Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 175 -

Chapter 175 - : Why

 "Csille..." he paused and took a deep breath. His expression just now is really terrifying. It's as if he is about to throw a rampage in one moment. "Can I talk to you?"

 This... I don't remember writing about this too. Why would Prince Fraser want to talk to Csille? He is supposed to be mad at her. He is supposed to be distancing himself from Csille. So, why is this all happening? 

 This is not what I have written! I feel panic starting to rise inside of me.. What is happening? Wouldn't this alert the fictional world? If this continues, I'm afraid I couldn't save this world. 


 Csille stares at Prince Fraser for a couple of seconds before she opens the door and lets him in. Although she lets him in, Csille keeps her distance at Prince Fraser. She's actually scared of Prince Fraser. 

 I don't know if I should laugh at her or pity her. I know Prince Fraser can be terrifying at times, especially if he's mad.

 Prince Fraser sits on a chair and looks at Csille. She then sits in the opposite direction, far away from him. Csille remains quiet and just waits for Prince Fraser to talk. However, even after a couple of seconds, Prince Fraser still hasn't said a single word or even moved an inch. He just stares intently at Csille, who is sitting nervously in front of him.

 Csille could no longer stay calm while being stared at by Prince Fraser. She takes a deep breath and stares at his eyes too. "Your highness, may I know what are you doing here?" Csille inconspicuously takes a glance at Prince Fraser's stomach. 

 Is he okay? What is he doing here? He should be resting right now. But instead, he decided to come here and talk to me? What does he want to talk about? Will he be mad at me again? 

 "Why?" Prince Fraser suddenly asks.

 Csille frowns. She doesn't understand what does Prince Fraser is referring to. She remains silent and waits for him to continue his words.

 "Why, Csille?" Prince Fraser asked again, but he still didn't mention what he was referring to.

 What does he mean by why? Did I do something again?

 "Pardon your highness. However, can you please clarify what do you mean? I quite don't understand what you are referring to." 

 However, instead of answering Csille, Prince Fraser just glared at her. It's as if what she just said makes him angrier.josei

 Csille anxiously stares at Prince Fraser. She doesn't know what to do anymore. She tried to ask him what he meant, but he just glared at her.

 Am I supposed to know what do you mean? I'm not a witch here, okay? I don't know how to read your thoughts. How can you expect me to know what you mean with a simple why?

 Csille almost cry because of helplessness. What is she going to do with him? 

 Prince Fraser probably sees her struggle and answer her. "Why didn't you attend my match? You are also not there when I was injured." He scoffs. "Do you even know I am injured?" He said in a sarcastic voice. 

 Csille stares at Prince Fraser dumbfoundedly. She couldn't believe what was happening right now. Did he just say those words?

 He is here just to ask me that question? I thought he would be mad at me because he caught me watching his match. 

 Even I didn't expect things to progress like this. What is happening right now doesn't make sense. Prince Fraser getting mad at Csille because she didn't attend his last match and for not staying at his side when he is injured is definitely out of the script.

 He is supposedly hating Csille right now because he knows she is the culprit behind Princess Paislee's almost accident. He is supposedly distancing himself from her as if she has some sort of contagious disease. But why does he seems mad at Csille because she is not with him?

 "Csille, answer me! Your fiancĂ© got injured, and here you are locking yourself inside your room like you didn't care? Are you not even worried about me?" He snaps.

 Csille almost jumps on her seat because of his shout. She still couldn't get over the fact that Prince Fraser is currently mad at her not because of the mistake she made but because she was not with him when the accident happened.

 What should I tell him? Should I tell him that I was there but, I decided not to show myself because Sir Farren is already there. And I know he will be mad at me again if he sees me?

 Csille sigh. "Have you forgotten what you said, Prince Fraser?" Csille smiles bitterly at him.

 "And remember this, Csille, our engagement is still not official. So, whatever responsibility you are saying is not valid. I am not your fiancĂ© as long as my Father, the King, didn't announce it. So, don't parade yourself as the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom." She recited what Prince Fraser told him that day.

 How can Csille forget those hurtful words she heard from Prince Fraser? He just slapped it on her face that she was nothing to him. 

 Prince Fraser got silent. It's a good thing Csille is staring at Prince Fraser. That's why I can see the conflicted expression on his face. It looks like he is struggling to say something. 

 Csille smiled bitterly. "Have you forgotten that, your highness? You're the one pushing me away, right? So, I just did what you wanted me to do. I know you are injured, but because I know you'll be mad at me again if I disturb your rest. So, I decided not to visit you."

 Both Csille and I are waiting for his response when suddenly he stands up from his chair and glares at Csille. "I despise you, Csille." He immediately left after saying those words. He even closes the door with a bang. 

