Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 249 -

Chapter 249 - : Count And Countess’ Arrival

 I groan and cover my head with a pillow. My body aches and I just want to sleep for the whole day. 

 After Doctor Luíseach found me brushing the walls of the hospital yesterday, she brings me back to my room. She didn't reprimand me but she just remind me not move around again or else my wounds will bleed again.

 I slowly open my eyes and sigh. Another day has come. What should I do for today? Should I help them in the hospital? But after what happened last night I feel embarrassed to return to the hospital today.

 "Lady Csille, are you awake?"

 I immediately sit up straight when I heard Doctor Luíseach call my name outside my door.

 I took a few deep breath before I open my door. I was about to greet her when she immediately grab my arms and pull me to somewhere.

 A moment after, she paused in front of the hospital. A few meters from us, there are carriages moving towards us. 

 I squinted my eyes to see if I could recognize the flags of the carriage. My eyes widen when I noticed a familiar symbol.

 Isn't that the Lauretré Family symbol? What is it doing here? Only the descendants of the Lauretré Family can use the carriage with that symbol. Is that Brother Pascal?

 The carriage stops in front of the hospital. The first carriage has the symbol of the Royal Physician. I frown, only Royal Physician and their interns are the one allowed to use that carriage. Did they send interns? 

 The carriage door opens and Leander steps out of the carriage. Behind him are two renowned Royal Physicians and a number of interns.

 Leander smile at me when he sees me. "Lady Csille, you're here. Where is his highness, Prince Rufus?" He looks around. "He'a not here?"

 "He's in the chapel helping the people there. I ask him to stay there so people won't lose motivation."

 Doctor Leander nods his head. "I hope you have a great stay here. Is your wounds okay?"

 "I'm okay, Doctor Leander. Why don't you come inside first? The director of the hospital have been waiting for your ar—"

 "She came here in the hospital because her wounds were bleeding. She help sweeps the streets for the whole afternoon yesterday."

 My eyed widen and I immediately look at Doctor Luíseach. I didn't expect she would sell me out. 

 Doctor Leander have similar characteristics with Prince Fraser. He is strict when it comes to his patients. I'm sure he'll reprimand me for what I did. 

 I heard Leander sigh. "I knew she'll do that. It's the reason why his highness, Prince Fraser sent me here to check on you because he knows you'll end up doing things that might harm you." He shakes his head. He then look at Doctor Luíseach. "I know you. You're Doctor Luíseach of the Holycross Hospital. Are you the one who took care of her wounds?"

 Doctor Luíseach nods her head. "Yes, I was the one who check on her. Her wounds are okay now. It just bled because she exert too much force on it yesterday. But her stitches are all okay. I also clean her wounds already." Doctor Luíseach pause for a few seconds. "I didn't expect you would recognize who I am."

 Leander is about to response when someone speak behind him. 

 "Of course she knows you. You're a great Doctor, Luíseach. I don't understand why can't you see it."

 "Brother Pascal!" 

 I immediately rush towards him. I didn't expect I would see him here. Seeing Leander here is already a big surprise. I didn't expect I would see Brother Pascal too.

 I look up at him. "You're here?"

 Brother Pascal squints his eyes at me. "After the accident, do you really expect me to just stay in the campsite?" He sigh and gently caress my head. "You are really a stubborn lady. You already know that you have wounds but you're still exhausting your body like that. It's the reason why I don't want to let you because I know you will not take care of your health."

 I pout and hug his arm. "Brother I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it. What do you expect me to do? To just stay still and watch them suffer? I can—"

 "And forsake your own health? If something happened to you do yo think you can still help them?"

 I feel my body freeze when I heard that voice. I look back and find Mother and Father looking at me with grim expression.

 "Mother! Father!"

 I immediately rush for a hug. Mother immediately hug me. "My poor daughter, what happened to you? Look at your arms. I heard from Doctor Leander that he even stitched your wounds in your abdomen. And here I thought you will take care of yourself. You really disappointed us, Csille."

 I look at Father and Mother. I never intended to hurt myself. However things get out of hand and I don't have any control of what will happen. 

