Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Lightly Dressed

TL: Etude

During their casual conversation, time quickly reached twelve o’clock noon.

After everyone had their fill, they called the owner over to settle the bill.

Jiang Qin was surprised to find that the other two boys weren’t the type to generously pay for others like Qin Zi’ang, only paying for their own milk tea.

Guo Zihang, however, the simpleton, was about to pay for everyone using his living expenses, but Jiang Qin stopped him.

Starting university and already playing the nice guy, especially to a few unfamiliar girls and a couple of guys, wasn’t that just foolish?

In the end, everyone obediently paid their own bill, with Jiang Qin asking the owner to round down his amount.

“Kid, the milk tea is already ten yuan, there’s no change to round off.”

“Can I pay eight yuan then?”

“Ah… okay, I guess.”

Hearing this conversation, everyone else couldn’t help but give Jiang Qin disdainful looks.

Although university students don’t have much for living expenses, they should be able to afford a cup of milk tea costing ten or twenty yuan, right?

With a snap, Jiang Qin crisply placed a brand new ten-yuan note on the table.

“No need for change, consider the remaining two yuan a tip.”

The owner was stunned, so were the students from Linchuan University of Science and Technology, but Jiang Qin just smiled.

What’s the meaning of life?

Of course, it’s to lightly dress up at any given moment, to comfort these long and boring days.

Seeing this, Hong Yan, who was sitting opposite, couldn’t help but take a serious look at Jiang Qin. She found him quite interesting. He spoke with ease and didn’t follow the usual patterns, different from other boys she had met.

The three boys next to her pondered, wondering if they could also try this clever, cost-free tactic in the future.josei

At around one in the afternoon, with the weather hot, the group began discussing where to go for lunch.

Jiang Qin patted Guo Zihang’s shoulder, indicating he wouldn’t be joining. He wasn’t a student of the University of Science and Technology and didn’t need to stay longer.

“You guys enjoy your meal, I need to head back to school.”

Guo Zihang panicked immediately: “Godfather, I can’t do this without you. I can’t talk to people I’ve just met.”

Jiang Qin spat in disgust: “You coward, you’re a disgrace to your godfather. I’ve helped you socialize, but do I have to help you date in the future too?”

“But… we officially start school tomorrow, what do you have this afternoon?”

“Feng Nanshu is arriving this afternoon, I need to show her around first. She’s really bad at familiarizing herself with new places,” Jiang Qin said, checking the time on his phone.

“Jiang, why do I feel like you’ve adopted a daughter?”

After hearing this, Jiang Qin paused, then agreed. Feng Nanshu was socially awkward and naturally clueless, really like a little girl who never grew up. As a man nearing his forties, it wasn’t wrong to say he was raising a girl.

So, Jiang Qin bid farewell to everyone and took a bus towards Linchuan University.

Upon arrival, he saw the familiar school gate. Calling it a gate was a bit of a stretch; it was an irregular quadrilateral structure, entirely white, with “Linchuan University” inscribed on it. It was both imposing and artistic.

Due to the start of the new term, the entrance was crowded with people. There were new students with their families, returning students, and even local merchants seizing the opportunity to sell various household items.

In short, it was chaotic.

Jiang Qin didn’t want to squeeze through the crowd, so he squatted at the bus stop, watching the female students coming and going, admiring their fair, tender legs and shapely figures.

But the next moment, he caught sight of a familiar girl, who looked at him in surprise.

“Jiang… Jiang Qin?”

“Hong Yan, you’re at Linchuan too?”

Both asked a question, looked at each other, and then everything became clear.

What a performance!

They, actually students from Linchuan University, had coincidentally met at the University of Science and Technology’s social gathering, pretending to be classmates, only to find out they truly were.

“Let’s reintroduce ourselves. Linchuan University, Law Faculty, Hong Yan.”

“Linchuan University, Finance Department, Jiang Qin.”

Hong Yan was surprised to have guessed correctly, then couldn’t help but smile: “Why didn’t you say so at the beginning? You even claimed to be from the Computer Science Department of the University of Science and Technology. Such a convincing act!”

Jiang Qin smiled slightly: “I’m too handsome, not the typical studious look. I was afraid people wouldn’t believe me.”


“Of course, but mainly I was there to accompany a friend. He was the main character, so I didn’t need to stand out.”

“I was thinking the same.”

Hong Yan’s eyes twinkled with a newfound curiosity and fondness for Jiang Qin. She had always had higher emotional intelligence than her peers and was good at caring for others’ feelings. This earned her many friendships but also caused her distress.


Because of her higher EQ, the actions of those around her seemed childish, especially since she was attractive and had a good figure. Many boys in high school would shout and make a scene to get her attention.

Once, while she passed the basketball court, a boy even dunked in front of her and then ‘accidentally’ threw the ball at himself.

She found these actions foolish but couldn’t outright say so. Hence, she spoke less and smiled more.

This left her feeling lonely.

But this time, she met someone whose words and actions felt comfortable to her, a rare occurrence.

Imagine if someone else had been in the tea shop?

They would likely have boasted about being from Linchuan University, seeking praise from others.

Hong Yan didn’t dislike such people but preferred to befriend those who were more stable. Jiang Qin concealing his identity hit right at her preference.

However, she was in a hurry to get back to her dormitory to settle in and didn’t have much time for chit-chat, so she took the initiative to add Jiang Qin on QQ.

“This is the first time I’ve added a boy on QQ on my own initiative. I’ve never done this before.”

“Coincidentally, this is the first time a girl has added me on QQ.”

Hong Yan smiled gently and relaxed: “I should go now. There’s a lot to do in the dormitory. Shall we chat some other time?”

Jiang Qin nodded slightly: “Sure, we’ll meet when we’re free.”


Hong Yan waved at him and then turned to enter the East Campus gate.

Meanwhile, Jiang Qin crossed the overpass and headed towards his own campus. After much effort, he squeezed into the crowded campus, only to find it even more packed inside.

A young man seemed to have lost his girlfriend in the crowd, frantically calling out “Qi Jiayi, Qi Jiayi!”

Jiang Qin, annoyed, squeezed through to tell him: “Brother, Qi Jiayi (sounds like 7(qi) +(jia) 1(yi)) equals eight. You’re a university student, can’t you do simple math?”

Following the map included in the admission notice, Jiang Qin finally found his equally crowded dormitory building.

Upon entering, three people were already chatting. Jiang Qin, squeezed and irritable, sat down and listened, gradually getting to know them.

Zhou Chao, from Longcheng in the south, dark-skinned, and short.

Ren Ziqiang, from Dongshan, tall and skinny with some acne, but polite.

Cao Guangyu, from Hang City, dressed in branded clothes, carrying himself with an air of arrogance, even mentioning his father was a businessman during his introduction.

“And you?”

“Jiang Qin, from Jizhou. I like to do business.”

Cao Guangyu almost lost his composure. Wasn’t that basically saying he was his father?

Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao laughed heartily, thinking he deserved it for showing off.

Jiang Qin thought to himself, “I didn’t say anything wrong. I like doing business, what’s the issue?”

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