Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: The Abstract Male God

TL: Etude

The next evening, Jiang Qin, a man who vowed never to fall in love, strolled around the Xincheng District to check on the four houses he had been allocated.

Although these houses had been simply furnished, they were currently vacant. The infrastructure development in Xincheng District was still underway, and with few people around, finding tenants was not an easy task.

Jiang Qin wasn’t in a hurry. He casually listed the properties with a real estate agency, thinking that if they could be rented out, great; if not, he wasn’t bothered about the lost rental income.

Unexpectedly, soon after posting the rental listings, he received a call from the agency.

While enjoying a bowl of noodles nearby, Jiang Qin wiped his mouth and went over with the keys in hand.

“Male God?”

At the sight of Chu Siqi’s other best friend, Yu Shasha, Jiang Qin’s lips twitched with amusement. “What a coincidence.”

“I’ve been trying to invite you for a meal, but you never show up. It’s infuriating,” Yu Shasha complained, though her tone was more endearing than angry.

“Cut the chatter. Five hundred a month.”

After stating the rent, Jiang Qin eyed the young man beside Yu Shasha. “Moving in with your boyfriend?”

“No, he’s just a friend. His name is Lu Chao. He’s helping me find a place for my sister, who got into a nearby junior high school,” Yu Shasha clarified, decisively distancing herself from the young man.

Internally giving a thumbs-up for her straightforwardness, Jiang Qin suggested, “Take a look around. If it’s suitable, we’ll sign the contract. If not, I’ll leave.”

“Of course, it’s suitable. Why wouldn’t I want to rent from you as the landlord? But how come you have properties here?” Yu Shasha asked curiously.

“That’s a secret.”

Yu Shasha’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, causing Lu Chao to look uncomfortable. “Shasha, who is this guy?”

“He’s my idol, haven’t I told you?” Yu Shasha shot him a glance and then entered the house to inspect it.

“There’s no furniture. How can we live here?”

“I’ll rent it even without furniture. Less talking from you.”

Jiang Qin silently followed as they inspected every corner of the house before finally signing the contract.

After receiving the rent, Jiang Qin was about to leave when Yu Shasha stopped him. “My idol, a few friends and I have planned to go to the Neon Bar. Could you take us there?”

“Why don’t you go by yourselves?”

“We’re just a bunch of young girls. You have such a presence in the bar. If you take us, it’ll be safer.”

Lu Chao was taken aback. A bunch of young girls? What about me?

After a moment’s thought, Jiang Qin agreed, seeing as it was on his way. “There’s no one among your friends I wouldn’t want to meet, right?”

“No, don’t worry.”

“You know who I mean?”

“Chu Siqi, of course, I know. Huiru already told me.”

Nodding, Jiang Qin led the two to the Neon Bar, where Yu Shasha’s friends were already waiting, dressed in trendy, revealing outfits, as if to save fabric for the nation.

“Let me introduce everyone. This is my idol, Jiang Qin,” Yu Shasha said excitedly, drawing her friends’ admiring glances at Jiang Qin and making Lu Chao grind his teeth in jealousy.

They followed Jiang Qin into the bar, located opposite the fire station. Although Jiang Qin no longer worked there as a marketing manager, thanks to a successful Olympic viewing event, the bar had made a fortune. The owner was grateful to him, and the bartenders and waitstaff respected him.

“Brother Jiang is here?”

“Long time no see, Brother Jiang.”

Jiang Qin nodded at them, causing Yu Shasha to beam, and her friends to look star-struck.

Such charisma, utterly cool.

These girls, around seventeen or eighteen years old, could distinguish between genuine respect and mere flattery in the bartenders’ eyes. No wonder he was considered a god among men.

Witnessing this scene, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but feel amused.

In this era, a young man who knew his way around a bar definitely had a market. You had to admit it, even if grudgingly. He wondered if their parents would find this scene as amusing.

Old Deng, is my Ghost Fire bike safely parked downstairs?

Jiang Qin chuckled to himself but still reminded the bartender to keep a good eye on the group, to prevent them from causing or getting into trouble.

After securing a private booth, Jiang Qin intended to leave, but Yu Shasha insisted he stay, expressing a desire to catch up.

