Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Contracting Your Bubble Tea

TL: Etude

Jiang Qin’s visit to the Wanzhong Mall was definitely not for an electric cooker; this was merely a coincidence. He needed an electric cooker, happened to see one, and Yue Zhu was willing to gift him one. Both parties agreed instantly, much to their delight.

However, his real purpose for this trip was to obtain the current quarter’s sales data from Wanzhong Mall.

“What do you need this for?”

“To promote products.”


Sitting in Yue Zhu’s office, Jiang Qin took a sip of tea and explained: “Wanzhong sells a wide variety of items, and just choosing can be overwhelming for customers.”

Yue Zhu smiled slightly after hearing this: “That’s the nature of a mall, and it’s why we focus more on offline traffic. Many people don’t know what they want to buy before they enter the mall, but they often figure it out while browsing. So, my job as the marketing manager is essentially to attract more people into the mall.”

“That’s true, but such complexity and variety aren’t conducive to online sales.”

“Are you referring to that new website you developed?”

Jiang Qin nodded frankly: “Our supermarket and commercial street channels already meet about eighty percent of college students’ needs, so the mall section of our site gets very low traffic.”

Yue Zhu understood the phenomenon: “Shopping online will definitely not offer the same experience as walking through a mall. It’s normal for the traffic to be low.”

“That’s why I want to select a range of popular products from Wanzhong that are suitable for college students—high quality, stylish, and not available in retail supermarkets or on pedestrian streets. I plan to use these as a foundation to create a recommended products section on our forum. In essence, if they don’t want to browse, I’ll help them choose.”

“I can hardly picture it.”

Jiang Qin phrased it differently: “Put simply, I want online shopping to be not just a necessity, but also a form of entertainment. When they get their living expenses and want to spend but don’t know what to buy, they can check out the recommended products section. Maybe they’ll impulsively buy a thing or two, or even six. It’s like browsing in a mall—aimless but still spending.”

Yue Zhu thought for a moment: “You think people will buy just because you recommend something? That’s unlikely, isn’t it?”

“For example, if someone says this lipstick is very flattering and is the trendy color of the year, a must-have for any sophisticated woman, and they list its pros and cons, share detailed usage experiences, call you a dear sister, and urge you to buy it—especially when there’s a discount coupon and free home delivery—what would you do?”

“I… would probably buy it.”

Yue Zhu pondered. If a sister really spoke to her like that, and there was a discount and home delivery, she might buy the lipstick even if she initially had no intention of doing so.

She couldn’t help it; she was called a dear sister, after all!

Jiang Qin nodded after hearing her response: “That’s why I want to use this method to tap into the consumer potential of our forum users.”

“But I can’t just give out the sales data. I need to ask Mr. He’s permission first.”

“Is Mr. He here?”

“Yes, he is. Let me take you to him; you can explain it yourself to avoid any miscommunication.”

Jiang Qin nodded and followed Yue Zhu to Mr. He’s office. Upon hearing his request, He Yijun pondered for a long while before agreeing.

While sales data shouldn’t be disclosed carelessly, the important part was the numbers. Blurring them a bit and sharing a copy wasn’t a big deal.

To some extent, he was willing to embrace a new channel. Since Jiang Qin was eager to experiment, he was curious to see what he could achieve.

After all, it didn’t cost anything, right?

Businessmen chased profits, especially when there was no cost involved.

Since he had agreed to join the group buying venture, extending a bit of convenience to Wanzhong Mall was also beneficial.

“Thank you for your support, Mr. He,” Jiang Qin said gratefully after obtaining the data.

He Yijun waved his hand: “We’re all old friends here, no need for formalities. By the way, Mr. Jiang, when did your rebellious phase end?”

“I’m still very rebellious,” Jiang Qin replied with a twist of his mouth, then asked with a hint of confusion, “Why do you ask, Mr. He?”

“You met my daughter last time, right? Recently, she got into a fight at school and was suspended for a week. I wish she could be a star student like you.”

Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched slightly, thinking that this topic was a bit awkward to discuss. It wasn’t embarrassing when he talked about it himself, but it felt awkward hearing it from someone else.

Fearing that He Yijun might continue to dwell on the subject and potentially making him so uncomfortable that he might literally break through the floor from the fifth to the fourth floor with his toes, he quickly stood up to leave and made a hasty exit.

After Jiang Qin left, He Yijun took out the letter of intent from his cabinet and looked at it again.

To be honest, he was still skeptical about Jiang Qin’s prospects, especially concerning this online sales approach. But since the young man was daring enough to try, a failure wouldn’t be a big deal.

The security staff mentioned that Jiang Qin had arrived in a Bentley last time, accompanied by a driver.

With such a background, he probably wouldn’t care much about losing.

In the blink of an eye, it was late December.

After Room 208’s full preparation, the Dormitory Stock-up Festival began on a snowy day.

