Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: A Bit Dazzling

TL: Etude

The next morning, with autumn in full swing, the maple woods were steeped in rich colors.

Jiang Qin’s entrepreneurial story was published in the Linchuan Youth Daily and delivered early in the morning to the distribution center.

University students generally don’t read newspapers, not even the campus ones, let alone those from outside the school. However, if the newspaper features someone they know, it becomes an exception.

For instance, Jiang Tian, who returned to the dorm early in the morning with a stack of newspapers, then distributed them one by one.

“He, an ordinary college student. He, an unremarkable entrepreneur on campus. He, full of dreams and ideals, passionate and kind-hearted…”

Song Qingsheng was the most excited upon seeing the newspaper. It felt like star-chasing in real life, so she picked up the newspaper and read a few lines, looking very pleased.

Jian Chun originally didn’t want to read it, but the lines read by Song Qingsheng piqued her curiosity. Eventually, she couldn’t resist opening the paper and meticulously read Jiang Qin’s news article three times. Her expression unconsciously drifted into a dreamy state, and her eyes shimmered with a touch of bright melancholy.

In the eyes of university students, the terms ‘interest’ and ‘honor’ are often seen as separate.

Interest is just that, and honor is another thing entirely; they should not be conflated.

Moreover, most students feel that honor is more important than interest, as their educational upbringing largely focuses on selfless dedication and the pursuit of honor.

Therefore, although Jiang Qin’s entrepreneurial success and financial gain are impressive, in the minds of university students, he was just slightly more capable, on par with the owner of a restaurant on South Street.

But Jiang Qin being featured in the newspaper, officially recognized and becoming a role model, that changes everything.

His image instantly becomes grander, his prestige instantly elevated.

Jian Chun and Song Qingsheng have fundamentally different personalities. Song Qingsheng values money, so the moment Jiang Qin appeared in a Bentley, he became her idol.

Jian Chun, coming from a well-off family, doesn’t worship money and has no concept of it, seeking higher spiritual aspirations.

At first, she thought Jiang Qin was frivolous. After the South Street incident, she saw him as a mature, stable, and reliable man. Now, having read this newspaper, Jiang Qin shone brilliantly in her eyes.

Usually, being featured in the campus newspaper is already a big deal, but Jiang Qin was in a bona fide city-level newspaper, which is incomparable.

“What does the ‘Work-Study Program’ mean?”

Jian Chun snapped out of her thoughts and explained to Pan Xiu, “It’s about providing part-time positions for impoverished students on campus.”

“Jiang Qin went to help the needy at the University of Science and Technology?” Pan Xiu was incredulous.

Jiang Tian couldn’t help but interject, “He’s been absent a lot recently. Probably he’s been going to the University of Science and Technology. This is a collaboration at the school level, which ordinary students can’t even participate in. But Jiang Qin not only participated but also initiated the project.”

“No wonder even the Linchuan Youth Daily came to interview him. Look at the photo, he’s arm in arm with the Youth League Secretary of the University of Science and Technology. It’s surreal.”

“It feels like Jiang Qin isn’t even living in the same world as us.”

“Looking back now, it’s unbelievable that he single-handedly started that sensational campus beauty contest.”

Listening to their conversation, Jian Chun’s gaze became distant again, her thoughts drifting back to the incident on South Street, feeling a sense of loss.

How did she, at the beginning of the semester, mistake such a dazzling man for a frivolous one?

It’s all Cao Guangyu’s fault for not signing that note!

Of course, it’s possible that he did sign it, and she simply didn’t notice.

Misunderstandings like these are common during student days and usually don’t become a source of lingering concerns. However, as Jiang Qin’s brilliance increasingly shone, the light he cast grew ever more intense. Under these circumstances, Jian Chun found it increasingly difficult to unravel her emotional knots.

Meanwhile, in boys’ dormitory 302, Cao Guangyu was also holding a newspaper, grinding his teeth in irritation.

The newspaper featured three photos: one of the entrepreneurial office, one of Jiang Qin with the head of the University of Science and Technology, and a solo shot of Jiang Qin himself, which seemed more imposing the more one looked at it.

As someone who prided himself on his swagger, Cao Guangyu was envious.

“Why does Jiang get such an awesome platform to show off?”

“He’s been so low-key in class lately because he’s been busy showing off in the newspapers, and he didn’t even include me!”

Zhou Chao, too, was staring at a copy of the newspaper, “Jiang’s photo, his posture and demeanor, are more mature than my dad.”

“I thought playing games and dating made my university life meaningful, but compared to Jiang, it’s nothing!” Ren Ziqiang couldn’t help feeling emotional.

After hearing this, Cao Guangyu looked up in disbelief, “We know you play games every day, but dating every day? Since when?”

Ren Ziqiang’s face changed: “…”

Zhou Chao laughed, “Isn’t it just your ‘dry sister’?”

“Mind your own business!”

Originally, the dorm had four single guys, and Ren Ziqiang didn’t feel too out of place. But ever since Cao Guangyu started dating and showing up with love bites, he always teased Ren Ziqiang, with Zhou Chao joining in, which was infuriating.

Ignoring them, Ren Ziqiang lay down and covered himself with a blanket, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

Avoidance might be shameful, but it works!

