Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: The Polite Robbery

TL: Etude

Footsteps echoed through the empty corridor.

Vice Principal Zhang Baiqing, in charge of school affairs, and Director Gu Chunlei of the Publicity Department, arrived at the Entrepreneurship Center. Accompanied by a group of teachers, they walked around, stopping occasionally to briefly inspect various entrepreneurial projects.

“Principal Zhang, Director Gu, this is a photography studio started by students from the Media Department.”

“This is a tutoring class initiated by the Foreign Languages Department.”


Cao Xinyue, acting as the receptionist, followed closely behind the leadership team, providing a brief introduction to each entrepreneurial project.

Vice Principal Zhang Baiqing listened and nodded along, but it was clear that he wasn’t very interested.

To be honest, such entrepreneurial projects were commonplace in many schools and could hardly be considered real entrepreneurship, merely minor ventures.

“Let’s go see Jiang Qin’s forum project first,” he suggested.

“Jiang Qin’s project is in Room 208.”

“Then let’s head straight to Room 208 and skip the rest.”

Since the Vice Principal had spoken, Cao Xinyue didn’t insist on introducing every project. Truth be told, some of these projects had been established before her time at the general office, and were rarely active except during official inspections.

Her introductions were based on what she had memorized from files; otherwise, she wouldn’t even know what each classroom was used for.

Thus, the group hurried to the second floor, heading towards Room 208.

The atmosphere in Room 208 was notably gloomy, starkly different from the bright and active classrooms they had seen earlier, creating a somewhat oppressive feeling.

The technical team, consisting of five people, took turns using a single computer. Su Nai was the operator, while the other programmers gathered around, occasionally offering suggestions.

Dong Wenhao’s content team also shared a single computer. Lu Feiyu was responsible for typing, while the others buzzed with ideas.

“Principal Zhang, Director Gu, this is Room 208…”

Cao Xinyue reached the doorway of Room 208 first, and upon glancing inside, she paused in surprise.

What’s going on here?

Why is it so dim, almost like the lights are off? She recalled Room 208 being different.

“How come the conditions in Room 208 are so poor?” Zhang Baiqing frowned as he stood at the door.

“That’s not right. I remember the photos published in the Qinchuan Youth Newspaper. Room 208 looked quite lavish, with desks full of laptops, even better than our school offices.”

Gu Chunlei also looked puzzled, feeling like she was experiencing the disparity often found between product photos and the actual item, like when shopping for snacks at a supermarket.

Cao Xinyue, familiar with Jiang Qin’s antics, knew he must be up to something again.

He had previously come up with a clever ploy to acquire Room 207, even pretending to find the key by accident. It was clear that he must have set another trap this time.

“Jiang Qin, Principal Zhang and Director Gu are here.”

Cao Xinyue called out from the doorway. As her voice fell, Jiang Qin slowly raised his head from behind the desk, straightened his clothes, and stepped forward to greet them.

He had heard the commotion earlier but had waited to make an appearance, not wanting to disrupt the leaders’ initial impression of Room 208’s humble setting.

“Good day, Principal, Director, and distinguished leaders! Welcome to your inspection visit!”

Principal Zhang Baiqing greeted him with a kind smile: “Your website is doing well, and the work-study program is progressing nicely. I’ve heard about it for a while but only found the time to visit today.”

Jiang Qin nodded in understanding: “It’s an honor for everyone in Room 208 that the Principal and Director, despite your busy schedules, could spare time to visit us.”

“What’s with the lighting here?”

“Oh, it broke a few days ago. We’ve been too busy to contact the maintenance staff, and it doesn’t really affect our work, so we just left it as is.”

Curious, Gu Chunlei walked in for a closer look, growing more baffled: “Jiang Qin, the Qinchuan Youth Newspaper published photos of your office, and it definitely didn’t look like this. Where are the computers? I remember there was even an impressive executive chair.”

Jiang Qin coughed slightly: “When I knew the reporters from Qinchuan Youth Newspaper were coming, I specifically borrowed some computers and chairs to avoid embarrassing our school. After the photos were taken, I returned them all.”

“Only three computers for over a dozen people. Doesn’t that affect efficiency?”

“It’s manageable during downtime, but when it gets busy, we have to work in shifts.”

Vice Principal Zhang Baiqing couldn’t help but comment, “Since you’re short on equipment, haven’t you applied for more from Professor Yan?”

Jiang Qin sighed with a troubled expression: “I did apply, and it was quickly approved. Both Professor Yan and Senior Sister Cao are very supportive of Room 208, but the application requires multiple approvals, and the implementation is admittedly slow…”

“How long ago did you submit the application?”

“Half a month now. Up to this moment, we haven’t seen even a mouse pad, let alone a computer. We’ve been relying on these three computers to develop our business with the Science and Technology University. Just the other day, Su Nai’s keyboard nearly caught fire from overuse, and there’s something wrong with the sound system. When someone is in the office alone, strange noises often emanate.”

Su Nai, who was coding, stiffened, her eyes widening with a flash of cold intent.

