Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Mockery Effect Maximized

TL: Etude

Cao Guangyu’s body was trembling, his facial muscles involuntarily lifting upwards, but his pride kept him from revealing the genuine smile that came from his heart.

This sensation was agonizing.

It was like those reversal of energies in martial arts novels, a force decaying and withering, constantly coursing through his “meridians”, forcefully suppressed, the outcome was predictable.

His body shivered from the urge to laugh, but out of politeness, he had to pretend as if he understood nothing.

When he could no longer bear it, Old Cao propped his hands on the table, wrapping his legs around the table legs.

Then, the dining table began to tremble, causing all the dishes and bowls on it to clatter loudly.

Feng Nanshu really wanted to eat some old vinegar peanuts, but Cao’s shaking made it impossible to pick them up. She could only puff her cheeks and hum while looking at Jiang Qin.

“He wants to laugh!”

“This bastard, he wants to laugh!”

Qu Yating held her breath, even though her face was covered with foundation, it couldn’t hide the increasingly darkening of her complexion.

Liu Tiange felt like he had swallowed a fly, the broken Volkswagen key in his pocket heating up intensely.

The owner of “Shiwei Tian”, completely unaware, had inadvertently made Jiang Qin look good.

And Jiang Qin, seizing the opportunity provided by the owner, quietly uttered “broken Volkswagen”.

Everyone knew whom those three words mocked, but since it wasn’t explicitly stated, they could all pretend to be unaware.

However, if Cao Guangyu actually burst out laughing at the table, then the mockery would be an outright face-slapping, and even the most tolerant person would probably lose face to continue staying.

“Old Cao, if you need to use the restroom, just go. The table is shaking so much, I can’t even pick up my food!”

Jiang Qin cleverly offered a way out, pointing towards the door, suggesting he go and sort himself out.

“Jiang… Brother… is right.”

Cao Guangyu pursed his lips, puffing up his bursting chest, and walked out the door.


Seeing this, Liu Tiange and Qu Yating both let out a sigh of relief, picking up their chopsticks to eat, but the next second, a burst of earth-shattering laughter erupted from outside the door.

This laughter was akin to the voice acting for Stephen Chow by a grouper, but louder and shriller!

After a minute, the person laughing started to cough, followed by a wheezing sound as he gasped for breath.

“Shiwei Tian”, being the most popular stir-fry stall near the university, was almost always full. Otherwise, the owner wouldn’t be spending his days in the restaurant fantasizing about luxury cars.

Thus, the environment was usually noisy.

But the moment the laughter ceased, the entire second floor fell silent.

After a while, Cao Guangyu came back in, supporting his waist, his face red and swollen.

“There’s a kid across having a birthday, saying he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. His grandparents are so happy, they couldn’t stop laughing.”


“Come on, don’t just stand there, let’s eat.”

Cao Guangyu picked up his chopsticks, warmly inviting everyone to eat: “Has ‘Shiwei Tian’ changed chefs? The taste today is exceptionally delicate.”

Jiang Qin turned to look at Old Cao, thinking to himself that this guy was a real treasure. He had staged the show, but the effect was magnified in his hands, truly impressive.

“Old Cao, be more low-key next time. After you’ve shown off, run away quickly, so you don’t get your legs broken.”

Cao Guangyu wiped his mouth, his eyes gleaming as he leaned in: “Old Jiang, I’d die laughing before anyone could kill me. Did you pay the owner of ‘Shiwei Tian’? Damn, it’s like divine intervention!”

“It was just a coincidence, who knew adults could be so vengeful? It even scared me.”

“I really admire your nonchalant attitude!”

The meal that followed was a mix of joy and sorrow for different people.

Take Qu Yating, for example, who didn’t utter another word from beginning to end. Liu Tiange, sitting next to her, didn’t even pick up his chopsticks again.

On the other hand, Cui Min was like nothing had happened, chatting with Ding Xue and Cao Guangyu.

Her contribution to the earlier fiery conversation was undeniable, fueling the final intensity of the mockery.

Especially the phrase “rich second generation,” which blatantly brought the underlying competition to the forefront.

Yet, at this moment, it was this instigator who seemed the most detached, displaying a superficial sisterhood to the fullest.

Half an hour later, the meal was hastily finished. It cost nearly 180 yuan due to the large group and the extravagant ordering by Cui Min and Qu Yating, amounting to about two weeks’ living expenses for an average student. However, Old Cao felt it was well worth it and would come again.

“Keep the change.”


The owner of “Shiwei Tian,” holding the two hundred yuan, felt perplexed and slightly taken advantage of, yet without evidence.

Under the night sky, a deep chill lingered.

After leaving the restaurant, everyone felt the bone-chilling cold and hurriedly got into their cars.

Ding Xue and Cao Guangyu naturally climbed into Jiang Qin’s Audi, with a perplexed little rich lady in the passenger seat.josei

Cui Min initially wanted to join them but had to settle for Liu Tiange’s Volkswagen Bora after finding Cao Guangyu had closed the door on her.

Logically, after such a meal, it was time to go their separate ways.

