Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 216 -

Chapter 216 - : The Count And The Countess (1)

 Time flies too fast when you are having fun. That's what I realized in my stay with the Foulqueret Family. 

 I spend cooking and baking with Aunt Aveline. She even tried to teach crocheting, but I just couldn't understand how to do it properly. While Uncle Faramond shows me around their business. They have several businesses here in Alderrdeen. They have a restaurant, a pastry shop, a bookshop, and a jewelry store. He also shows me around to their farm. The Foulqueret Family is known for being the biggest supplier of crops in Alderrdeen. Aside from crops, they are also known for their jewelry.

 If I weren't enjoying my time with Aunt and Uncle, Pax Dea would bring me around her Boutique and show me how things work. We also sometimes spend our time with Máire and Clymene.

 "My dear Csille, are you ready? We need to go now. You don't want to make your parents wait, don't you?" I heard Aunt Aveline call me downstairs. They are already on the first floor, and they are waiting for me to finish dressing myself up.

 I look at the mirror and smile at my reflection before I go down the stairs. It's the day that my parents will arrive at Alderrdeen City, and we will welcome them at the entrance of the City.

 Aunt Aveline smiled when she saw me. "You are beautiful as always, my dear. I'm sure your Mother will be happy to see you again."

 I just smile shyly at Aunt Aveline. 

 It's been a long time since I saw my parents and this time they are five years older than the last time I saw them. I have been dying to see them again.

 I hope they will arrive in Alderrdeen safe and sound.

 After making sure that everything is okay, we all start our trip. The trip from the Foulqueret Family to the City entrance takes thirty minutes. After arriving at the entrance of the City, we stayed at one of the pastry shops that are close to the entrance gate. 

 Pax Dea, who is sitting beside me, leans on my ear. "Is Prince Fraser won't really be coming with Aunt Marcelle? He would really not attend your graduation? He's your fiancée. How can he do that?"

 So what if I am his fiancée? I am nothing to Prince Fraser. So, why would he attend my graduation?

 I smile at her. "His highness is the same year as I am. He also has a graduation to attend too. If he attends my graduation, then he won't be able to attend his. So, there's nothing we really can do about it." 

 It's also one of the reasons why Prince Fraser cannot attend my graduation because he has his own graduation he needs to attend. 

 Pax Dea pouts. "I still think it's unfair. That's one of the special events in your life. How can he not attend it?"

 "But that's also one of his special events in his life, and look where I am? So, I think it's just fair since both of us cannot attend each other's graduation. Also, we have a valid reason, so it's really not a big deal."

 And why would I make a big issue about it? I have written this scene. I was the reason why Prince Fraser wouldn't be able to attend Csille's graduation. So, how can I complain if I was the reason why all of this is happening?

 Pax Dea didn't say anything and just ate her cake. 

 Brother Ernest, who is sitting beside Pax Dea, shakes his head. "Dea, can you not make things difficult? Look, Csille is already okay with that idea, but you, who is her cousin only, are making an issue about it? Don't you find it weird?"

 Pax Dea frowns. "Brother! Why are you listening to our conversation? Don't you know it's rude to do that?"

 Brother Ernest shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have any plan to listen to it, but your voice is really loud that even if I don't have any plan on listening, my ears can't help but to hear it."

 Pax Dea grumbles. "Mother! Brother is teasing me again."

 Aunt Aveline laughs at her children. "Okay, okay, hush now. You two are already grown ups, but you still act like a child."

 Pax Dea sticks her tongue out to her Brother and avoids looking at him. I laugh at her childish behavior. 

 The first time I met Pax Dea, I really thought she was a serious type of person, but during my stay with them, I just realized that she acts like a child in an adult body. She's playful, cheerful, and loves to tease others. But she is often sensitive when it comes to joke. That's why she and Brother Ernest often quarrel.

 We waited for a couple more minutes before the carriage of the Vrawyth Kingdom stopped in front of the gate. On the top of the carriage, there is a flag of Vrawyth Kingdom and a flag with the Lauretré family symbol.

 I immediately stand up and walk out of the pastry shop to welcome them. Aunt Aveline and the others followed me. We are now waiting for the carriage to stop in front of us.

 After the guards made sure that it was right from the Vrawyth Kingdom, they immediately opened the gate and let them in. 

 Aunt Aveline asks the coachman to wave the flag with the symbol of the Foulqueret family So they can see us. The carriage then starts to move and stops in front of us. 

 The carriage door opens, and Father gets off the carriage and helps my Mother gets off the carriage. I immediately rush towards them and hug them.

 Mother laughs and hugs me tightly. "My dear, I finally see you again. I heard from Doctor Leander that you are not taking care of yourself properly. I thought I already told you to take care of yourself when I am not with you. Look how thin you become."

 I just smile at her. "I miss you, Mother."

 Mother sigh and hugs me. "I miss you too. It's a good thing that you're about to graduate already. I don't need to worry about you while you are here."

 Father, who is standing beside Mother, gently caress my Mother's back to calm her down. "Calm down, my Countess. It wouldn't be good for your health if you stress yourself." He then looks at me. "And you, young lady. Aren't you going to hug your own Father? Don't you miss me?"