Jiang Qin knew what she wanted to discuss. “If it’s about Chu Siqi, forget it. I’m not interested.”

“Oh, I remember now. You’re the guy who confessed to Chu Siqi and got rejected, then angrily demanded your love letter back, that idiot!” Lu Chao suddenly realized, his eyes widening.

Jiang Qin’s face darkened. “I hope you really mean ‘idiot’.”

“Of course, just slipped of the tongue.”

“Is my ‘glorious’ deed that famous?”

“It’s because our classes were close. I’m from the class next door, Lu Chao, the one who’s really good at playing ‘CF’!” (TL: cross fire)

Yu Shasha turned to Lu Chao. “Why are you, a guy, spreading gossip?”

“It’s because what he did was so sensational. Everyone in our senior year knows about it!”

Lu Chao seemed particularly proud of this revelation. He had been uncomfortable when Yu Shasha called Jiang Qin her idol, but seeing the bartenders’ respect for Jiang Qin, he didn’t dare say much, thinking Jiang must be quite successful.

But to discover Jiang had been such an embarrassingly fervent admirer, one who even asked for his love letter back, was just too explosive.

Lu Chao felt like he had shattered the idol’s aura with a single punch, feeling powerful and frustrated at the same time, as if railing against an unjust fate.

Jiang Qin, smiling outwardly but inwardly exasperated, thought about the diverse joys and sorrows of humanity. Was this incident really so unforgettable?

Taking a rare day off, he had to endure being ridiculed for such a trivial matter.

“Forget it, damn it, I’m leaving!”

Muttering under his breath, Jiang Qin wondered if he should move to a new place.

Yu Shasha couldn’t help but glance at Lu Chao. “Could you die if you kept quiet? You scared off my idol!”

“I only spoke the truth. Besides, why would you choose someone like him as your idol?” Lu Chao couldn’t understand at all.

“Why not? Jiang Qin is my idol. Is that embarrassing? Feng Nanshu from your class is also all over him!”


Lu Chao was momentarily stunned, not immediately recalling who Feng Nanshu was.

It wasn’t because Feng Nanshu lacked presence; rather, she was so dazzling that people didn’t dare associate her with such behavior. The ethereal beauty of Chengnan High School, the moonlight of many youths’ dreams, surely couldn’t be linked to such behavior!

“Which Feng Nanshu are you talking about?” Lu Chao was confused.

Yu Shasha scoffed, “Which other Feng Nanshu could there be at Chengnan High School?”

“That’s impossible. You must be joking. That’s Feng Nanshu we’re talking about, so aloof. She would ‘coo’?”

“Don’t believe me? Check her social media then!”

Lu Chao, being in the same class, had easy access to Feng Nanshu’s social media, which was always open to classmates.

But he remembered her profile being devoid of content.

Lu Chao scrolled through her profile, his disbelief turning to shock.

He was right; throughout high school, Feng Nanshu’s profile had been empty. But since the summer, she started posting daily updates, almost like a diary.

“Got a good friend named Jiang Qin.”

“Jiang Qin took me on a merry-go-round.”

“Jiang Qin took me to a hot spring.”

“Jiang Qin said to just keep smiling.”

“Jiang Qin said he’ll take me wherever he goes, happy.”


“Jiang Qin said he could be with me forever.”josei

“Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin!”

A girl’s profile, almost blank before, suddenly filled with one name, and then that name was everywhere. This phenomenon was telling.

Lu Chao was sweating, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.

That guy, on one hand, asking for his love letter back from Chu Siqi, and on the other, being so intimate with the aloof goddess Feng Nanshu. How abstract could this person’s life be? Which one was the real him?

“This must be a hacked account,” Lu Chao still couldn’t believe it.

Yu Shasha’s eyes shone brightly. “Let me tell you, Jiang Qin earned three hundred thousand over the summer and even manages this bar. How will you respond to that?”


Lu Chao swallowed hard. “I need to wash my face.”

Yu Shasha huffed and turned to the nearest bartender. “Hi, I’m Jiang Qin’s sister. Could you bring me a fruit platter?”

“Sure, just a moment.”

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