Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Sweeter Than Milk Tea

TL: Etude

“Setting up our own delivery system is too troublesome,” one of them lamented.

“It’s more cost-effective to start with a cash-on-delivery settlement model,” another suggested.

“The combo punch of the forum can only reach Linchuan. Beyond that, the costs soar. We need to break out of our circle in advance.”

“Small-scale operations are manageable, but scaling up brings a host of problems.”

On a sunny and warm afternoon, as the store quieted down, the manager of Xi Tian, Fang Xiaoxuan, gazed through the glass window, her face filled with longing as she watched the shop owner and the boss lady sitting under the sunshade outside the door.

The owner was busy sketching and writing on a piece of paper, muttering to himself.

The boss lady, donning oversized sunglasses that concealed her face, lounged leisurely in a chair, her legs, clad in stockings, swinging gently.

After a while, she extended her milk tea cup to the owner for a sip.

A bit later, she offered it again for another sip.

Sometimes the owner would refuse, complaining it was too sweet. But the boss lady would insist, nudging the cup closer until he relented and took a sip.

“Ah, it’s even sweeter than the milk tea I make,” he commented.

Fang Xiaoxuan thought that the owner usually exhibited a seriousness and maturity far beyond his peers, unlike other college students. Whether in his gaze or tone, he lacked the youthful vitality and aspiration, instead possessing a depth and sharpness of an adult.

But whenever the boss lady was around, he would return to his normal state.

Indeed, it seemed that in this world, the only entity capable of taming such a creature as the owner was the boss lady.

“Let’s go, little rich lady, I’ll take you for a stroll.”

After a while, Jiang Qin put down his pen, neatly folded the paper, and stuffed it into his pocket, deciding to inspect room 502.

Feng Nanshu stood up to put on her shoes, only to feel her foot gently grasped by a warm hand. Before she knew it, one shoe was already on.

“Helping others is the source of happiness,” Jiang Qin murmured, adopting an air of a righteous gentleman. He earnestly held her other foot, clad in a stocking, massaging it briefly before helping her with the shoe.

“Done, let’s go!”

Feng Nanshu looked down at her shoes in confusion. “Jiang Qin, my shoelaces aren’t tied yet.”

“I don’t really know how to do that,” Jiang Qin admitted, spreading his hands in surrender.


Fang Xiaoxuan, watching from behind, slapped the doorframe in amusement, thinking to herself that the owner just wanted to touch the boss lady’s stocking-clad feet. Having taken the advantage, he should at least tie her shoelaces!

Arriving at the 502 room of the comprehensive building from Xi Tian Milk Tea Shop, they were greeted with the incessant clatter of keyboards, indicating a fervent working atmosphere.

Dong Wenhao was conducting a meeting with several group leaders, preparing for the crucial conversion phase to prevent a rapid decrease in active users after the event.

Everyone was busy with their tasks, with vibrant energy thoroughly permeating the room.

However, when Feng Nanshu entered with Jiang Qin, many couldn’t help but pause their work.

Many newcomers in the large tech team, recruited from the school, didn’t recognize Feng Nanshu, and some didn’t even know Jiang Qin.

At that moment, one thought crossed their minds.

Fuck, such a beautiful girl.

And when the “little rich lady” glanced over with an indifferent look, the thought transformed to: Fuck, such a cold and aloof girl.

It was only when the old staff enthusiastically greeted the “boss lady” that everyone realized who she was. They quickly averted their gaze, straightened their backs, and returned to their fervent work.

“The boss lady has brought milk tea for everyone. Someone will deliver it shortly. Wenhao, make sure to distribute it.”

After Jiang Qin entered the room, he called out.

“Alright, boss,” Dong Wenhao responded, thinking to himself that despite the boss’s frequent visits, they had never seen as much as a straw from him, let alone milk tea. It’s really all thanks to the boss lady.

Not long after, two college students working part-time under Fang Xiaoxuan arrived, carrying a large batch of milk tea.

The newcomers, sipping their milk tea, learned from the old team members’ gossip that the incredibly popular Xi Tian milk tea shop downstairs was owned by the boss lady.

Truly, exceptional people attract each other.

One was engaged in forum promotion, the other in making milk tea – a perfect pair, like heroes in martial arts tales!


Feng Nanshu looked at the pile of milk tea somewhat bewilderedly. “I don’t recall offering them milk tea.”

“This is how you make your presence felt. Besides, I usually play the cool and aloof boss, a bit unapproachable. In the future, you’ll be responsible for generating goodwill. In their eyes, the boss lady and the boss are one and the same.”

Jiang Qin tried to explain, though he felt that the little rich lady probably didn’t understand.

As the promotion continued, the team would grow, especially in different campuses. Thus, a certain detachment would inevitably emerge.

Therefore, Jiang Qin had to maintain a somewhat cold and distant demeanor to have enough deterrent effect on the team.

But too much intimidation could dilute the sense of belonging, so occasional amiable gestures were necessary – a common tactic in business operations.

“Then I’ll have Xiaoxuan send over some ice cream too!”

The little rich lady didn’t quite understand, but her eyes lit up at the mention of ‘family.’ She took out her phone, ready to demonstrate the generosity of the boss lady.

