Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 149 -

Chapter 149 - : Crown

 "Let's not fret over something that is already over. We are living here for the time being. If we complain now, I don't think the Saiven Kingdom can prepare a new residence for us." 

 I sigh. Although I don't like the idea of staying inside a building where torturing happened. I think what Prince Fraser said is right. With how small the Kingdom is, I doubt if they have another residence that we can live in.

 "In the underground dungeon, that is where we will interrogate Prince Reeve. We won't do anything to him and just let the parasitic insect do the work. When he tells us what we need to know, that is when we will put him back to his room."

 We all nod our heads to Prince Fraser. The plan is actually simple. The only problem is can we execute the plan perfectly?

 "After we obtain the information we need. We will talk about what our next move is. For now, let's prepare for their arrival. We still have an hour to prepare for everything." 

 We immediately stand up and do what we need to do. I am about to walk towards the Kitchen, but Prince Fraser stops me. 

 "Csille, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" 

 I look around and saw everyone is busy doing their own thing. Even Princess Paislee is not around. Where can she be?

 "Sure, is it about the visit? Do we need to prepare something as a host?"

 I'm not familiar with this kind of thing. Mother and Father are always the ones who act as the host every time there is an event in the Lauretré residence.

 "Follow me." 

 I frown. He didn't answer me. Instead, he asks me to follow him? I sigh and follow him. I don't have much of a choice here. 

 Prince Fraser walks to the stairs and into his room. I just follow him, although I still don't understand why do we need to go upstairs. 

 Did he prepare something in his room? Maybe a gift? Do we need to give a gift to the Royal siblings?

 Prince Fraser looks back at me and opens the door of his room. "Come inside. I will show you something."

 I raised my eyebrow at him. Although I want to ask him what does he want to show me but I just keep my mouth shut. I'll just see what he wants me to see.

 Prince Fraser immediately closes the door when I get inside his room. This is actually the first time I have been to his room. It looks the same as the other rooms. The only difference is I can smell the scent of Prince Fraser all over the place.

 I close my eyes for a few seconds to smell the scent. He really smells so good. His bed probably smells so good too. I look at his neat bed. I'm sure it will be comfortable to sleep in that bed because Prince Fraser's scent is definitely all over the blanket, the bedsheet, and the pillows.

 "You should sit first while I'll looking for something." Prince Fraser pushes a door. It's a walk-in closet. 

 He have a walk-in closet? While I only have a simple cabinet in my room? Isn't that unfair?

 I look at the walk-in closet, and when I make sure that Prince Fraser is still busy finding something, I immediately slump my body on the bed and smell it. I even take one of his pillows to hug it.

 Hmm. It really smells like him. It smells so good that I feel like I want to sleep here. It must be comfortable sleeping here at night. 

 "Csille, I—"

 I immediately get up and look at Prince Fraser, who is staring at me. I feel my face flushed, and I immediately fix his bed and his pillow. josei

 "I-I'm so-sor-rry. It sm-smel-ls go—" I cleared my throat. I could feel my cheeks getting redder the more I talk. 

 Stupid Ysavel! Why are you stuttering? You sound like a fool. "I got sleepy, so I decided to lay for a while. I'm sor—" my words got stuck on my throat, and my eyes immediately widen when I feel an arm hugs me from behind.

 "I miss you, Csille," I heard Prince Fraser whispers to my ears. "Just a few minutes. Let stay like this for a few minutes, please."

 I cover my face and bite my lips so I could stop myself from shrieking. My heart couldn't take what is happening right now. He doesn't know how my heart is beating wildly right now. It feels like it wants to get out of my body. 

 How many times I have wished I could run to him and hugs him like this? I couldn't even remember how many times. All I know is I feel ecstatic right now. All those days I've been longing to hug him were all forgotten with this one back hug. 

 I feel Prince Fraser hugs me tighter. He then leans his forehead onto my shoulder. "Csille, you don't know how much I force myself not to talk to you and to hug you these past few days. I know you don't want to have interaction with me, but please let me do this just for once. I need to hug you, or else I would lose my mind."

 I can feel tears starting to stream from my eyes. It's not because of sadness. It is because I am overjoyed. I am so happy that I am crying. 

 I put my hands on his arms that are hugging me, and I hug it to using my arms. It's not only him. I feel like I will lose it too, if I push him right now. 

 I sigh and push his arms off me. I can feel he doesn't want to let go at first, but since I am pushing his arms, he had no choice but to let me go. 

 I face him and look at his face. My eyes widen when I see that his cheeks are wet and his eyes are red. Did he cry? I raise my hand and wipe the tears on his cheeks.

 I can feel my heart starting to pound loudly. Did he cry because of me? Am I that important in his life?

 Prince Fraser holds my hand that is wiping his tears and puts it on his cheeks. He then closes his eyes. "I'm sorry if I'm not doing what you want. I just couldn't bear to be in the same room with you without even interacting with you."

