Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 154 -

Chapter 154 - : The Effect Of The Pill

 I woke up with a headache. I didn't sleep much last night because of what happened. After Leander gave the antidote, I accompany them to bring Prince Reeve in his room again like nothing happens. 

 After all, those happened. I was up until three in the morning because I couldn't help thinking about what happened. We are definitely sure that the three Kingdoms are working together to go against the Vrawyth Kingdom, and all of a sudden, they are not? 

 Prince Reeve is definitely not lying because if he is, he would have vomit blood. The henchman before vomit blood when the parasitic insect starts to eat his inside. But it didn't happen to Prince Reeve, and it only means one thing. He is saying the truth.

 I sigh and get up from my bed. Another day. Another problem. I thought after last night we won't have any problem aside from the Strzalka's threat. But all this time, we're worrying over something that isn't a problem. Great! We just waste our time. 

 I immediately freshen up and change my clothes before I walk downstairs. It's already almost seven in the morning. I bet they are all in the dining room now. 

 "Lady Csille, you're here." Princess Roese immediately walks towards me and drags me to sit beside her. "I've been waiting for you to come down. Did you sleep well, Lady Csille?"

 I am about to answer her, but Prince Reeve speaks first. "Princess Roese, mind your behavior. We are in front of a meal. You shouldn't run like that. Also, remember we are still in the residence of the Vrawyth Kingdom. How can you be so rude?" 

 I look at Prince Reeve, and he looks at me too. "I'm sorry, Lady Csille, if my sister is bothering you. She is just overjoyed seeing you early in the morning."

 I just smile at him. "You shouldn't worry, Prince Reeve. Princess Roese isn't bothering me. I am actually happy having her here."

 I look at the others, and they look like they haven't take a good sleep too. I look back at Prince Reeve. "How's your sleep, Prince Reeve? I hope you sleep well." 

 I sit beside Princess Roese. Beside her is her Brother, Prince Reeve. In front of us are Prince Fraser, Princess Paislee, Rufus, and Leander, respectively.

 "I sleep like a log, Lady Csille. Thank you for asking. I haven't slept like that for ages. Thank you for taking care of us."

 I just smile politely at him. "It is our honor to have you here, and I'm glad you sleep well. I hope the food is also in your liking."

 Princess Roese clings to one of my arms. "The food in here tastes great. I never taste anything like this in my whole life. I heard from his highness, Prince Rufus, that these are foods from the Vrawyth Kingdom." 

 I look at Princess Roese and see her face flushed. I looked at Rufus and raised my eyebrow at him. Rufus frown at me. 

 Since Princess Roese isn't a traitor, should I matchmake her to Rufus?

 Rufus looks at me as if asking what is wrong and why I am looking at him. I just wink at him before answering Princess Roese. "That's actually nice to hear that you like the food."

 The breakfast continues with a light atmosphere. Princess Roese talks to me about almost anything while Prince Reeve is talking with the guys. 

 After the breakfast, all of us rest in the receiving room first. It won't be good if they travel immediately after the breakfast since the carriage usually jolts most of the time.

 "Lady Csille, are you the only one who will compete in the Etiquette category?" 

 I am currently doing some embroidery since Princess Roese ask me if she can see me doing any sub category for the Etiquette. 

 "Yes, I am. I actually asked them before to choose another representative that could help me in competing in the Etiquette category. However, they declined my request. So, here I am competing alone in the Etiquette category."

 "Is it because no one can be on par with you. You are the only one who can compete in the Etiquette category without even doing some effort." Rufus butts in the conversation.

 Princess Roese stares at Rufus before she bows her head. I watch her every move and realize something. Is he jealous because Rufus complimented me? josei

 I squint my eyes at Rufus. Can this guy be careful with his words? I sigh. "You're flattering me too much, Prince Rufus. How can I even be compared to those Royalties from the other Kingdoms?"

 Rufus scoff. "I've seen most of those Princesses, and all of them can't even compare to you. Only Princess Paislee can be compared to you but too bad she isn't around anymore."

 Great! Thank you, Rufus. You and your big mouth. How can he talk like that, knowing that Princess Roese is here? Isn't that a big slap for Princess Roese?

 I laugh awkwardly at Rufus' remarks. If the two siblings are here, I would have thrown him some pillows. "How can I compare to a true born Royalty? Their etiquette is innate to them. See how Princess Roese is sitting? You can see that she's definitely a true Princess of a Kingdom. Don't you think, Rufus?" 

 I squint my eyes at him. If this guy didn't answer right, I would throw him out of the residence. He knows that we just did a grave sin for these two siblings, and this guy has the nerve to insult Princess Roese? 

 Rufus looks at Princess Roese for a few seconds before he smiles widely at her. "How can I forget our mesmerizing Princess Roese? Of course, she is also an exception. I'm sure if she competes in this year's competition, she'll definitely win against you."

