Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Philosophies of Life

TL: Etude

Hong Yan and Jiang Qin had met for dinner three times. The first time, they barely started eating before they ended up in a fight. The second time, they managed a few bites before again resorting to confrontation.

This was the only time they had a smooth meal, but the pressure Hong Yan felt was no less than the previous occasions.

Feng Nanshu was truly dazzling.

She sat there with poise, silent, her delicate fingers gently peeling shrimp. A casual glance from her, with those cool eyes, exerted an overwhelming presence. She was the type of person who couldn’t be ignored, even when she did nothing.

“Do you want some?” Feng Nanshu, holding a piece of shrimp tail, asked.

Hong Yan gently waved her hand, “I can peel it myself, thank you.”

At that moment, Jiang Qin wasn’t at the table but stood on the steps of the restaurant, ‘Shiwei Tian’, chatting leisurely with the owner, who was enjoying the cool evening air at the door.

Of course, Jiang Qin’s casual conversation had a purpose: firstly, to inquire about the rental prices in the street, and secondly, to understand the feeling of running a catering business.

“Sigh, catering is a tough business. I barely make any money all year. You students have it good, finding a job, sitting in an air-conditioned office all day. Unlike us, working from dawn till dusk.”

While speaking, the owner of ‘Shiwei Tian’ pulled out a BMW car key from his pocket, flipping it in his hand, then pressed it lightly, and the car lights across the street blinked in response.

“A 5-series? Not easy for a working-class person to afford.”

Jiang Qin recognized the car immediately.

“Not bad, bought it for my son. He finds it too cheap and doesn’t want to drive it. So, I had to use it myself. But actually, I prefer Audi.”

The owner of ‘Shiwei Tian’ said nonchalantly, reaching for a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes on the table, lighting one.

Jiang Qin’s mouth twisted in disbelief, thinking to himself that they were definitely on different wavelengths. He vowed to bring the Bentley keys from Uncle Gong tomorrow, and then they could have a proper chat.

After a while, he turned back to the dining table, only to find Feng Nanshu and Hong Yan chatting while eating. The basin of crayfish was nearly empty, and there wasn’t much food left on the table.

“What are you two talking about?” Jiang Qin pulled up a stool and sat down.

Hong Yan looked up, “Feng Nanshu taught me many life philosophies. I found it incredibly enlightening.”


Jiang Qin was baffled, wondering how these two ended up on the same wavelength. Just a few days ago, Feng Nanshu was happily shaking in a car. He was curious about what kind of life philosophies she could have shared.

Something like ‘the bigger the banana, the bigger its peel’?

“Jiang Qin, it’s getting late, I should head back. Regarding the major selection, I’ll make a careful choice. You don’t need to worry.”

Hong Yan stood up, smoothing her skirt, and picked up her handbag from the chair, earnestly assuring Jiang Qin.

Watching Hong Yan’s retreating figure, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but tilt his body, staring at her slender, fair legs under the skirt for a long time, his brows slightly furrowing.

Was she not swayed by the little rich girl’s life philosophies?

“Did you use grand truths from children’s fantasy adventure books to sway her?”

Feng Nanshu’s lips were red from the spiciness of the crayfish. She finally couldn’t help but stick out her slightly swollen tongue, “Jiang Qin, it’s so spicy, I need water!”josei

Jiang Qin hurriedly bought a bottle of water for her, watching her take a sip and then her eyes welling up with tears, clearly overwhelmed yet still indulging in the food.

“Feeling better?”

“Much better, just my lips are a bit numb.”

Meanwhile, Hong Yan returned to the East Campus dormitory. As soon as she pushed open the door, she saw Chu Siqi sitting at the study desk, looking at her with cold eyes, a hint of interrogation flashing in them.

Pretending not to notice, Hong Yan bypassed the desk, reached for her toiletries from the shelf over the writing table, but was stopped by Chu Siqi the next moment.

“Did you meet with Jiang Qin?”

“It’s none of your business.” Hong Yan replied indifferently, stepping into the bathroom.

