Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: The Drama of a Lovestruck Brain

TL: Etude

“I’m the boss lady? Do you think a burly gentleman like me has no shame? Change it back.”

“Oh, sure, boss. The boss lady has returned to the dorm, she just left not long ago. She doesn’t seem to like crowded places.”

Jiang Qin nodded, but couldn’t help muttering to himself, thinking that the terms ‘boss’ and ‘boss lady’ were too ambiguous. Wasn’t it said that even dogs don’t talk about love?

However, it was a good thing that Feng Nanshu wasn’t here; otherwise, the whole marketing plan would be ruined.


A bunch of people shouting their support for the school beauty coming to buy milk tea, only to find out that their goddess is less attractive than the milk tea shop owner. Who could bear such a blow?

In the long run, the goddesses would lose their followers, the competition for school beauty would cool down, and the website’s activity would decline again.

Better to keep a beauty like the little rich lady hidden, lest she brings disaster to the nation and causes greater conflicts.

Alas, it’s all on me to bear it all and protect the whole school.

They really should award me a fucking ‘Good Student’ title for this.

“Xiaoxuan, is my milk tea ready yet?”

“Just one more cup, it’ll take a minute.”

Fang Xiaoxuan held the milk tea cup, one hand operating the machine, the other shaking the cup vigorously, creating a constant rustling sound.

A minute later, six cups of milk tea with different flavors were ready. Fang Xiaoxuan was about to pack them in a large bag when Jiang Qin stopped her with a wave of his hand.

“Split them into two parts, three cups in each bag, so it won’t hurt the hand.”

“Oh, okay.”

Fang Xiaoxuan switched to two smaller bags, packed them, and handed them over. Then, Jiang Qin, carrying six cups of milk tea, leisurely headed towards the girls’ dormitory of the Finance Department.

Arriving at the dormitory, Jiang Qin took out his phone and after some thought, called Gao Wenhui, telling her there was a secret matter to discuss in detail and to bring Fan Shuling along, without fail.

Fan Shuling was reading in the dormitory when she heard Gao Wenhui say Jiang Qin had called for her. Her heart skipped a beat.

A few days ago, she had forcefully recommended Zhang Xinyu to Feng Nanshu. Although it hadn’t caused any trouble, Gao Wenhui’s words were still deeply imprinted in her mind.

“Jiang Qin will strangle you if he finds out!”

Fan Shuling had said she wasn’t afraid, but now, thinking about it, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of palpitations. Blatantly helping others undermine someone, ending up breaking the shovel, and getting it rebound on herself was not the worst part. The key was getting caught. Not getting beaten up for it would be a miracle.

But Fan Shuling was not the kind to cower.

The more she knew she would be troubled, the less she wanted to hide. She felt her intentions were good; hiding would mean admitting guilt, right?

So the two of them put on their shoes and headed out.

However, just as they opened the door, Gao Wenhui suddenly had a mischievous idea. She turned to Feng Nanshu, who was lying on the bed.

“Nanshu, Jiang Qin just called me.”


Feng Nanshu sat up instantly, blinking her clear eyes, and was about to get off the bed to put on her shoes.

But Gao Wenhui immediately stopped her, feigning a sigh: “But Jiang Qin didn’t call for you, just for the two of us. He specifically instructed me not to let you come down.”

Hearing this, Feng Nanshu’s face instantly showed a look of grievance, her eyes wide and watery as she looked at Gao Wenhui.

“Alright, actually, we do have important matters to discuss. Once we’re done, he will take you out.”

“Then you guys talk quickly.” Feng Nanshu’s eyelashes quivered.

Gao Wenhui was almost floored by the situation, thinking to herself what a heavenly romance this was. She would eagerly watch if this were a TV drama. Then, with a response, she led Fan Shuling out of the dormitory.

By the time they left the dormitory, Jiang Qin was idly playing Snake under the shade of a tree.

Gao Wenhui, remembering the secret Jiang Qin mentioned, walked briskly, while Fan Shuling, fearing trouble, lagged behind.

Turns out, there was no secret or quest for love. Jiang Qin just handed them a bag of milk tea, saying he wanted to treat their dorm to it.

“Little Gao, could you call Feng Nanshu down when you go back? Thanks, you’re such a good person.”

“Pfft, a good person being your free labor. But considering the milk tea, I’ll help you this time!”

“Gao Wenhui, you’re so noble.”josei

Gao Wenhui took the plastic bag, giving one to Fan Shuling, carrying a grudge for not hearing the secret, and entered the building.

It wasn’t until they had climbed the first flight of stairs that Fan Shuling, still in a daze, wondered if that was it. Wasn’t he supposed to strangle her? She had braced herself for it.

“Do you now understand why Nanshu is always clinging to him?”

Gao Wenhui suddenly turned to Fan Shuling.


Fan Shuling looked puzzled.

“Just for six cups of milk tea, he couldn’t bear to let Feng Nanshu come down and get them, tricking us to come down instead. After bringing the milk tea up, he’ll call her. This jerk, always talking about friendship, but actually dotes on her so much.”

Gao Wenhui seemed to see through everything.

“Wenhui, did I meddle too much before?”

Fan Shuling looked at the milk tea in her hand, feeling uneasy.

“Not really. You did it for Feng Nanshu’s good. Jiang Qin doesn’t say it, but he’s very clear about human relationships. These six cups of milk tea, couldn’t I carry them alone? He had to split them into two, calling two people down, each carrying three cups. His thoughts are very detailed.”

Jiang Qin, of course, didn’t hear this. If he had, he would surely give a thumbs up, thinking Gao Wenhui was really dramatic with her love-struck brain, thinking so intricately, something he hadn’t even considered himself.

Back in the dorm, Gao Wenhui entered to find Feng Nanshu already changed and waiting, having swapped her slippers for small leather shoes.

Quiet, cute, prim and proper, she looked obediently adorable.

“Feng Nanshu, Jiang Qin is waiting for you downstairs.”

“Then I’m off!”

Feng Nanshu opened the door and dashed out, not even taking her cup of milk tea. The slight heels of her shoes tapped a rhythmic sound in the hallway, echoing in the empty corridor.

Witnessing this scene, the five people in the room couldn’t help but exchange glances, their eyes filled with a bit of envy.

Indeed, sweet love was the main melody of college life.

Downstairs, upon meeting, Jiang Qin waved his hand to signal departure, and Feng Nanshu followed him closely.

“Where are we going, Jiang Qin?”

“To get you a ‘boss lady’ certificate. From now on, you’ll be the rightful boss lady.”

Jiang Qin led her through twists and turns to the Entrepreneurship Center, arriving at the office door.

The business at Xi Tian Milk Tea Shop was booming, but the little rich lady’s paperwork wasn’t complete. He brought Feng Nanshu here to get Cao Xinyue to register her for a self-employment certificate, to avoid any future problems.

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