrations, so he latches onto anyone who’ll listen to how hard his life is.”

“That’s our breakthrough. Let’s just listen.”

At eleven o’clock, those playing cards were tired, and the chatters’ mouths were dry. Everyone sat on the carpet in the guest room, watching TV.

The best part of group activities is that you never get bored. Even shopping ads could be riveting. “Don’t pay 998, not even 598, call now and it’s just 98!” Everyone watched with great interest, feeling that the host was even more persuasive than their boss.

After the ads, the show resumed abruptly.

Jiang Qin, who had been outside on the phone with Wei Lanlan, had no idea what was on TV until that moment.

A man in a suit, on one knee, holding a bouquet of bright roses.

The background looked like a company lobby or a hotel foyer.

A professional-looking girl, carrying a briefcase, was moved to tears, covering her mouth, unable to hold back the tears welling in her eyes.

“I don’t want to be just friends anymore. Let’s get married.”

Jiang Qin casually changed the channel with the remote, immediately drawing an attack from Shi Miaomiao, Su Nai, and a few other girls: “Boss, what are you doing? The plot was just getting exciting!”

“Don’t watch it, the ending is tragic. The couple ends up divorcing, the bride price isn’t returned, the house is awarded to the woman, and she marries someone else, taking the child with her. The man has to pay alimony of fifteen hundred a month. The woman’s new husband lives off his money, even the mattress they sleep on was his.”

“Nonsense, this is a new TV show, where did you see that?”

“All love stories end the same way. Watch less of that. Let’s watch ‘Water Margin’ instead, it’s sweeter.”

Jiang Qin changed the channel to an episode of ‘Water Margin’.

Girls generally don’t enjoy ‘Water Margin,’ so they gave up on the TV and started chatting about various topics.

During the conversation, Su Nai suddenly remembered something: “Hey, did you know there’s a marriage tree in the town?”

“I saw it too. They say it’s very effective. Those in relationships can pray for lasting love, and singles can hope to find someone soon. You all should try it.”

Feng Nanshu: “?”

Jiang Qin coughed and discreetly turned up the TV volume: “Look, Yang Zhi has found Chao Gai and his men. Wow, who’s this actor? He’s got huge pecs!”

The girls’ expressions turned odd: “Boss, why do you like looking at men’s pecs?”

“A true man should appreciate such things, right, Wenhao?”

“Ah? Yeah… maybe.” Dong Wenhao was sleepy, his eyes blurry.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin didn’t push further. He turned off the TV: “It’s late, Wenhao is already sleepy. Let’s all go to bed.”

“It’s still early, let’s chat more!” Su Nai objected.

“We need to get up early for hiking tomorrow and then travel back to school. It’s best to rest early. Oh, and there’s a temple on the mountain that’s quite effective. Tomorrow, you all have to pray for my wealth, no sneaking in other wishes.”


After shooing everyone off, Jiang Qin himself went outside, walking under the stars and moon for a long time, enjoying the fresh mountain air.

When Dong Wenhao got up to use the bathroom half an hour later, he found the boss limping in, cursing under his breath as if he was furious.

“Boss, did you go to the village to steal chickens? How did you get injured?”

“It’s nothing, just tripped and fell. Can you ask the owner of the homestay for some iodine?”

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