Chu Siqi was infuriated and immediately followed her into the bathroom, “I told you, since we’re competing fairly, you should have informed me if you were going to see him!”

“I went to discuss serious matters with him,” Hong Yan said, squeezing toothpaste onto her toothbrush.

“Since it’s about serious matters, there’s no need to avoid others.”

“Chu Siqi, if you want to see Jiang Qin, you can go find him yourself. I’m not stopping you. Why are you always picking a fight with me?”

Chu Siqi’s eyes brimmed with tears, “But he deleted me from QQ, blocked my phone number. I tried calling him with Huiru’s phone, and that got blocked too!”

“It’s clear, isn’t it? He doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.”

Chu Siqi sat on the bed, unable to hold back tears that wetted her eyelashes. By now, even with her confidence, she knew Jiang Qin was serious. It wasn’t a case of playing hard to get or acting on a whim; he genuinely didn’t like her anymore.

But she couldn’t understand why Jiang Qin’s affection for her could disappear so completely and cleanly, as if it never existed.

Just the day before the college entrance exams, he was talking about attending the same university as her. But as soon as the exams ended, he seemed like a different person.

She hadn’t had time to prepare, no time to react.

Now, he had easily walked away, leaving her in unbearable pain. For what reason?

After a while, Hong Yan finished washing up and returned to the dorm room, shaking her head at the disgruntled Chu Siqi.

What fair competition? It was just wishful thinking.

That aloof sister Feng was not someone who could be surpassed by any campus beauty. Even she was willing to revolve around Jiang Qin. And here Chu Siqi was, declaring her intention to test him, which was frankly laughable.

“Have you reached the dorm?”

“I have.”

“Think carefully about changing your major.”


At this time, Jiang Qin had also sent Feng Nanshu back home. After receiving Hong Yan’s reply, he was walking back when he was suddenly stopped by Ren Ziqiang.

“Old Jiang, isn’t this website yours? Can you help me boost some positive comments to support Pan Xiu?”


Jiang Qin looked puzzled, “Support her for what?”

“I posted a topic this afternoon claiming Pan Xiu is the real campus beauty, and now it’s being heavily criticized!” Ren Ziqiang was visibly distressed, knowing it’s hard to fight against many.

Jiang Qin was speechless about Ren Ziqiang’s taste, “How many positive comments do you need?”

“As many as possible!”

Jiang Qin opened the backend post-bot and filled Ren Ziqiang’s topic with a plethora of flattering comments for Pan Xiu.

This bot was created by Su Nai to simulate activity on the website, but since real user traffic had increased, he had turned off this feature to avoid detection. Now, it was reactivated to support Pan Xiu.

Seeing the surge in positive comments on his post, Ren Ziqiang was overjoyed, “Thanks, Jiang. I’ll buy you breakfast tomorrow. Pick anything you want from the first floor of the cafeteria!”

“Ren, do you really think Pan Xiu has the looks to be a campus beauty?” Cao Guangyu couldn’t help but mock, puzzled by Ren Ziqiang’s logic.

Ren Ziqiang retorted, “She is the campus beauty in my heart.”

“Hopeless bootlicker!”

Cao Guangyu opened the forum, curious to see how Ren Ziqiang had promoted Pan Xiu as the campus beauty, but was surprised, “Huh? Why did Weiwei reply to your post? And she said it’s really good-looking?”

Jiang Qin’s heart skipped a beat, “Which Weiwei?”

“The same Weiwei who used to reply to my posts. She didn’t respond to my private messages, but why did she reply to Ren?”

“Isn’t it obvious? She deliberately ignored your private messages. What a player!” Jiang Qin was furious, “Cao, she even finds Pan Xiu attractive. Who knows what she’s like in real life. You better be careful!”

Cao Guangyu turned pale, “Damn, Jiang, you’ve just woken me up!”

“Ren, what the hell do you mean by that?” Ren Ziqiang was fuming.

“It’s nothing, nothing. Pan Xiu is definitely the campus beauty. Don’t worry, I’m fast with my hands, I’ll help you with some positive comments too.”

“That’s more like it.”

AN: Please be sure to continue reading!!

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