 I smile at him. I know he is hurting because of what I am doing, and I'm really sorry for him. But he's not the only one hurting here. I am hurting too. But what can we do? We cannot go against our destiny. We cannot go against the odd. 

 I take my hand away from his face, and I hug him. I cling my arms on his neck but because he didn't expect that I'll hug him. We both fall on his bed. 

 We were both lying on the bed while I am on top of him. I look at his eyes, and I can see emotions in his it. Emotions that I don't want to name because I know I cannot do anything to answer that. 

 Prince Fraser put his arm on my waist and use his other hand to lean my face on his chest. I can hear now his loud heartbeats, and just like mine, his heart is beating wildly too.

 "Can you hear that, Csille? That's what you do to me. You made me lose my senses. I'll be honest with you. I don't know what to do anymore without you by my side." I feel him hug me tighter. "I know I already said I wouldn't force you, but can you think it through again? Please, Csille."

 I close my eyes and just enjoy this moment. I don't know if there will be a next time for this. So, I'll just enjoy this. Just a little more minutes. Give me a few more minutes. 

 I sigh and look up to Prince Fraser. His eyes are saying he is hoping. Hoping that I will change my mind. Hoping that we can still make this work.

 But I know more than anyone else that this will only end up in vain. I am not meant for him, just like how he is not meant for me. 

 I push him a little, so he can let go of my waist. I immediately sit up on his bed and bow my head. I badly want to say to him that I want to change my decision but what's the use? What's the use of changing it if in the future he will be the one who'll change it? 

 I bite my lips and force myself not to cry. I cannot let him see that I am hurting too. That it was never easy for me to do this. 

 I look at Prince Fraser. He is still lying on his bed. He's staring blankly at the ceiling. "I'm sorry." He looks at me, and he smiles, but that smile didn't reach his eyes.

 "I know that you will say that," he laughs, but his laugh is empty. It doesn't sound happy at all. "I'm sorry if I always force myself on you. I just couldn't help myself. So, maybe you're right. Maybe I should really make some distance between us. Maybe if we do that. I can stop myself from doing all of this." 

 He gets up and looks at me. He then holds my hand. "You won't cancel the engagement, right?"

 I nod my head at him. 

 Prince Fraser holds my hand tightly. "You need to promise me, Csille. Promise me you won't cancel our engagement."

 "I promise you. I won't cancel the engagement." Because I am sure, I am not the one who will cancel it. 

 It is you, Fraser. It will be you who'll cancel our engagement. So, I'm not the one who will break my promise. It is you.

 Prince Fraser nods his head in satisfaction. "You promise Csille. You cannot break your promise to a Crown Prince. You know that, right?"

 I nod my head at him again. I cannot break it, but you can, Fraser. 

 Prince Fraser suddenly stands up. "I almost forgot." He walks towards the table where he put the box he is holding earlier. "Come here, Csille. I'm going to show you something."

 I walk towards him. He opens the box, and my eyes immediately widen when I realized what is inside the box. 


 Prince Fraser nods his head. "Yes, it's the Royal Consort Crown. But it's not the original. Sadly I didn't bring the Crown with me. So, I look for someone who can make the exact copy of the crown. It might look the same, but the quality couldn't compare to the real crown. I'm sorry if it's the only thing I can do."

 I look at the crown. This Royal Consort Crown isn't just a simple crown. It is worn by ladies who are officially engaged or married to the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom. And Prince Fraser is giving me an exact copy of that crown? But I'm not his future wife. 

 "You don't like it?" 

 I immediately shake my head. How can I not like it? I do. But how can I wear something that isn't meant for me? The only person who has the right to wear that crown is Princess Paislee and not me.

 "I like it, but Prince Fraser, we're still not officially engaged. Wouldn't that be against the rules?" It's also against destiny. 

 Prince Fraser, I have feelings for you, yes. But that doesn't mean I would take something that isn't meant for me. When will you realize that I am not your leading lady here? 

 "But didn't you promise you won't cancel our engagement? Sooner or later, we will be officially engaged together. I am just giving you what is rightfully yours."

 What rightfully mine? That can never be mine, Fraser! Come on, don't make it too hard for me or for yourself too. What will Princess Paislee say if she knew you let me wear a replica of the Royal Consort Crown. Although it's a replica, it's still looks the same. 

 I sigh. "But I'm already wearing a crown. Doesn't it look good at me?"

 "It looks good on you, of course. Everything you wear looks good on you, Csille. However, why would you wear a nameless Crown if you can wear the Vrawyth Royal Consort Crown? You might not be a Royal Princess, but you are my future Royal Princess Consort."

 Fraser, please stop. Can you not give false hope to the Villainess? You're just making things complicated here. I almost want to cry because of what is happening. When will he realize that I am not his future bride?

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