Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 152 -

Chapter 152 - : The Interrogation

 "No, I'm still not sleepy. Come on, let's still drink. I still want to drink," Prince Reeve says while being held by two guards to walk to one of the rooms on the first floor.

 "No, Prince Reeve. Look at yourself. You're so drunk already. It will be best if you rest for now. We'll talk again tomorrow." Rufus answer Prince Reeve. He is also the one showing the room to the guards.

 Prince Fraser stands beside me. "Now, all we need to do is to wait for midnight to come. It will be best if you won't accompany us tonight."

 I look at Prince Fraser with a frown. "What do you mean by that?"

 Prince Fraser stares at me and sighs. "I'm just worried for you, Csille. You're too young to experience all of this. Yo—"

 "And you're not?" I cut him off. I raised my eyebrow at him and crossed my arms.

 How can he talk about age? Well, in fact, we're both the same age. If I am young, then he is still young too. So, there's no way I won't be present for tonight's fun.

 I heard Prince Fraser sigh. "Okay, just forgot you hear me said anything. But I warn you, although we won't do anything to him, but I cannot assure you that he won't get hurt."

 I roll my eyes at him. "Can you stop treating me like I am some sort of precious jewel that will be broken in just the slightest touch. Come on, Fraser. Even if I don't want to see this, I need to see this. I'm sure in the future I will see worst than this. This will definitely help me to open up my eyes and to make myself realize that life isn't just about glam and all. If I will become your Queen in the future, I need to be used to this."

 My eyes immediately widen when I realized what I just said. What Queen? What the heck am I talking about? I will definitely be not his Queen. 

 I clear my throat, and I am about to explain myself to Prince Fraser, but my words got stuck on my throat when I saw his smile. He looks so happy hearing what I just said. 

 I sigh. Forget it. I'm sure he will forget what I have said. In the future, all those words won't mean anything to him. So, let it be.

 All of us decided to take a rest first. Since it's still early to make a move against Prince Reeve. I check Princess Roese first before going to my room.

 "Is everything okay with Princess Roese?" I ask the guard who is guarding the door of the Crown Princess. It's a good thing that the room of Prince Reeve is in the opposite direction, or else it will be difficult for us to take Prince Reeve out without anyone noticing.

 The guard bows his head. "Lady Csille, the Crown Princess is okay. She's sleeping comfortably. Thank you for giving Princess Roese a comfortable room to stay in. Is Prince Reeve already settled in?"

 I nod my head at him. "He is. You can check on him if you want. The room is in the opposite direction."

 I said a few words to him before I walk to my room. My eyes immediately widen when I see a person walking back and forth inside my room.

 I raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing here, Rufus?"

 Rufus stops walking and immediately rushes to me. "Purplany, it's a good thing you're here. I've been waiting for you to come. So, what happened?"

 He drags me to sit on my bed. I frown at him. What does he mean by what happened? What is he referring to? 

 "Rufus, what are you doing inside my room? And at night? Do you know what other people will say if they see you walking out of my room at night?" 

 He just shrugged his shoulders. "Everyone is asleep now. I am here because I need to know what happened."

 "What do you mean what happened? I don't understand what you are saying. Also, aren't you going to take some rest first? It's already late now, Rufus. We still need to wake up later."

 I don't really understand what he is doing in my room. As far as I know, everything is doing fine. So, what's there to rush? 

 "What happened between the two of you? Prince Fraser and you. I can see that my cousin is definitely in a good mood and that's because of you for sure. So, what happened?" Rufus leans towards me. "And do you think I wouldn't know that you enter Prince Fraser's room? And after what happened inside that room, my cousin looks like he is really in a good mood. Have you seen how he laughs tonight? It's as if he just heard a very hilarious joke."

 I look at Rufus with disbelief on his face. So, he rushes into my room to just ask me those? Isn't he too nosy? 

 I shake my head at him. "There's nothing happened. We just agreed that everything going between us is over." I take my shoes off and crawl to my bed. "If that's the only reason why you are here. Please leave already. I want to take some rest first. Aren't you tired?"

 Rufus tugs the hem of my dress. "Why are you avoiding my question? Don't tell me nothing hay because I definitely knew there is. My cousin wouldn't look happy if he agreed to break up with you. So, tell me, Csille. What really happened?"

 I groan and throw a pillow at him. "I told you there's nothing happened. If you don't believe me, why don't you ask your cousin? Bother him and not me." I cover my head with a pillow.

 Rufus and his nosiness. He should know when to stop being nosy. 

 I heard him sigh. "As if I can ask him that. Come on, Purplany. Why aren't you spilling what happened? I thought I am your friend?"

 I take the pillow off from my face and glare at him. "So I am the one you're bothering? Also, I already told you what happened. It's your fault that you don't believe it."

 Rufus groan. "Okay, okay. I'll leave you alone now since you won't tell me what happened." He walks towards the door and opens it. "Csille, I still believe that the two of you will end up together. I know you will," he said before he left my room.