 I was left dumbfounded by what happened. What happened? Why is he mad again? Although I am glad that Prince Fraser is being in his character, I still don't understand why he left just like that. He even looks like he hates Csille to the core.

 I can feel tears start to fall on my face. Csille is crying again. She continues to stare at the closed door with teary eyes. "Prince Fraser, why? I don't understand what did I do wrong again. I didn't show myself in front of you because I was afraid that you'd get mad at me when you see me. But why did you end up being mad at me again?" She asks with a broken voice.

 Csille lay on her bed and cried. She doesn't understand what is happening to Prince Fraser and what does he wants her to do. 

 He wants to stay away from him, and when she distances herself, he becomes mad at her again? 

 What am I supposed to do with you, Prince Fraser? Because I honestly don't know what to do anymore. 


 I look around my surroundings. Isn't this the Vrawyth residence in the Saiven Kingdom, but why is it empty? 

 I checked each room and corner of the residence, but I didn't find anyone. 

 "Eh? Is there some kind of celebration today and they just forgot to invite me? Even the maids are not here. What is happening?"

 I was about to check the outside of the residence when I heard someone call me. It's not Csille's name but my real name.


 I immediately looked around, trying to find the source of the voice but I couldn't find it. 

 That voice! It's sounds familiar. I think I heard it in the Kosmo Metaxy. I just forgot who is the owner of that voice. 

 But that is not important right now. I immediately ran and looked around the residence again. If it's someone in Kosmo Metaxy, then I could ask that person why I couldn't contact the Virtouse.

 However, no matter how hard I looked around, I couldn't find the owner of the voice. I frown. Did I just hear it wrong?


 My eyes widened when I heard the voice again. "Who are you? Show yourself to me. Why can't I see you? Where are you?" I tried to look around, but I couldn't find anyone inside the residence except for me.

 I wait for a couple of minutes before the voice responds to my questions. "This is Louve, the law and peace maker in the Kosmo Metaxy. You met me before, remember?" The voice suddenly stops again.

 I frown and try to recall who is Louve. My eyes widen when I remember him. He is the smiling person among the seniors that help the Virtouse managing the spirits living in the Kosmo. But why is he the one talking to me? Where are the Virtouse?

 I was startled when Louve's voice suddenly came out of nowhere. It's as if he is on speaker. The only thing different is there is no speaker around.

 "Ysavel, I won't run around the bush and go straight to the point. The Virtouse..." his voice suddenly becomes weaker. It's as if he becomes on mute. "...so please take care of yourself. Find the head Virtouse...." his voice becomes weaker again. "...that's where you can see him."

 I frown. This, isn't this comparable to choppy lines in the real world? But what does Louve trying to say?

 "Louve? Can you repeat what you have said? I couldn't understand you. Your line isn't clear. I didn't catch what you are trying to say."

 I wait for Louve to reply to me but after waiting for almost ten minutes now, no one answer my question.

 "Louve? Are you still there? Can you repeat what you had said? I didn't understand it. What happened to the Virtouse? Why are you the one talking to me instead of them? Louve?"

 I sighed and slumped my body on one of the sofas when I didn't get any response from Louve. "What happened to him, and what is he trying to say? The Virtouse is what? And where can I found the head Virtouse?"

 I stare at the ceiling and sigh. My questions about Virtouse weren't answered. It even adds to the list of questions I need to ask to the Virtouse.

 The Strzalka? The Illorian Pill? The war that almost happened? Princess Paislee getting away from Csille's evil plan. The accident that happened to Prince Fraser. My last conversation with Prince Fraser. The Virtouse?

 All of it are questions that had piled up since I haven't talked to the Virtouse for almost a month now. 

 I groan in frustration. "I am the writer of the novel, but why does it feels like I am the one who knows nothing in here? Also, what happened with my last conversation with Prince Fraser?"

 The accident that happened today. Why did it happen when I clearly don't remember writing about it. And the conversation I just had with Prince Fraser? He becomes mad at Csille because she wasn't around him when the accident happened. 

 Everything that happened doesn't follow what I have written. I don't understand anything right now. Why does my novel become like this?

 If only I could talk to them, but it seems like they are busy dealing with some things since they let Louve speak to me instead of them. 

 Did something happen to other spirits? Or maybe another fictional world collapses again?

 However, if that's the case, do they all need to attend to that problem? I thought they were the guide of the spirits from the real world? But why are they letting me handle everything on my own?

 There's a lot of things that I still don't understand. Why can they leave me behind like that? I thought they would help me? Where's the help when I needed it the most?

 I sigh and close my eyes. 

 I just hope that when I wake up, everything will becomes better.

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