However, while some played the ostrich, others were busy worrying about others doing so, like Wang Huiru.

Now a Student Union member in the Law Department, she rushed to a meeting early in the morning. By chance, she saw a newspaper in the hands of a senior.

The headline read: “Young University Representative Jiang Qin Establishes a Website, Leading Over Thirty Students in Entrepreneurship, Promoting Work-Study at the University of Science and Technology.”

Wang Huiru’s mind buzzed in shock upon reading this, but after a moment, she quickly accepted this new reality.

She had known about Jiang Qin’s brilliance since summer break.

Just after the college entrance exams, while everyone was relaxing, Jiang Qin was busy with business, becoming a legendary figure by the time school started.

So, even though the newspaper’s story seemed fantastical, Wang Huiru found it believable, considering Jiang Qin’s performance over the summer. It would have been more surprising if he had remained unknown in university.

But then…

Wang Huiru suddenly thought of Chu Siqi and her expression changed. She thought, ‘I mustn’t let Siqi see this.’

Her former high school classmate was extremely talented, and Wang Huiru felt proud, but for Chu Siqi, the idea that someone she once liked and rejected had become so successful was a painful thought.

Did she have to pretend to be unaware again?

Wang Huiru felt like crying.

She had kept Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu’s relationship a secret for three months, nearly driving herself mad. And now, it seemed, it was starting all over again. It was unbearable.

After the meeting, Wang Huiru returned to her dorm as if nothing had happened, only to be startled by the scene before her.

Chu Siqi was sitting on her bed, holding a copy of the Linchuan Youth Daily, staring at it intently, motionless for a long time.

Wang Huiru approached and saw a complex, indescribable expression on her friend’s face, not the defeat or melancholy she had expected.

“Siqi, you’re… reading the newspaper?”


“Let’s not read it anymore. How about we go to the cafeteria for a meal?”

Chu Siqi turned to look at her, “Huiru, your acting is a bit unconvincing. I know there’s news about Jiang Qin in there.”

Caught off guard, Wang Huiru then relaxed, “So you knew already.”

“I’m working as a journalist in the broad education field. I was in charge of hosting the reporter from Linchuan Youth Daily during their visit. I followed the whole interview process with Jiang Qin, even went to his office.”josei

Listening to her friend’s calm, emotionless voice, Wang Huiru felt a chill. She couldn’t even begin to imagine such a scene.

Chu Siqi’s gaze drifted out the window, “Jiang Qin is so outstanding now. The more he shines, the more I feel unworthy of him. If only he weren’t so exceptional, if only he were just an ordinary university student, I wouldn’t have to regret so much.”

“It’s wrong to think like that. Jiang Qin’s excellence is due to his own efforts.”

“I understand that, but the more he shines, the worse it reflects on my judgment and taste.”

Wang Huiru didn’t know how to respond and just sat down on the bed, sinking into silence with her friend.

During this silence, she couldn’t help but recall a conversation she had with Yu Shasha during a graduation gathering. Yu Shasha had said it was unfortunate they attended the same university as Jiang Qin because his brilliance made all other men seem insignificant, making it hard to find someone they liked.

Wang Huiru hadn’t taken those words seriously then, but now they seemed to be coming true.



“I also saw Feng Nanshu.”

Chu Siqi clenched her fists unconsciously, “At first, I couldn’t accept it, but thinking about it, someone as outstanding as Jiang Qin really does deserve her.”

Wang Huiru looked up, “Siqi, what you’re saying isn’t right.”

“What’s wrong about it?”

“Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu didn’t become a couple because he’s outstanding. She has been with him through thick and thin, not attracted by his brilliance. You need to understand this sequence of events.”

Chu Siqi’s face paled, and she bit her lip in silence, her emotions complex.

“Let’s not think about it anymore. Let’s go eat.”


Meanwhile, on the university forum, people were also discussing this news.

Those who knew Jiang Qin were accustomed to his achievements, so they weren’t too shocked. However, those unfamiliar with him were more agitated upon hearing the news.

Linchuan University had been encouraging entrepreneurship among students for years with little success. Hoping to inspire entrepreneurial spirit, the university uploaded the electronic version of the newspaper to its official website and course selection system.

This was how Jiang Qin’s previously unknown name suddenly came into everyone’s view.

“What’s Jiang Qin’s background?”

“Must be a rich second-generation, who else would dare to burn money on a website?”

“It’s unbelievable, not even November yet, and he’s made so much money?”

“Some of it might be exaggerated, but Linchuan Youth Daily is known for its seriousness, so it’s probably mostly true.”

“Creating a website makes this much money? Had I known, I’d have done it too. It doesn’t look that hard.”

“It’s indeed not hard. A computer science student can do it in a week. Our school probably exaggerated to set an example.”

A freshman in university, two and a half months into entrepreneurship, organizing a campus beauty contest, promoting work-study.

These keywords seemed too sensational, leading to numerous envious comments.

This was a normal phenomenon.

After all, since when was there such an extraordinary freshman?

Everyone’s life seemed similar to Ren Ziqiang’s description – apart from attending classes, they played games or dated. Now, suddenly, a freshman had made headlines for his entrepreneurial success and collaboration with another university, intensifying the sense of disparity.

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