Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: The Trick Has Been Copied

TL: Etude

“My car can only fit five people, so I suggest Ding Xue leave Old Cao behind.”

“I wholeheartedly agree!”

“I concur!”

After leaving the park, Jiang Qin’s remark garnered Zhou Chao’s enthusiastic agreement, while Ren Ziqiang nodded vigorously like a wolf dog, seemingly driven mad by dog food.

“You’re just sour grapes because you can’t have it!”

Cao Guangyu, with a lofty spirit, extended his left hand, hailed a taxi, and quickly pulled Ding Xue inside with him.

“Brothers are like clothes, and women like limbs, huh? Shameless, I despise people like that the most!”

Jiang Qin spat disdainfully, summoning his companions to the car and driving off into the night towards the school.

When the car arrived at the girls’ dormitory, the wealthy girl suddenly remembered to bring some snacks for Gao Wenhui, so she asked Jiang Qin to take her to the supermarket.

Jiang Qin, unaware that the snacks were for Gao Wenhui and not wanting Feng Nanshu to eat too many snacks, sternly refused.

“Snacking at night will make you gain weight. I’ll take you to buy some tomorrow.”

“Brother, buy it.”


“Sorry, I am impartial and fair.”

Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang nodded in agreement from the back, thinking to themselves that Jiang Qin was different from Old Cao, bright and upright, fearless in the face of power. Little did they expect Jiang Qin to suddenly turn around and, with impartial fairness, order them to get out and walk back to the dormitory.

“What’s the difference between these two dogs? Old Zhou, write down today’s details. When we find our own partners, we’ll do exactly the same.”

Zhou Chao looked at him in surprise: “Exactly the same?”

“Yes, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!” Ren Ziqiang said through gritted teeth.

“Do you have an Audi?”

Ren Ziqiang’s face stiffened: “I don’t have one…”

Zhou Chao coughed: “Forget the Audi, it’s unrealistic, but could you afford to spend two thousand at Juxianlou?”

“Damn it, stop talking!”

Ren Ziqiang covered Zhou Chao’s mouth with his hand, and the two scuffled all the way back to the dormitory, kicking and wrestling each other until they were exhausted. Zhou Chao was slightly better off, feeling well-digested, while Ren Ziqiang felt as if he hadn’t eaten anything, merely enduring the ordeal.

Meanwhile, Jiang Qin lifted the curtain and led Feng Nanshu into the brightly lit college supermarket.

After the campus beauty contest, the supermarket’s customer flow had halved, as more people gathered towards the front plaza.

Jiang Qin’s first impression upon entering was the decreased crowding.josei

The last time he brought the wealthy girl here, it was not like this. They bought a rainbow cotton candy, and when they left, they were almost squashed into sugar cakes.

However, as Feng Nanshu began her shopping spree, Jiang Qin’s attention was suddenly drawn to a milk tea cup at the store’s milk tea bar, inscribed with the words “Star of Learning.”


Jiang Qin picked up a cup, examining it closely.

The design was simple and clean, with only a few decorative elements, appearing quite sophisticated.

But what attracted him wasn’t the sophisticated design, nor the words “Star of Learning,” but the fact that the milk tea cup, in size and style, was exactly like the ones used by Xi Tian during promotions. The only difference was that Xi Tian’s cups bore the names of campus beauties, while the college supermarket’s cups bore titles.

Besides “Star of Learning,” there were titles like “Outstanding Student” and “Learning Model.”

“There’s something interesting here…”

Jiang Qin put the milk tea cup back, pondered thoughtfully for a while, and then led Feng Nanshu to pay for their purchases.

Back in the dormitory, Jiang Qin found room 302 unusually quiet, but everyone’s silence was different.

Cao Guangyu was lying on the bed texting with Ding Xue, his face full of joy.

Zhou Chao, shirtless, leaned against the wall, engrossed in a thick pirated web novel.

Ren Ziqiang sat on his bed, leaning against the corner, one leg stretched out, the other bent, his left hand resting on the bent knee, his eyes deep and introspective.

His expression resembled a scene from “God of Cookery” where Stephen Chow realizes the poignant beauty of his culinary art, looking quite intimidating.

“I’ve decided, I’m giving up on Pan Xiu!”

After a while, Ren Ziqiang suddenly shouted, feeling a bit tearful after the declaration.

Since becoming sworn siblings with Pan Xiu, he had always felt happy, as she would call him brother and sometimes there was slight physical contact.

But after seeing the relationships of Jiang Qin with Feng Nanshu, and Cao Guangyu with Ding Xue, he realized that love isn’t about taking advantage in status and titles, but about having a place in the other’s heart.

“I’m serious this time, and I’m going to tell Pan Xiu now, we should stop contacting each other,” Ren Ziqiang said decisively.

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but cough: “Ren, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s up to you to listen.”

Ren Ziqiang momentarily put down his phone: “What is it?”

“True departure is never announced with great fanfare, but happens quietly.”

“Jiang, are you saying that I should decide to leave on my own, without telling her?”

Jiang Qin gave a thumbs up: “With such great understanding, are you still afraid of ending up like me, unable to find someone?”

Ren Ziqiang’s mouth twitched: “Are you even speaking human language? You were practically showing off on my face tonight!”

“What’s important is, if you can avoid contacting Pan Xiu for three days, Old Cao might get his girlfriend to introduce someone to you.”

Cao Guangyu suddenly sat up: “Actually, there are several single girls in Ding Xue’s dorm.”

Ren Ziqiang’s eyes lit up: “Really? Then it’s settled.”

“If you can do it, nothing is impossible.”

“Great, I’ll take a cold shower to celebrate the new me!”

