Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: My Business Has Nothing to Do With You

TL: Etude

In his past life, Jiang Qin was a student at Linchuan University, majoring in International Trade. Therefore, in this life, he still chose to go to Linchuan, as he was already very familiar with the city.

Starting a business in a familiar city would be easier and more efficient.

Hearing Jiang Qin’s answer, Feng Nanru rubbed her face, then stared blankly at the snack bag she had just been showing off, lost in thought.

At that moment, the Nokia phone on the table flickered. Jiang Qin unlocked it to find a QQ message from Wang Huiru.

“Jiang Qin, Chu Siqi scored 632, what about you?”

“Did she send you to ask me?”

“Alright, you guessed right, she did ask me to.”

“My business is none of her concern. Just tell her that,” Jiang Qin typed out on the physical keyboard and hit send.

Wang Huiru was stunned: “Jiang Qin, you and Chu Siqi don’t have any deep grudges, right? It’s normal for classmates to ask about each other’s scores. Don’t always be like this.”

“What am I like?”


Jiang Qin’s typing grew more fluent: “If being petty is what it takes, then so be it. Let her think what she wants.”

Wang Huiru sent an ellipsis: “Jiang Qin, Chu Siqi did nothing wrong. She has the right to reject you, but even if you can’t be lovers, you can still be friends.”

“Is it my fault? Choosing not to cling is also my right, okay? I don’t want to be her friend.”

“Why not?”

Jiang Qin switched to one-handed typing: “She thinks the whole world should love her, that everyone should cater to her whims. Whatever she says goes, and if she says go east, you better not go west. I can’t stand such a friend; it’s really annoying.”

Wang Huiru was silent for a while: “I know Siqi is a bit proud, but isn’t that part of her charm?”

“Being a bit proud is fine, but she crosses the line. Like that day on Central Street, she ordered me not to leave in front of so many people. Why? We’re not even friends, and she thinks she can just dictate my actions like the world revolves around her?”

“Just talk to her properly, ask her to change.”

Jiang Qin frowned: “Why should I waste my time on her? If one friend doesn’t work out, I’ll find another. What’s wrong with that?”

Wang Huiru’s reply was noticeably slower: “Nothing’s wrong, but are you sure you’re not saying this out of spite because she rejected you?”

“I’ve made myself very clear. Why do you all still think this way? I bet Chu Siqi thinks the same, right? Don’t you think I’m acting this way because I can’t handle rejection and I’m trying to save face?”

“No, no, that’s not what I think. Don’t misunderstand, Jiang Qin!”

Jiang Qin continued typing: “Wang, I don’t even want to say a word to her. I’m explaining this much only because of you. Do you understand?”

Seeing this response, Wang Huiru’s heart softened: “Then I’ll talk to her, tell her not to bother you for a while.”

“Not just for a while, but forever.”

“Jiang Qin, saying that is too hurtful. She left you a way out when she rejected you, even encouraged you. Can’t you be a little less cold towards her?”

“I can’t believe this. When she said to keep going because there might be hope, you call that encouragement? She doesn’t have feelings for me. She’s just lonely and thinks I can keep her company. The moment she finds someone she truly likes, she won’t even remember who I am.”


“Wang, sometimes it’s better to speak harshly, to make a clean break. It prevents both parties from harboring too many illusions.”

Upon reading this reply, Wang Huiru fell silent, suddenly recalling the conversation she had with Chu Siqi on Central Street.

“Siqi, what if you meet someone you truly like in the future?”

“Then I’d definitely choose the one I like. I can’t pick Jiang Qin just because he’s persistent, can I?”

Knowing that Jiang Qin’s words were not without truth, she had no ground to argue, even feeling somewhat on Jiang Qin’s side.

“Alright, Jiang Qin, I know what to do.”

“Wang, it’s been nice chatting with you, but please don’t contact me about her matters again. I don’t want my day to be ruined, okay?”


“It’s fine, as long as things are clear.”

After ending the chat, Wang Huiru sighed, her gaze drifting into a daze.

Indeed, Jiang Qin truly had no lingering feelings for her best friend, turning into disgust and rejection instead.

But what about Feng Nanru?

Was she really dating Jiang Qin?

She was the daughter of a wealthy family, often picked up in a Bentley, and the dream of countless boys at Chengnan High School. Boys secretly in love with her would form a line from Chengnan High School to the city center. Yet, Jiang Qin could pinch her face, and she was utterly adorable and capricious. Who would believe such a thing?

Even Wang Huiru wanted to ask: Why?

Jiang Qin looked good, was tall, and performed well academically, but she still couldn’t believe he could win Feng Nanru’s heart.

Feng Nanru was famously aloof at school, hardly speaking to anyone, exuding an unapproachable air of nobility.

Some boys felt inferior just getting close to her, wondering how they dared to harbor such hopes, not realizing their own worth.

So this was all just illogical!josei

Wang Huiru felt she was increasingly unable to see through Jiang Qin. And then she couldn’t help but think of her best friend again.

Siqi was still haughty and temperamental, waiting for Jiang Qin to regret and apologize, completely unaware of all that had transpired in just half a month.

Wang Huiru picked up her phone again, found Chu Siqi’s QQ, and sent her a message.

“I just asked Jiang Qin. He said his affairs have nothing to do with you and asked you not to contact him anymore.”

“That asshole, how can he speak like that? Didn’t you scold him for me?”

“Siqi, let it go. You’ve already rejected him. Just forget about him.”

In a bedroom of a unit in Fenglinlu Community, Chu Siqi, dressed in pajamas, was infuriated. She threw her college application guidebook against the wall, tears welling up in her eyes.

That Jiang Qin, he must hate her for rejecting him, so he’s deliberately trying to upset her!

Yes, he succeeded. She was indeed upset.

But wasn’t he uncomfortable holding back for so long? It was just prideful suffering.

In fact, Chu Siqi had her reasons for asking Wang Huiru to inquire about Jiang Qin’s scores. She wanted to give Jiang Qin an out, hinting him to stop being resentful.

Lately, she was becoming increasingly irritable, constantly checking her phone, fantasizing about a message from Jiang Qin admitting his mistake.

This was almost becoming her obsession.

She never cared so much about Jiang Qin before, but now he filled her thoughts. Chu Siqi didn’t like this version of herself, nor the feeling of losing control.

But she hadn’t expected Jiang Qin to be so heartless. He really didn’t know what’s good for him!

Fine, no contact then. From now on, whoever contacts the other is a fool!

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