Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 223 -

Chapter 223 - : I’m Coming Home (1)

 I sigh. "I just need to suggest to them that I can give you a job in the Vrawyth Kingdom. I'll just hint to them that once we return, I'll immediately ask my Father for it."

 Lilla looks at me. "But how can they postpone the wedding?"

 "Do you think that's guy's family will let their son's wife work? They want to marry off their son to you because they are worried they won't have an heir for their family. If you work in the Vrawyth Kingdom, do you think they will still agree with the wedding?"

 Lilla got silent for a while. She's probably still digesting things. She shakes her head at me after. "But they can also use the same reason not to let me go in the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 I smirk at Lilla. "They will definitely not let you. But your parents will. Do you think your parents will miss this opportunity to have a connection with the Vrawyth Kingdom? I am the only heiress of the Lauretré Family, and I am also the future Queen of the Kingdom. Do you think they will choose to marry you off to that guy or to let you work in the Vrawyth Kingdom under me? What do you think?"

 Lilla's eyes widen. She then rushes towards me and hugs me. "Thank you, Lady Csille. You don't know how much you save me. Now, I don't need to worry about them forcing me to a marriage I never want."

 I sigh. "But Lilla, this is just a temporary solution. If we didn't give you a response after we returned. I'm sure your parents would consider that wedding again."

 Lilla's shoulders drop. "Csille, please help me. Would you please convince his majesty that I won't be a threat to the Vrawyth Kingdom? I swear on my name that no matter what happens, I will never betray the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 "I will try, Lilla. I will do my best to help you with your problem. Just give me enough time. The Vrawyth Kingdom is still far away from Frailens City. After, we return I will take care of it, okay?"

 Lilla hugs me. "Thank you, Csille. Thank you."

 I just hugged her in return.

 I just wished I wouldn't regret this decision in the future.


 After my quick conversation with Lilla, I also excused myself and left the Vassellevé residence. 

 I still need to return to the inn because Father and Mother will tour Pax Dea around the Frailens City. However, they had already left when I returned.

 I heard from one of the guards who are still guarding the inn that Brother Pascal didn't join them and decided to stay. 

 Eh? Brother Pascal? 

 I smile and knock on his room. Brother Pascal immediately smiles when he sees me. "Csille, you already return. Aunt and Uncle had already left. Do you want to look for them? I can come with you."

 I shake my head at him. "No, that's okay, Brother. If I join them, it will become difficult to remain low-profile." I touch my hair and blink a couple of times. "With my hair and my eyes. I bet people will immediately recognize me." I look inside his room. "What are you doing, Brother? Am I interrupting you?"

 He shakes his head and opens the door. I looked around, and I was amazed at how clean his room is. Although we have just been here for hours, my whole room is now a mess. However, his room looks like there's nobody staying in there. 

 "No, I was just reading some medical researches. Uncle introduced me to Principal Germund, and he gave me a copy of some of their new researches. Do you know how much this new research can help the medicine in the Vrawyth Kingdom?"

 Principal Germund? He gave Brother Pascal a copy of the school's research? But I thought he didn't give it to anyone. 

 I heard from Ruler Laird that Principal Germund is keeping those research because he wants the Alderrdeen City to be known as the Pioneer when it comes to innovation. 

 What makes Principal Germund do that? Although my Father is noble, I don't think it's enough for him to give Brother Pascal a copy. It's probably related to Ruler Laird. Only Ruler Laird can make Principal Germund do that.

 "I'm glad that your journey to the Alderrdeen City is not a waste. At least you have this. I'm sure with Brother's intelligence. It will become a great help to the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 Brother Pascal gently pats my head and lets me in."Come inside. Let's talk."

 Talk? Is he going to talk about those researches? Although I was forced to be a genius student in Alderrdeen, it doesn't mean that I really love studying. 

 Like come on, I just graduated from college. Can my brain get a break too?

 Brother Pascal let me sit on one of the chairs in his room. He the sit on the chair in front of me. He sighs snd stares intently at me. "Csille, you probably already know that his majesty asked Uncle to start preparing for the preparation for your engagement with his highness, Prince Fraser, right?"

 I frown. So, he wants to talk to me because of this? I don't know if I should sigh in relief because we're not talking about researches or frown. After all, we're talking about my engagement with Prince Fraser.

 "Yes, Brother. Father already mentioned it to me before. But why did you mention it now?"

 I heard Brother Pascal sigh. "I never planned to interfere with your life Csille. However, I couldn't help but be worried about you. Are you sure you want to be engaged with him? Prince Fraser is the future King of the Kingdom. Marrying him equates to being the Queen of our Kingdom. Are you ready for that kind of responsibility, Csille?"

 I look at Brother Pascal. Is he worried that I will fail as a Queen, or is he worried that I will just be hurt after becoming a Queen? After all, being the Ruler of the Kingdom is both a blessing and a curse. 