 I sigh. If he only knew what will happen in the future. Prince Fraser and I won't end up together for sure. 


 I was enjoying my sleep when I heard someone knocks on my door. I look at the wall clock and groan. It's just one in the morning. Who's knocking on my door?

 I look at my dress, and I frown when I see that I'm still wearing the dress I wore for the visit. That's when it dawned on why is someone knocking on my door. 

 We will interrogate Prince Reeve!

 I immediately get up from my bed. I fix my hair and dress first before I open my door. Prince Fraser immediately smiles at me when he sees me opens the door. 

 "Csille, did you fell asleep?"

 I nod my head at him. "Sorry, I didn't realize I fell asleep. Is everything okay now? Are we going to interrogate him now?"

 Prince Fraser sigh. "Are you sure you want to see what will happen? Csille—"

 I rolled my eyes at Prince Fraser and cut him off. "Fraser, I already talk about this earlier, right? I want to see this, and nothing can change my mind. Even you. You cannot change my mind."

 He looks at me and takes a deep breath. "You're just like me. Stubborn. He then shakes his head. "Come on. They are currently moving Prince Reeve to the underground dungeon."

 Prince Fraser takes my hand and pulls me to the underground dungeon. My eyes widen when I see the secret passage to the underground dungeon. You just need to twist the bulb of an old lamp, and the wall will open. What welcomes us is a stair going down the underground.

 I look at Prince Fraser. "They really want to keep it as a secret."

 He just smile at me. "Yes, too bad they didn't know that there's no secret that we couldn't know." 

 Prince Fraser walks inside the stair first. He then helps me to go down. The moment I step my foot on the second step of the stairs, the wall closes. I rush towards Prince Fraser and hugs him. I got scared because the wall suddenly closes.josei

 He put his hand on my back. "Shh, that's just the wall closing up." 

 I sigh. Great. Why did I become a scaredy cat? I gently push Prince Fraser. "Thank you. I was just startled." 

 I could feel my face getting flustered because of what happened. I just heard him chuckled before he led me to where the others are.

 We walk through the dark hallway before we reach the end of it. At the end, there are several cells on the left and right sides. In the middle, there are things that are used for torture and such.

 "Finally, you are here. I thought there's something happened that's why you're late. Eh? You're here, Csille?"

 I just rolled my eyes at Rufus. What is so shocking that I am here? "Do you have any problem with me being here, Rufus?"

 He just scratches his nape and shakes his head. He then looks at Prince Fraser. "We checked the guard that is guarding the Crown Princess of the Saiven Kingdom, and he is sleeping. So, we can assure that everything is going to plan." He then gestured his hand at Prince Reeve, who is sitting on a chair. "Should we wake him up now?"

 Prince Fraser is about to respond, but Princess Paislee cuts him off. "Lady Csille, did the two of you reconcile already?"

 I frown, and I follow where Princess Paislee is looking at. My eyes immediately widen when I realized where is she looking. How can I forget that I am still holding Prince Fraser's hand? I immediately break off from his grasp. 

 I can feel my face heating up. I avoid their gazes because I don't know how to answer that question. 

 Princess Paislee, do you need to ask that? Don't worry. I don't have any plan to take away your Prince from you. But why do you need to put us in the spotlight? I am not here for a sudden interview. I am only here to see the fun. But why do I feel like I am the one who is being interrogated here? 

 I hear Prince Fraser clears his throat. "We're not here to talk about that. Let's focus now on the important thing." Prince Fraser walks towards Prince Reeve.

 I sigh in relief. Thank goodness Prince Fraser changed the subject, or else I would stand here unmoving and pretend that I didn't hear anything. 

 I look up and find Princess Paislee looking at me intently before she shakes her head and walks towards the others who are currently waking up Prince Reeve.

 Why? Why did she look at me like that? As if she was disappointed with what happened. Princess Paislee, can you follow the script here? You should be happy now because the thing between Prince Fraser and I is still complicated. But why do you look like you're disappointed?

 I almost want to cry with what is happening. When will these two realize that they are the ones meant for each other? 

 I sigh and walk towards Prince Reeve. He is now starting to have consciousness. He groans and slowly lookup. "Prince Fraser? Wha-what is happening?" 

 It looks like he is still disoriented. Prince Fraser walks towards Prince Reeve. "Don't worry. We won't hurt you. All you need to do is to say what do you know."

 Prince Reeve suddenly stands up, but since Leander and Rufus are on his side, he was immediately stop. He then glares at Prince Fraser. "Prince Fraser Astalieu! What do you think you are doing? I am the Crown Prince of the Saiven Kingdom. Do you know how heavy the punishment is to abduct a Crown Prince of another Kingdom?"

 I smirk at his remarks. Really? So he's putting the Crown Prince card here. Did he forget that Prince Fraser is also the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom? The strongest Kingdom among all.

 I lean on the wall and watch Prince Reeve glares at everyone. I smirk at him.. What does it feel to be betrayed by your own ally? How's the taste of their own medicine? They are so dumb to believe we will fall for their tricks.

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