Jiang Qin watched Ren Ziqiang with amusement. He didn’t care if Ren could actually hold back; it was just a casual suggestion. He had plenty of things to deal with himself. As for his roommates’ love lives, he left them to their own devices. Those who should wake up will do so in time, and those who don’t want to can’t be roused by calling.

He jumped into bed, set an alarm, sneakily placed it under Zhou Chao’s pillow, and covered himself with the blanket to sleep.

The next day, it wasn’t Jiang Qin’s alarm that woke Zhou Chao, but an unexpected phone call.

Jiang Qin was sleeping soundly when he patted Zhou Chao: “Old Zhou, your phone is ringing, it’s annoying!”

“Damn, that’s clearly your phone!”


Jiang Qin then opened his eyes, apologized, and pressed the answer button.

“Boss, you need to come to the college supermarket, someone is copying our competition and even replicated our combo!”


Half an hour later, Jiang Qin arrived at College Road. Part of the staff of Room 208 were gathered at the roadside, including Su Nai, Wei Lanlan, Tan Qing, Wen Jinrui, and Lu Xuemei… A group of about a dozen people all looking seriously across the street, whispering among themselves.

Jiang Qin walked forward, following their gaze.

The two trees that previously hung the campus beauty contest banner were now tied with wires, displaying a new banner for the “Star of Learning” competition.

Additionally, a huge PVC board stood at the entrance of the college supermarket, displaying the “Star of Learning” rankings. The event was organized by Linchuan Campus Forum, with the college supermarket as the main sponsor.

Lastly, he noticed the sponsorship of Tongxing Driving School, offering half-price driving lessons for the top twenty contestants.

Moreover, the banner declared it as the first independently established award at Linchuan University, sounding quite impressive.

Damn, this imitation feels so strong, doesn’t it?

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but recall the milk tea cup he saw last night at the college supermarket. He had his suspicions then, but never imagined that by the time he woke up, it would become reality.

“Boss, look, isn’t this exactly like our campus beauty contest? It’s a blatant rip-off!”

Upon seeing Jiang Qin, Su Nai immediately felt reassured and started complaining vociferously.

“Boss, the ranking board was designed by my master. Except for their own logo, they’ve copied everything else exactly as it is.”

Lu Xuemei also looked furious, her eyes as if ready to bite.

“Don’t worry, let’s go across the street and see for ourselves.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand, leading his team to the entrance of the college supermarket, carefully examining the competition rules written under the leaderboard.

As expected, the rules of the “Star of Learning” event were exactly the same as the campus beauty contest. It was also a voting election, with the winners becoming the permanent design on the college supermarket’s milk tea cups.

Moreover, the college supermarket, following Xi Tian’s model, launched limited edition milk tea cups for the “Star of Learning,” “Outstanding Students,” and “Learning Models.”

“This is really bizarre, even a mirror couldn’t be this clear.”

As Jiang Qin was muttering to himself, two people came out of the college supermarket.

One was Niu Shangtian, the manager of Tongxing Driving School, who had approached Jiang Qin to organize a campus hunk contest but was rejected and then sponsored the “Star of Learning” contest.

The other was a woman in her thirties, dressed in a blue suit and high heels that clicked loudly.

The two were laughing and talking as they came out of the supermarket, stopping in surprise upon seeing Jiang Qin and the 208 team.

“Mr. Jiang, long time no see!”

Niu Shangtian was the first to recover, greeting Jiang Qin without a change in expression.

“Indeed, long time no see, Mr. Niu. I thought you had ascended to heaven.”

Jiang Qin grinned brightly, as if seeing a relative.

“Ha ha ha, Mr. Jiang, you’re always so humorous. Let me introduce you, this is Jiang Zhihua, the owner of the college supermarket, Ms. Jiang.”

Jiang Zhihua sized up Jiang Qin with a disrespectful gaze: “So you’re Jiang Qin, quite impressive. In just one month, you revitalized the front plaza, almost driving my business to closure.”

Jiang Qin modestly replied: “Ms. Jiang, you’re too kind. I’m also not sure why I’m so outstanding.”


At the mention of ‘Auntie’, Jiang Zhihua’s face instantly changed.

Which woman could accept such a title?

She was about to retort when Niu Shangtian intervened: “He’s only eighteen, calling you ‘auntie’ isn’t really inappropriate.”

Jiang Zhihua then realized that the newspapers had mentioned this youngster was a freshman.

Revitalizing a campus commercial area in a month at the age of eighteen? Too abstract, right?

Despite her disbelief, Jiang Zhihua, who had been in business for many years, quickly regained her composure, showing a smile: “Jiang Qin, aren’t you the best at organizing events? Come, see how well we’ve done with this one?”

“Pretty good.”

“I think so too. Here in college, studying is the most important thing, far more valuable than any campus beauty or hunk title.”

Jiang Zhihua’s words essentially meant, “Look, if you can do it, so can I, even better than yours, and you can’t do anything about it. I love the look of you being annoyed but helpless.”

Then the two walked away, still talking and laughing, Jiang Zhihua’s laughter seemingly directed at them.

Jiang Qin fell silent, not speaking for three minutes.

Seeing this, Su Nai and others held their breath, thinking that the boss would surely explode, wondering whether they should stop him or help if he stormed into the college supermarket.

To their surprise, Jiang Qin’s next words made their jaws drop.

“That’s it?”

“Damn, I thought they would pour boiling water on my money tree, scared me to death!”

Jiang Qin took out his phone and opened the school’s official forum: “The ‘Star of Learning’ sounds impressive, I’m going to participate, I want to win a ‘Star of Learning’ too!”

AN: They say I don’t update often, but I’ve always been updating, usually two thousand words (chinese) per chapter, lately it’s been three to three and a half thousand. I’m truly modest in my talents, so bring on the monthly votes!

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