Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 247 -

Chapter 247 - : Nearby Town (4)

 "Lady Csille, are you sure you can move around?" 

 I look at Ceana, the little girl earlier, and smile. "I'm okay. It's just a broken arm. My Doctor also told me that I could move around now. So, don't worry, okay?"

 Ceana looks at my arm and pouts. She then continues to sweep the streets. 

 I look around and smile. Most of the men are now cleaning the houses and repairing them if needed. While women are all sweeping the streets or taking care of the flowers. 

 After the conversation we had with Father Cimon, he immediately looked for things needed for cleaning. Like booms, brushes, buckets, sponges, and tools for repairing the houses or stalls that need fixing.

 Half of the people inside the chapel volunteer to help clean the place. Most of them got influenced when they saw Rufus and me cleaning the place. 

 "Purplany, you really did a good job of encouraging people here. Look how everyone is motivated to clean this town even if they know there is still an infectious disease. You are really fit to be the Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 I shake my head at Rufus. "Rufus, I didn't do it because of my obligation. I do it because I want to and because I can. Can you set aside my title? Right now, we are all the citizens of the Vrawyth Kingdom. So, please stop mentioning that I am the future Queen."

 Rufus looks at me intently and smiles. He then gently mess my hair. "You have really matured, purplany. I almost couldn't recognize you now. But I'm happy with the changes. Now I can rest assured that the Vrawyth Kingdom is in the right hands."

 I stop at what I am doing and look at Rufus. The Vrawyth Kingdom is in the right hands? Is it really in the safe hands? 

 I shake my head and continue sweeping the streets. Forget it. They will eventually change their minds in the future. That's for sure.


 I was busy sweeping the streets when I heard a shriek. I look back and see Ceana looking at me with wide eyes.

 "Purplany! You're wounds." Rufus immediately rushes towards me. 

 I looked at my abdomen and found that my dress was already stained with blood. I sigh. I was too engrossed with sweeping the streets that I didn't notice the pain in my abdomen.

 Rufus helps me to walk beside a huge tree. "You're bleeding. I should call someone to check on your wounds. Your stitches probably open up because you're moving too much." I heard Rufus sigh. "I told you earlier. You should have stayed in the chapel instead of helping us. Look what happened to you."

 I tried to reason out, but Rufus won't listen to me. He is too anxious that he won't let me speak.

 "Don't try to reason out on me, purplany. That won't work. If you want to continue to help them, you should take care of yourself too. Look at your wounds. It's bleeding already. If my cousin is here, I'm sure he'll be mad at me."

 I was about to respond to Rufus when I suddenly felt someone tugs my hand. I look down and find Ceana looking at me with her teary eyes. "Lady Csille, your wounds. Please take care of it."

 I sigh and nod my head. "I will. Thank you for worrying. You should take some rest too. You have been sweeping the streets for the whole afternoon now. Your Mother is probably looking for you already."

 Ceana nods her head. She looks at my wounds again. "Lady Csille, please let someone take care of your wounds. I'm worried about you." After she said those words, she immediately ran towards her mother.

 Rufus looks at me. "I guess you'll let someone take care of your wounds now."

 I nod my head and let Rufus guide me towards the chapel. 

 Before we returned to the chapel, Rufus didn't forget to call everyone for snacks. After all, we have been working around for hours already.

 Father Cimon immediately stands up when he sees Rufus and me. His eyes widen when he sees the blood on my dress. I also heard people gasp because of the blood.

 "Lady Csille, what happened? Why are you bleeding?"

 I shake my head at Father Cimon. "Don't worry, Father Cimon. It's just my wounds—"

 Rufus immediately cut off my words. "What do you mean don't worry, Csille? Your stitches probably open up because you keep moving around, and now you are telling me that everything is okay? Are you even serious?" 

 I avoid Rufus' words. I didn't mean to overlook my condition. I was just too engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't notice that I was bleeding.

 Rufus shakes his head before he looks at Father Cimon. "Father, can you call for a Doctor? I need someone to check on Lady Csille's wound."

 Father Cimon gets silent for a moment before he shakes his head. "Apologies, your highness, but all the Doctors are currently working in the hospital. We only have people who know first aid but not someone who knows how to stitch wounds."

 I nod my head. "If that's the case, I will be visiting the hospital then."

 Father Cimon got silent because of what I said. He shakes his head. "But the hospital is where the infected people stay. If you go there, we wouldn't have any choice but not to let you return."

 Rufus grunts. "But if we stay there, Csille, we might end up being infected with the illness."

 But if I don't visit the hospital, I might end up losing blood. I sigh. "Rufus, you stay here. I will go to the hospital on my own."

 Rufus immediately shakes his head. "'No! Are you serious? You want me to let you go there alone? My cousin will definitely be mad at me if I do that. I'm sure the Count will also be mad at me if he knows I let you go there alone. I won't allow you."