 I smile at him. "Brother, I might not be ready right now, but I will do my best to be a Queen that the Vrawyth people would want." 

 Although I don't want to say those words, I don't have any other choice. Brother Pascal doesn't know that I am aware of the future. That I will not end up as the Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 Brother Pascal looked at me intently and sighed. "I'm just worried about you, Csille. I have interacted with Prince Fraser, and even if he is a great Ruler, I'm not sure if he could be a great husband to you. You are my only cousin, Csille, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

 I rush towards Brother Pascal and hug him. I really appreciate him. I really appreciate how my parents and he are so concerned about my safety and happiness.

 "Thank you, Brother. But you can rest assured that I wouldn't let myself be in a disadvantageous situation."

 In the future, I will do my best to make sure that they will be safe. I will not let any harm come their way. Even if I need to sacrifice my life, I will do it.


 Days passed, and we are still continuing our journey back home. It's been more than a week now after we started journeying. josei

 Pax Dea walked towards me and showed me a flower. "Look, Csille, I found this flower. Isn't this beautiful?"

 I look at the flower in her hand and smile sadly. Red tulip. It's Red tulip.

 "I like this one the most." Prince Fraser smiled and put the flowers behind my ears. "There, it suits you. It complimented your hair and your eyes." 

 I suddenly remember the first time I met Prince Fraser. It was also the first time he gave me a flower. The red tulips. The declaration of love flower.


 I break from my trance, and I look at Pax Dea.

 "Are you okay, Csille?" She asked worriedly.

 I shake my head at her and smile. "I'm sorry, I just remembered something. What are you saying again?"

 Pax Dea stares at me before she sighs. She then shows me the red tulip flower. "I was asking if you know the meaning of this flower. I heard from Aunt that you know the language of flowers. So, you must know what this flower means."

 I sigh. "It's a declaration of love flower. A person can give this to someone they like as a confession for their feelings."

 Pax Dea nods her head. "I see. So have you received red tulips before?" She teased.

 I was frozen because of her question. Of course, I have received one before. It was Prince Fraser. He gave me a red tulip before. However, I don't think it has a meaning. After all, we were still young back then. 

 "No, I haven't received one. Why did you ask? Maybe you're the one who received a red tulips?"

 Pax Dea's eyes immediately widen. "Csille!"

 I just laugh at her and run. Pax Dea runs after me. We run around the place teasing each other.

 "Csille! Pax Dea! The two of you stop running anymore. We will have our dinner now. Come here already." Mother called us.

 Pax Dea and I immediately rush towards the table. I frowned when I noticed red tulips in a vase in the middle of the table.

 Mother probably noticed the way I stared at the vase. "I ask someone to pick some red tulips around because I know that will make you happy. Do you like it?"

 I force a smile and nod my head. 

 Am I happy? How can I be happy seeing the flower that reminds me of Prince Fraser?

 I wish that red tulip that Prince Fraser gave me before could mean a thing. But I know better than anyone else that it is impossible.


 It's nighttime already, but my mind couldn't help but think about a certain person that wouldn't even think about me. 

 I walk out of our tent and sit on one of the chairs outside. The guards are who assigned to guard tonight look at me. They nod their head at me and smile before they return on looking around the place. 

 I sigh and stare at the night sky.

 I don't know anymore. I don't know what to feel anymore. The days are getting shorter, and soon we will return to the Vrawyth Kingdom. The Kingdom that will cause the fall of the Villainess, Csille Lauretré. 

 I feel frightened. I feel scared and vulnerable because I know, no matter what I do, I cannot change the destiny of Csille, and that scares me. 

 The worst thing about this situation is, I don't have someone to talk to about it. I just have myself. 

 I hug my knees and look at the sky. If only Lena is here. I'm sure she'll hug me until I feel okay. But Lena is not here, and even if I cry buckets of tears, she will never be here. 

 So, I have no other choice but to fight this on my own. To endure all of this. If I successfully become the Villainess, I can finally return to the real world. I can finally see Lena. 

 But can I bear to hurt those people in here that already occupies a special place in my heart? Can I really bear to see them hurt and in danger because of me? 

 I force the sob that is starting to come out of my mouth before I look at the sky.

 Why? Why does it have to me? Out of all those people, why did you choose me? Why did you choose me to be part of this? I admit, I really want to be a famous writer but not to this extent. You made me stuck in this world, and now that I am already attached to them, you want me to turn my back on them? You want me to be the reason for their demise? Aren't you cruel?

 I thought... I thought Kosmo existed for you to help us. However, this is not helping. It's burdening us. 

 Can I just go back? Can I just return to my real world? To the world, I belong. Because I don't think I am ready to face Csille's destiny. 

 I will never be ready.

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