But perhaps due to Liu Tiange’s pent-up anger, unable to vent, he kept blocking Jiang Qin’s car on the way out.

Jiang Qin turned right, and Liu Tiange preemptively occupied the right lane ahead.

Jiang Qin, unfazed, signaled to turn left, only to find the Bora sneaking into the left lane at the right moment.

Finally, both cars reached a junction and stopped side by side at a red light, the Bora and the Audi transitioning from a chase to a parallel position.

“Can’t match your car, but how about we see whose driving skills are better?”

The window of the Bora rolled down, revealing Liu Tiange’s sullen face.

“Forget it. Our cars aren’t even in the same league, how can we compare?”

Jiang Qin chuckled, his disdain evident.

“If you had a sports car, I really wouldn’t dare to compete, but Audi and Volkswagen aren’t that different, right? If you’re a man, let’s see the truth in speed. Playing coy is what women do.”

“No contest. If I win, you’d just say your car is better than mine. If I lose, it’s shame. Boring.”

Liu Tiange, desperate to regain some dignity, insisted, “Then you tell me how to compare, I’ll abide by it, fair and square.”

Jiang Qin thought for a moment, “Alright, for fairness, when the green light comes on, I’ll give you a three-second head start.”

“Fine, one round to determine the winner. If you lose, you have to call me big brother!”

“Who calls whom is still uncertain.”

Jiang Qin, expressionless, shifted into neutral. His feet revved the engine, roaring fiercely as if a wild beast about to pounce.

Hearing this sound, the tense atmosphere immediately intensified.

Liu Tiange gripped the steering wheel tightly, his palm pressing against the gear stick, eyes fixed on the traffic light ahead, ready to burst forth.

Cao Guangyu, too, became nervous. He fastened Ding Xue’s seatbelt and then his own, his back firmly against the seat, feeling as if a scene from “Initial D” was about to unfold.

In terms of car performance, the four-wheel drive A6 was definitely more powerful than the Volkswagen Bora, but it wasn’t a total domination. After all, the acceleration of Volkswagen was indeed not slow.

Moreover, giving a three-second head start greatly influenced the outcome of the race. Liu Tiange was confident of a sure win.

The next second, as the red light turned green, the Volkswagen Bora sped off with a whoosh, while the Audi remained stationary, its trembling body now still.

“Old Jiang, chase him!”

“Have you ever learned to drive? The speed limit is thirty near the school gate. I am a law-abiding citizen!”

Jiang Qin shifted gears and started moving slowly: “Thinking you’re Takumi Fujiwara after reading a couple of comics? Are traffic rules just for show? Too immature, idiot.”


Under the night sky, the black Audi drove slowly, even yielding to a student before turning left at the crossroads and entering Linchuan University.

Cao Guangyu’s eyes nearly popped out, thinking to himself that Jiang Qin was the sneakier one, not even intending to race.

Ding Xue, however, was a bit worried: “Won’t they have problems driving so fast?”

“No, there are numerous traffic lights on this road, and Liu Tiange isn’t foolish. He’ll slow down if things look bad. Plus, there are traffic police on Textile Factory Road. At most, they’ll face fines and points deduction.”

Cao Guangyu smacked his lips: “Doesn’t that mean we lost?”

Jiang Qin laughed: “So what if we lost? What’s wrong with calling someone ‘big brother’? I’m a businessman, not Kong Yiji.”


“Old Cao, remember, face is the cheapest thing in this world.”

Ding Xue fell silent for a while, then pinched Cao Guangyu: “You should learn from Jiang Qin, be more humble and low-key.”

Cao Guangyu chuckled sheepishly: “I know. I learned my show-off tricks from him.”

“People don’t go around claiming they’re rich second-generation every day. You better tone it down too!”

“But… but I really am a rich second-generation.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ding Xue’s phone rang. It was Qu Yating calling, but Liu Tiange’s voice came through, sounding very smug.

He said, “Jiang Qin, you lost.”

Jiang Qin replied, “Big brother, you’re really something. Next time we meet, I’ll light your cigarette.”

There was a long silence on the other end, and then the call ended without another word.

The women’s dormitory of the Medical Department was closer to the main gate, so Jiang Qin first dropped off Ding Xue. Old Cao, not yet weary of their company, also got out of the car.

Then, Jiang Qin leisurely drove to the women’s dormitory of the Finance Department. The little rich lady didn’t want to leave and lingered in the car for a long time before finally getting out.


Jiang Qin was planning to return to Room 208 but realized he had forgotten to take Feng Nanshu’s handbag with him.

They had gone directly to “Shiwei Tian” from the bathhouse without returning to the dormitory, so everything was left in the car.

Jiang Qin paused for a moment, opened the bag to take a look. Inside, there were a top and bottom set just changed out of, white with cute butterfly knots, and the bottom piece even had a little roaring tiger printed on it.

Sometimes, thoughts aren’t governed by conscious mind.

Like at this moment, the image of these clothes worn popped up in his mind.


“Really cute.”

AN: Requesting monthly votes!!

TL: Kong Yiji is a figure in Chinese literature.

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