 I laugh and hug him too. I miss them. If only they could be my true parents. However, I know I only borrowed Csille's life, and no matter what I do, I cannot be Csille. I won't be able to stay here. 

 Even if I pass or I fail this, I cannot live here as Csille Lauretré.

 "Of course, I miss you too, Father. You don't know how much happy I am now that you are here." 

 "How about me? Don't you miss me?"

 I frowned when I heard another familiar voice. I break from my Father's hug and look at his back. My eyes widened when I realized who's the owner of that voice.

 "Brother Pascal!"

 I immediately rush towards him and hug him too. I didn't expect I would see him here. Since I only mentioned in the novel that the Lauretré family is absent on Prince Fraser's graduation.

 I didn't actually write about Csille's graduation. I only mentioned that Csille is having her graduation too in Aderrdeen City. But I didn't write details about it since the focus of my novel is about Prince Fraser's and Princess Paislee's graduation.josei

 Brother Pascal laughs and hugs me too. "I miss you too, Csille."

 I break from Brother Pascal's hug and look at my family. From the Foulqueret Family to the Lauretré Family. I am happy because I really feel the love they have for me.

 Aunt Aveline, who is watching our little reunion, walks towards my Mother and hugs her. "Marcelle, it was nice seeing you again. However, I suggest that we should talk inside. People might recognize who you are here."

 Everyone agrees, so we immediately rent a private room where we can talk without a worry. Mother and Father both know that the Foulqueret Family likes to live a simple life. So, they didn't have any problem. Also, they know that it will get complicated if people know that the Foulqueret Family has a connection with us. They don't want to bring disaster to the Foulqueret Family. 

 Mother hugs Aunt Aveline. "Sister, thank you for taking care of my daughter." Mother look at Brother Ernest. "Ernest, thank you also for looking out for her while she is in school. I hope she didn't give you headaches."

 Brother Ernest walks towards my Mother. "Aunt Marcelle, welcome back to Alderrdeen. And about Csille, she is actually a great student. I didn't do much because she didn't cause any trouble in school."

 Mother looks at me and pets my head. "Is that true, my dear?"

 I nod my head at her as a response. "Mother, I won't do anything that would disappoint you and Father. So, you can rest assured that I didn't cause any trouble."

 The Vrawyth Kingdom is oblivious to the issue that happened in the Alderrdeen. I didn't tell my parents because I didn't want them to worry. However, since Prince Fraser is already in the Vrawyth Kingdom, I'm not sure if he tells the truth to the King or to my Father.

 Aunt Aveline laughs. "Marcelle, your daughter is a very outstanding student. Why would she make a ruckus? Also, you shouldn't thank me. Csille is my niece. It's only natural for me to take care of her in your stead."

 Mother looks at Aunt Aveline with gratefulness. Father, who is standing beside Mother laughs. "My Countess, sister-in-law is right. It's natural for them to do that because we are family. Oh, I forgot to introduce my nephew." Father reached his hand to Brother Pascal. "This is Pascal Lauretré. He is the son of my deceased brother."

 Brother Pascal bows his head a little as a sign of respect. "It was nice meeting you all. I hope you won't mind me staying here."

 Pax Dea, who's been quiet the whole time, walks towards Brother Pascal. "We won't mind. You're Csille's cousin, and I am Csille's cousin too. Even though we're not blood related, you are already our family. Hello, Brother Pascal. I am Pax Dea. I am the same age as Csille."

 Uncle Faramond smile. "My daughter is right. You are the nephew of the Count. Of course, you are welcome here. Consider yourself as part of the family now."

 Brother Pascal smile at Pax Dea and the Foulqueret Family. 

 After a few introductions, we immediately start our trip back to the Foulqueret home. Instead of staying in the Foulqueret carriage, I decided to stay with my Mother.

 Mother look at me. "It's the reason why I was hesitating to send you here because I know you won't take care of yourself properly. I heard from Doctor Leander that you have constant headaches. He also said that you often got injured because of the voluntary works you have done. My dear, can you take care of yourself? We only have you as our child. Would you want your parents to worry about you?"

 I apologetically look at Mother and Father. "I apologize, Mother, Father. I promise I won't do that again. I was just too engrossed with what I am doing that sometimes I forgot to check on myself."

 Mother sigh and look at Brother Pascal, who is sitting beside me. "Pascal, can you please check your cousin? I'm worried that her body might not be in good shape. I know my sister took care of you but with your personality? I know you would sneak out."

 "Mother!" I complain. 

 Why am I the one who is getting scolded here? It was the real Csille. She was the one who did that, and yet I was the one who's being reprimanded? Isn't this unfair?

 Mother waves her hand. "Don't complain! You know what I am saying is true." She then looks at Brother Pascal. "Pascal, can you check this stubborn young lady here?"

 I pout and let Brother Pascal check on me.

 This is really unfair.. That was five years ago. How can she expect me to be the same after all those years? Also, that was Csille and not me!

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