Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: The Boss’s Heart Is Really Dirty

TL: Etude

After leaving the town square, Jiang Qin arrived at room 208 of the Entrepreneurship Center.

Lu Xuemei and Pang Hai had already arrived earlier. They had prepared banners and promotional images, and were adding the Xi Tian logo on the site, ready to go live after coordinating with Su Nai.

The long white table was cluttered with computers, plugs strewn about haphazardly, creating a vibrant sense of wild grass growing unrestrained.

Seeing that the time was right, Jiang Qin called a meeting to announce the next phase of work.

The content team was to continuously supply articles, keeping the topics fresh and fueling the competition.

The tech department was to continue optimizing and to develop a real-time ranking system, as the lack of it diminished the competitive aspect.

Pang Hai’s focus shifted temporarily from the website to designing Xi Tian’s offline promotional materials, seamlessly connecting offline promotional activities with the online contest.

“Pang, communicate with Shengshi Printing and use their channels to customize a limited edition series of milk tea cups, featuring Xi Tian and the school beauties’ names on them,” Jiang Qin instructed.

“Su Nai, keep an eye on the data. As soon as a candidate gets two thousand flowers, Xi Tian will launch a limited edition School Beauty Milk Tea. Each cup contributes two flowers to a chosen goddess, and reaching two hundred sales will make it a permanent packaging.”

“Wen Hao, take your team to interview the most popular school beauty candidates in the coming days and write a short biography for each, ideally matching a milk tea flavor. Like Hong Yan from the Law Department, with her subtle and elegant scent, reminiscent of succulent grapes.”

“Wei Lanlan, continue negotiating with advertisers, and subtly hint that Xi Tian spent a hundred thousand on the naming rights.”

Wei Lanlan was slightly taken aback and asked in confusion, “Wasn’t it eighty thousand?”

Jiang Qin paused, “If you say a hundred thousand, they won’t believe it. They’ll secretly inquire and then find out it’s actually eighty thousand. They’ll believe it more because rumors are unreliable, but what they find out themselves feels more authentic.”

“The boss’s heart is really dirty. It’s just moving money from one pocket to the other, and still exaggerating by twenty thousand,” Tan Qing muttered under his breath.

Wei Lanlan lowered her voice, “Qing Qing, you need to learn. Business is all about bluffing.”

In the following period, the tech, content, design, and external editorial teams began systematically executing the plan set by Jiang Qin.

The focus was to shift a portion of the website’s attention to Xi Tian’s offline milk tea stores.

The website’s traffic targeted college students as users, while Xi Tian’s milk tea stores catered to merchants around the college town.

Two different types of public opinion guided two distinct groups, achieving a cohesive effect.

“Have you heard? That milk tea store invested a hundred thousand in advertising on that new forum.”

“Don’t believe that nonsense. I asked around yesterday; it was eighty thousand.”

“The girl who came to advertise told me personally, it’s a hundred thousand.”

“Old Zhang, you’ve been in business for so long and still can’t spot a bluff? They’re trying to collect advertising fees, of course, they’d inflate the number. Trust me, it’s eighty thousand.”

“Eighty thousand is still a lot. Has Liu gone mad?”

“She’s being cornered by the College Supermarket; probably a last-ditch effort!”

“The College Supermarket is indeed unscrupulous, always engaging in price wars. It’s unbearable, relying on their big business.”

“Well, they can’t be blamed, everyone in business wants to make money.”

“But still, eighty thousand is too much. Isn’t Liu overdoing it?”

“I guess it’s her last shot. If it works, great; if not, she might have to sell at a low price.”

“Little Liu is too young and unwise. There are many people on that forum, but how many are willing to look at ads? Most of that money will likely go down the drain!”

A group of business owners from the previous square gathered to discuss the rumors intentionally spread by Wei Lanlan.

Of course, most of them were skeptical about the effectiveness of the event sponsorship, thinking it was likely a loss-making venture.

“A single advertisement bringing a nearly dead milk tea shop back to life? Impossible!” they joked.

“If business were that easy, we’d all have nationwide chains by now!” And as business owners, especially those nearby, there was a certain reluctance to see others succeed.

This mindset persisted until Wednesday morning when a white truck arrived, unloading a large amount of promotional material. That’s when the nearby merchants realized things were getting serious.

“Could you guys help us set up these boards facing the direction of the teaching building?” they asked the workers.

“And hang that banner between the streetlamp and the pole by the door.”

“As for the standing signs, just place them randomly along the college road. Put Xi Tian’s and Zhihu’s at the front, no other requirements.”

Pang Hai, getting off the truck, directed the workers from Shengshi Printing to start the installation.

The first item unloaded was a two-meter-tall PVC ranking board for the school beauties, with cartoonish pink lettering and the logos of Xi Tian and Zhihu prominently displayed in the top right corner, immediately visible from the teaching building.

The workers, skillful and efficient, erected the board and fixed the supports.

Besides this, various customized standing signs and banners were hung up.josei

The transformation of the entrance created an instant atmosphere.

However, this scene attracted not just the nearby merchants but also the security guards patrolling the campus on motorcycles.

“What are you doing here?” a guard asked.

“We’re organizing an event.”

“Do you have the proper documentation? You can’t just set up without it!”

Pang Hai pulled out a self-entrepreneurship book from Zhihu and a registration form, showing them to the guards. Jiang Qin had anticipated this and instructed him to keep these documents handy, proving useful now.

In that moment, Pang Hai realized the boss’s foresight, having considered every detail.

Of course, the guards didn’t scrutinize the documents too closely; seeing the school’s official stamp was enough for them.

Still, following Jiang Qin’s earlier instruction, Pang Hai handed each guard a pack of cigarettes. Maintaining good relations with the campus security was crucial for future events—local influence often trumped official authority.

Once all the promotional materials were in place, the bell for the end of class rang.

Students poured out of three teaching buildings, their minds on what to eat at the cafeteria, but they were stopped in their tracks at the sight of the square.

The School Beauty Contest had been the talk of the week, so naturally, Xi Tian’s doorstep soon drew a large crowd, all craning their necks to view the massive ranking board.

Although the peak of summer had passed, the lingering heat drove the curious students into the shop for milk tea.

This pattern repeated, and before the advertising effect fully kicked in, the shop had already sold dozens of cups of milk tea.

Fang Xiaoxuan, overwhelmed by the sudden influx of customers, scrambled to keep up with the pace.

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