 I sigh. "But if we both go there, who will help the people here? They need you here more than I need you. Also, there are Doctors who will help me with my injuries. You can rest assured that I will be okay."

 Rufus shakes his head. "No! I told you I wouldn't let you go there. I promise my cousin to look over you. I cannot break my promise to him. Also, there's a lot of infected people there. What will I say to Prince Fraser if something happens to you? Do you want me to get in trouble, purplany?"

 I sigh. "Rufus, we didn't come here to have a vacation. We came here to look over the people and to help them. If you come with me to the hospital, who will help them?"

 Rufus is about to respond to me when Father Cimon stops us. "Your highness, Lady Csille. You don't need to argue. Prince Rufus can come with you, and I'll just explain things to the people. I'm sure they will understand it."josei

 I shake my head. No! I cannot let that happen. It took me a great effort to convince people to start to do something for their town. If they don't see the two of us, they might lose motivation again, and that's now what I like to happen.

 I hold Rufus' hand and make him look at me. "Rufus, look at me. All these people need us. If we disappear all of a sudden, they might lose motivation. We were already making progress, Rufus. Do you want to put that to waste?"

 Rufus looks at me complicatedly. I sigh and shake my head. "Okay. If you're worried that Prince Fraser or my Father will be mad at you, then I will take all the blame. If something happens to me, I will take all the blame. I will ensure that Prince Fraser or my Father will not blame you. I will take all their anger, okay? Just let me go to the hospital. I also need to check the situation there so if the Doctors team arrive here. I can give them a report."

 Rufus sigh and nods his head. "Okay, I will let you. However, if something happens to you, I will immediately go there. It's the only thing I can do for you, Csille. If you disagree, I don't have any other choice but to come with you."

 I nod my head and smile at him. I know I will be putting him in a tight spot, but he still allows me to do what I want. "Thank you, Rufus. I promise I will take care of myself."

 I heard Rufus sigh. He then caresses my head. "I don't know why I trust you this much. But I just hope you will take care of yourself, Csille. I don't know what I will do if something happens to you."

 I smile widely at him. I'm really grateful for having him as my friend. "Thank you, Rufus."


 I look at the hospital building a few meters away from me before I look at the coachman who brought me here.

 "Lady Csille, are you sure you don't want me to send you inside?"

 I shake my head at him. "No, that's okay. I know you are worried too. Don't worry. It's just a short distance. I can already walk from here. You should head back now. Thank you."

 "You should be careful then, Lady Csille. We will be waiting for your return." The coachman looks at me hesitantly before he turns the carriage back in the direction of the chapel.

 I stare at the hospital building and sigh. Since I'm here already, I better see what the situation inside. 

 After walking for a few minutes, I was welcomed with messy and hectic surroundings. Everyone is so busy doing their job that no one even noticed that I am now inside the hospital.

 I look around my surroundings. Although the place is way better than the situation in the northern region before. But the problem here is they lack medical supplies, equipment, and people. 

 The beds are all full. Some are even lying on the floors of the hallway because of the lack of beds. 

 All the nurses and the Doctors are so busy attending to every patient's needs. However, the ratio of Doctors and Nurses to patients is vast. I think for every one doctor to five patients. 

 Now I understand why the cases won't stop increasing here. It's because they lack human resources. Aside from people, they don't have much medical equipment needed to help the patients. 

 I should probably send a message to the campsite. Aside from Doctors, they need medical supplies and equipment. But whom will I send the letter to? I don't want to message Prince Fraser because I'm still distancing myself from him. Maybe I should just send a message to Brother Pascal.

 "Lady Csille LauretrĂ©?"

 I look back and find a lady, who is wearing a white coat, approaching me. She is probably one of the Doctors here. 

 "You are Lady Csille, right? The cousin of Doctor Pascal of the Holycross Hospital?"

 I nod my head at her. "Yes, I am. I'm sorry if I'm intruding. However, Father Cimon told me to come here. As you can see," I look at my bleeding wound. "My wound is bleeding, and it needs medical attention. I think my stitches open up."

 The Doctor looks at my wound and nods her head. "Come with me. I can take care of your wound. I have heard what happened to you. I didn't expect I would see you here despite the accident. Did you come with Doctor Pascal?"

 Why do I feel something every time she mentions Brother Pascal's name? Is she into him? 

 I shake my head. "No, Brother Pascal is still in the northern region. He cannot leave there because he is helping the Royal Physician finding the cure."

 The Doctor just nods her head and guides me to somewhere else. 

 I look at her back and raise my eyebrow. She seems like a nice person, and she is beautiful.. Not a bad choice for Brother Pascal. But the problem is, is she the one Brother Pascal mentioned to me before?

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