The boss is implying something, isn’t he?

What exactly are these strange sounds he’s talking about?

“The spirit of simplicity and hardship is commendable, but there’s a limit. Write a new application detailing exactly what you need, and I’ll see to it personally,” Zhang Baiqing said.

As a leader in the school affairs office, Zhang had the actual power to expedite support requests, unlike Professor Yan.

“Then, please take a seat, Leader. I’ll write it now. Lanlan, go to the main office on the first floor and bring some water for Principal Zhang and Director Gu.”

Wei Lanlan felt a bit suffocated, thinking, ‘The boss really leaves no stone unturned, even hiding the water dispenser!’

“Okay, I’ll go fetch water from the first floor right away. Principal, Director, please wait a moment.”

After listening, Gu Chunlei turned to Jiang Qin: “Do you usually go to the first floor for water?”

“No, I ask them to bring a cup from their dorm every day. Once it’s finished, they don’t drink any more. It saves water and reduces bathroom trips.”


Jiang Qin rambled on, his mind entirely focused on the application form.

Computers, printers, air conditioners, TVs, power strips, electric kettles, water dispensers, heaters, brooms, mops…

He thought, ‘Might as well request everything in one go. The regular approval process is excruciatingly slow.’

Zhang Baiqing’s smile gradually stiffened, then faded away, thinking, ‘Clever boy, trying to make a fortune here?’

“Write just half for now. Asking for too much might not be good.” Jiang Qin handed over the application form.

Zhang Baiqing glanced at it: “You need quite a lot, and this is only half?”

Jiang Qin sighed: “It’s not that I’m asking for too much, Principal, but that I lack too much.”

“Alright, I’ll see to it once I’m back. But get the light fixed soon.”

“Of course, Principal.”

“This project is tied to work-study. Do it well and report any issues to the school immediately.”

After leaving these instructions, Zhang Baiqing left Room 208, glancing at the application form again, thinking, ‘Is this even a request? It’s more like a very polite robbery.’

‘I should visit Room 208 less often in the future; it’s full of pitfalls.’

Cao Xinyue leaned against the doorframe of Room 208: “Junior, quite the feather plucker, aren’t you?”josei

Jiang Qin’s eyes deepened: “Starting a business is indeed tough. I don’t like doing this, but there’s no other choice. Who doesn’t want to be a vibrant, refreshing male god? Who doesn’t want to buy whatever they lack with a grand gesture? Becoming greasy and cunning is a last resort. We have to survive, after all.”


“Senior Sister, do you look down on someone like me? I must lack the honesty and kindness of a college student. Nobody likes someone who reeks of money-grubbing, not even myself…”

“Junior, I’m not mocking you, but your situation is making even me feel distressed.”

Cao Xinyue felt a wave of sympathy, her gaze filled with genuine concern.

She wasn’t mocking him; it was just a vent. She had witnessed Jiang Qin running around tirelessly, lacking even the time to return to his dormitory and resorting to staying in Room 207. She had a fair understanding of how exhausting his efforts were.

Moreover, she understood that business was like that: every penny had to be spent wisely, saving wherever possible.

“Here’s what we’ll do: if you need help around here, just call me. If I’m not available, you can ask Hong Yan or Tang Lin. We’ll help whenever we can.”

After a moment of silence, Jiang Qin spoke: “Actually, there is something I need your help with right now.”


“I need a PowerPoint presentation for a project pitch. Could you help me with that?”

Realization dawned on Cao Xinyue: “You were pretending to be pitiful, not just waiting for the Principal but also waiting for me!”

“No, absolutely not. I believe professional matters should be handled by professionals. You’ve dealt with so many entrepreneurial projects and surely know what the leaders like. I’m about to visit Li Gong University and Teacher’s University, and this presentation is crucial.”

“Will you pay?”

“Yes, I will. As long as it’s well done, you’ll be fairly compensated.”

Cao Xinyue pursed her lips, thinking that at least Jiang Qin had some conscience left, not planning to exploit her labor for free: “The main office isn’t too busy lately. I’ll go back and arrange for someone to help you with the PowerPoint.”

Jiang Qin clasped his hands in gratitude: “Thank you so much, Senior Sister.”

“After the presentation is done, you have to treat me to a meal!”


Jiang Qin watched Cao Xinyue leave and then turned back to Room 208, instructing Dong Wenhao to move things around and Lu Feiyu to fix the light bulb. Having been in the dim room for so long, his eyes were nearly strained.

“Lucky that your boss lady didn’t come by today,” Jiang Qin remarked.

Su Nai, looking puzzled, lifted his head: “Why?”

“If Principal Zhang had seen her buying such expensive imported fruits, our ruse today wouldn’t have worked.”

“That’s true…”

At that moment, Dong Wenhao entered, carrying Jiang Qin’s executive chair: “Boss, shall we play cards?”

Rolling up his sleeves, Jiang Qin replied: “Today, with the school’s strong support, I’m in a good mood. Let’s play cards.”

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