A twenty percent discount might not seem much, but it was quite attractive when reflected in the product prices. Consequently, the registration for group buying began to rise as expected.

There were even people on forums starting threads specifically to gather participants for the discounts.

Stocking up in college dorms was quite common. For instance, toilet paper was often shared by all roommates. A roll brought into the bathroom would only last a few days before being reduced to just the tube.

Other shared items often included shampoo, laundry detergent, snacks, beverages, and bottled water. It wasn’t easy to distinguish ownership of these communal goods.

You can’t exactly sit in your dorm all day guarding your stuff, letting no one touch it, unless you lock it away and unlock it every time you need to use it.

Therefore, under the guise of the Stock-up Festival, many dorms began to pool funds for bulk purchases.

Apart from this, there were also those who formed groups to buy individually, even more enthusiastically than on the first day of the event.

The college supermarket was the first to be cleared out. Jiang Zhihua was almost overwhelmed by the response.

She had been forewarned by Jiang Qin to stock up before the festival, but the inventory was still not enough.

“Boss Jiang, next time stock up more on necessities. If you’re short on funds, I’ll front the money. Don’t be so stingy.”josei

When Jiang Qin arrived at the college supermarket, he spoke with an air of extravagance.

“Mr. Jiang, I cleared two rows of snack shelves just for this event. At this rate, I’m almost like your warehouse keeper instead of a supermarket owner!”

Jiang Zhihua complained, but internally she was quite pleased.

Whether it’s a supermarket or a warehouse, as long as the goods sell and the money comes in, who wouldn’t be happy?

Jiang Qin didn’t burst her bubble but instead spoke seriously: “You have to withstand the pressure, Boss Jiang. We’re just getting started. If I had scheduled the event at the beginning of the month, you would have had to clear all your shelves.”

Jiang Zhihua was puzzled: “Why’s that?”

“Because that’s when students get their living expenses. Sales would have been even higher.”

“I don’t get it, why do they buy so much toilet paper? I understand girls, but why do boys use it like it’s food?”

Jiang Qin pursed his lips: “I wouldn’t know about that. I’m a decent person, not like those stinky boys.”

Jiang Zhihua pulled up a stool and sat at the entrance: “I heard that Xi Tian’s sales this month broke twenty. Is that true?”

“That’s false. How much milk tea would we have to sell to reach that? We did reach twenty, but it’s not all from milk tea sales.”

“Aren’t you only selling milk tea in your shop? What else is there?”

“We’ve introduced a new product called the Milk Tea Card.”

“A what now?”

Jiang Qin reached into his wallet and pulled out a small, pink thin card, roughly the size of a bank card. The card featured an illustration of a lush tree with a simple drawing of a man and a woman nestled together underneath it. Additionally, the top right corner of the card bore three logos: Xi Tian, Zhihu, and Group Buying.

“It’s this. Each card is worth a hundred yuan and is sold exclusively through Group Buying. To buy it, one must participate in the Stock-up Festival.”

“People actually buy this? What’s with your bubble tea, so addictive?” Jiang Zhihua was incredulous.

Jiang Qin laughed: “The card’s advertised in Group Buying as ‘Contracting All Your Future Bubble Teas’. Many boys buy it as a gift. Besides toilet paper, this is the hottest selling product on Group Buying.”

Jiang Zhihua examined the card: “Why is there a little hole punched in it?”

“The milk tea card comes with a metal chain that can be threaded through the hole and hung on bags or keychains. Some girls like to show off their popularity, and feel embarrassed to go out without hanging one. Girls who don’t receive one might buy one themselves to use as an accessory. It’s mainly about starting a trend.”

“So, you’re making money off both boys and girls. Who came up with this genius idea?”

“Me. Impressed?” Jiang Qin grinned broadly.

As Jiang Zhihua heard this, she couldn’t help her mouth twitching.

Although she had some understanding of Jiang Qin’s methods during the mock beauty contest, she was still amazed to see him innovating with bubble tea like this.

However, as she looked closer, her eyes narrowed, and she leaned in as if she had discovered something. After careful scrutiny, her expression turned to surprise.

“Mr. Jiang, the boy on this card is drawn to look like you, isn’t it?”

“You can tell?” Jiang Qin was somewhat shocked.

Jiang Zhihua nodded: “If you look closely, it’s apparent. But who’s the girl modeled after?”

“Nobody in particular.”

“That’s not right, she looks like that pretty girl who came to my supermarket for bubble tea cups last time.”

Jiang Qin felt a numb sensation, spreading from the top of his head to his legs: “You remember her from just one encounter?”

Jiang Zhihua laughed: “The details are drawn too well; it’s recognizable from the posture and expressions.”


“This tree also seems to have some significance, with all those hanging tags?”

“That’s a good friend tree.”


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