“No, once is enough. Don’t imitate recklessly.”

Feng Nanshu looked at him somewhat puzzledly. “Should we do this daily?”

“Just this once. Doing it every day would be too presumptuous, wouldn’t it?”

After speaking, Jiang Qin approached Guo Zihang, who was intensely focused on his computer screen, typing away furiously. “Old Guo, how do you find the experience of working part-time on campus?”

“Stepfather, I feel like I’m doing well,” Guo Zihang replied enthusiastically.

“Really? Where do you think you’re excelling? Tell me about it.”

“I’m managing forum posts for you. I delete those that involve personal attacks and highlight the well-written ones. It feels like I have control over the campus discourse!”

Jiang Qin patted his shoulder. “This job is too important. Without you, this forum would surely collapse.”

Guo Zihang was taken aback. “Is it really that serious?”

“What’s important is confidence. Old Guo, you lack confidence. Don’t always go for the hard hits online. You need to bring that confidence into real life. When that senior handed you the milk tea, why didn’t you even say thank you?”

“I was hesitating whether to thank her or not, and then she left,” Guo Zihang regretted.

“Some things, if you hesitate, it’s too late. Here, practice now. Say thank you to the little rich lady who brought you the milk tea.”

Jiang Qin stepped back, revealing the cute girl behind him who had been following him with her gaze.

Guo Zihang felt that his stepfather was just teasing him today, but he had no proof. Yet, looking at the girl just a step away, he felt an unreal sensation.

He remembered how in high school, after lunch break, many boys would lean against the windows, watching a black car with wings slowly stop at the gate. Feng Nanshu would then enter the school under the brilliant sunlight, as cold and distant as the moon, walking straight through the campus without a sideways glance.

There would often be a breeze then, gently lifting her skirt.

That moment seemed to dazzle the years and tenderly touch the youth of many.

After Feng Nanshu crossed the campus and entered the teaching building, the bolder boys, pretending to go to the bathroom, would sneak extra glances, feeling immensely satisfied.

But Feng Nanshu never spared a glance for anyone, sitting quietly in her seat from the moment she entered the classroom until class started, and then following the black car as she left – mysterious and aloof.

That scene was a part of many people’s youth. Yet now, this pristine figure of youth, Feng Nanshu, obedient like a cat, her eyes constantly fixed on Jiang Qin, following him wherever he went.

Must be fiction… it felt too surreal.


Yes, perhaps what set him apart from his stepfather was just confidence.

“Thank you, student Feng.” (not disrespectfully lol)

“You’re welcome.”

Feng Nanshu replied with a distant coolness, instantly halving Guo Zihang’s newfound confidence.

No, maybe it wasn’t just confidence that he lacked compared to his stepfather.

Jiang Qin, witnessing Guo Zihang’s shrinking confidence, felt somewhat helpless. He thought that forging oneself required inner strength and hoped that one day Guo would find his. Then, he and the little rich lady left the comprehensive building and returned to their car.

His visit today didn’t have a specific purpose; it was simply to take Feng Nanshu out for a walk and to relax a bit. The effect seemed pretty good.

“Weren’t you happy when everyone said thank you? Why didn’t you react to Guo Zihang’s thanks?”

“He didn’t call me ‘boss lady,’” Feng Nanshu stated matter-of-factly.

Jiang Qin paused, “So, what you wanted to hear wasn’t ‘thank you,’ but ‘boss lady’?”



“I don’t know.”

Feng Nanshu’s voice was soft, her eyes sparkly.


In a flash, it was 8 o’clock in the evening. Cao Guangyu sent an address with two words: “Come quickly.”

Jiang Qin saw the words “Come quickly,” but his mind translated it into, “I can’t wait to show off!”

Ten minutes later, the black Audi arrived at Juxianlou.

Juxianlou was one of the more famous restaurants in Linchuan, with a pure Chinese-style decor. The entire place was adorned in an ancient charm. The entrance felt like stepping into a wealthy family’s courtyard, complete with an artificial stream and a realistic landscape tree. Behind it was a rockery constantly emitting mist, resembling the Peach Banquet of the Queen Mother of the West. [1]

Jiang Qin had checked earlier; with an average spend of three hundred per person, it was quite a lavish affair for those times.

After getting out of the car, Feng Nanshu hurried to the restroom, while Jiang Qin entered the private room first.

Pushing open the door, he found Cao Guangyu seated in the central seat, a woman’s purse on the empty chair beside him. Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao looked overwhelmed and dazed, as if they couldn’t quite grasp the situation.

“Old Jiang, you’re here? Come sit!”

Jiang Qin sat next to Ren Ziqiang. “Old Cao, where’s your partner?”

Cao Guangyu’s face was full of spring: “She’s gone to order dishes, she’ll be back soon, hehe.”

“Have you all met her already?” Jiang Qin looked towards Ren Ziqiang.

Ren Ziqiang nodded. “You’d never guess. Old Cao’s partner is the same one who threatened to beat him up online. Damn, they managed to spark a romance through insults. I’ve never seen anything so absurd in my life!”


[1] https://www.britannica.com/topic/Xiwangmu

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