 I chuckled and raised both my hands in the air. "If she competes, I will withdraw from the game. How can I compete with a Crown Princess? I am just a simple daughter of the Count. Ho—"

 "That will become my Queen. How can they even compare with you?"

 My eyes widen, and I look at Prince Fraser. I can feel my face getting flushed over his words. Seriously? Does he need to say it in front of everyone? In front of his own future Queen? 

 I look at Princess Paislee and found her smiling at what is happening. I almost cry in frustration with what I have seen. Like, come on, can these two get on their character? They are the leads here. Why are they acting like this? They are just making my task more difficult here.

 I suddenly feel a stinging pain in my arms. I look beside me and see Princess Roese slapping my arms like crazy. She is also shrieking. "You two have chemistry. It even surpassed the chemistry of my parents." She then shrieks again and slaps my arms.

 Prince Reeve shakes his head, and he stands up. "Princess Roese, stop doing that. You're hurting Lady Csille," he then stares at the guys. "Thank you for accommodating my sister and I. I really appreciate it."

 While Prince Reeve is saying his thank you, Princess Roese looks at me with her sorry expression. "I'm sorry, Lady Csille. I was just flustered by how sweet your interaction with Prince Fraser was. I heard that the two of you are close to each other, but I didn't expect that you will have this kind of chemistry. I'm sorry. Does it hurts you?" She then takes my arms to inspect it.

 Now I am sure that everything she is showing is real. She is not just acting. I smile at her. "You shouldn't worry about this. I'm not hurt."

 Princess Paislee blows my arm. "Mother said that blowing the wound will help to ease the pain. Although I don't see any wound, I would like to be sure." 

 Prince Reeve helps his sister to stand up. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience my sister gave to you, Lady Csille."

 I just wave my hand at him. "You shouldn't worry. I actually enjoy being with her."

 Prince Fraser stands beside me and holds my hand. I stare at him with a questioning look. Why is he holding my hand again? I thought what happened yesterday will be the last time he will do something like this? 

 He probably noticed how the way I look at him, so he lean towards my ears and whispered, "We are the host for this visit. It's our responsibility to walk them out of the residence."

 I nod my head at him. Acceptable but after this, I will make sure that things will come back to how it is. I already indulged myself yesterday, and now it is time to face the truth again. I need to avoid him again.

 We started to walk the royal siblings outside the residence, where the carriage is already waiting for them. 

 "In behalf of the Saiven Kingdom. I would like to say my deepest gratitude for letting is stay for the night. I also hope you will enjoy your remaining stay in the Saiven Kingdom," Prince Reeve said to us. 

 Princess Roese runs towards me to hug me. "Lady Csille, I hope we can have another conversation some other time. I really enjoy talking to you."

 Prince Reeve immediately takes his sister away from me. "I'm sorry my sister had a tendency to be clingy to those people she likes. I hope it doesn't bother you, Lady Csille."

 I shake my head at Prince Reeve. "It's actually my honor to be with her. So you don't have to worry." I look at Princess Roese. "I am also hoping we can talk again. However, since the competition will be starting a couple of days from now, I will be busy with training. So, even if I want to, I'm afraid I cannot do that. I'll just send you a letter if I have some free time. Of course, if you wouldn't mind."

 Princess Roese immediately beams with my words. "I will be waiting for your letter then. Also, I understand that you will be busy, and I actually don't want to bother you with your training too." She then looks at all of us. "Good luck with the competition Lady Csille, Prince Fraser, Prince Rufus, Mister Leander, and Sir Farren. I hope you can win each category."

 After a few thank you's and good luck for the competition, the two siblings left the Vrawyth residence.

 Everyone takes a deep breath the moment the carriage is out of our view. Rufus sigh. "Thank goodness the antidote is effective, or else we will have to face the wrath of the two siblings or, worst, the wrath of the Saiven Kingdom. I doubt if we can get out of here alive if the King knows what happened." 

 Rufus is right. I'm sure the King won't let us off if he knew what we did to his heir to the Crown. With how they love and take care of the two siblings? I bet we will be doom if ever.

 "Are you sure that Prince Reeve forgot everything permanently? What if it's only temporary? What will we do?" Princess Paislee asked with concern in her voice.

 I understand her concern, but Ruler Laird explains it to me when I visit him in his assigned residence in the Saiven Kingdom. He explained to me the extent of the pill and what does the antidote does. The reason why the person forgets what happens is because it's a side effect of the antidote. Only to those people who had the pill will make the antidote work. Even if you drink tons of the antidote, the person won't forget anything. 

 Once the antidote reaches the insect, the insect will release a substance. Once that substance is mixed with the antidote, it will cause a reaction. It will make the host forget what happened the time he takes the pill.

 "That impossible. Ruler Laird made sure to me that once the person takes the antidote, he will forget everything that happened while the insect is inside their body. So you shouldn't worry we are safe."

 "I don't think that's what we need to be concerned about. Everything that happened seems suspicious, and that's what we need to know. If someone is doing this in the dark, or it's just a plain incident.." Prince Fraser cuts me off.

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