 "Csille Lauretré! You definitely need to explain things to us."

 I anxiously look at Father and sigh. I knew I will be in trouble once the news reach to my parents. I just didn't expect this will be too sudden.

 "Please excuse my intrusion but I think it will be best if you talk about this inside. I know you are all tired because of the journey. So, please come inside. Our Director has been waiting for you already."

 Father look at Doctor Luíseach and sigh. "Thank you for welcoming us, Doctor Luíseach."

 Doctor Luíseach shakes her head. "It's my honor to welcome you, Count." She gestured her hand towards the hospital. "Please follow me. I'll bring you to our Director."

 "Young lady, we will going to have a conversation after this. My Countess lets go. We still need to talk to the Director. Pascal look after your cousin for me please." Father said before he and Mother walk inside the hospital.

 The Royal Physicians and their interns also follow Doctor Luíseach inside. The only one left is Brother Pascal, Leander and me.

 I sigh in relief.

 Brother Pascal turn to me. "Don't be relieved. I'm sure Uncle will definitely reprimand you for what you did. You even volunteered to come here despite your injuries. You are really fearless, aren't you?"

 I pout at Brother Pascal. "Brother..." I whine.

 But he just shrugs his shoulder. "I cannot help you this time, Csille. I also didn't like what you did. I already told you to take care of yourself. Now, Uncle and Aunt are also disappointed with me." Brother Pascal sigh and shakes his head before he walks inside the hospital too. 


 I definitely mess it up this time. However, I didn't plan this. I never wanted to hurt myself in the process. 

 I know the are mad of me because I break my promise. Because I didn't take care of myself while I am in the northern region. 

 "They are mad because they only care for you Csille. If his highness, Prince Fraser knows about what happened here, I'm sure he'll be mad at you." I heard Leander sigh. "I know you only want to help. However, there are always limitations to everything. You're an adult now. You should know by now what is good and what is bad for you."

 I definitely know it. However, I'm only doing this because I don't want this world to be destroyed. I decided to stay here because I'm only thinking about the safety of everyone. 

 I smile sadly. Of course, no one can understand that. Only I know what's the real purpose why I stay here.


 Mother grimaced when she see my room in the dormitory. "My poor daughter. How can you live in a tiny room like this?"

 I sigh and help her sit down. "Mother, your words! What's wrong with my room? It's enough space for me to move. Also, I'm not here for vacation. As long as I have a room to stay I really don't mind."

 Mother hold my hand. "My dear, I didn't mean that way. I never intend to look down on the hospital. I just didn't expect you sleep on this room with your injuries." She looks at Father. "Dear, look at this. We shouldn't have let our daughter come with Pascal. Look how she needs to endure."

 Father shakes his head. "Marcelle, you're making Csille sounds like a child. She's already an adult. This is the consequences of her actions. She should know how to deal with it."

 "Waltier Lauretré! This is our child you are talking about. Our only child. How can you say something like that? Can't you see her injuries? I know you are mad at her but how can say such words? You... you—"

 I immediately reach my arms to help Mother calm down. I don't want them to argue because of me. I know I am the one at fault here and I don't want to involve them. 

 "Mother, calm down. It won't be good for your health if you continue being mad." I sigh. "And I think Father is right. I am the one to blame why this is all happening to me and as an adult I need to learn how to face the consequences of my actions."

 Mother hold my cheeks using both of her hands. "Csille, what ar—"

 "Marcelle, stop. How will Csille learn if you will keep shielding her? She is about to get married to Prince Fraser. Do you want her to be a Queen who overlooked her own health? She needs to know what wrong she made."

 Mother put down her hands and sigh before she looks at me with her sorry eyes. "You are right. I'm sorry my dear."josei

 I shake my head at Mother. "No, Mother. I should be the one apologizing. I broke my promise and I made you worried again. I'm sorry." 

 Mother hugs me tightly. 

 "Marcelle, lets Csille go. I need to talk to her."

 Mother hesitantly break from the hug. I look at Father and bow my head. "I'm sorry, Father. I know you are mad about what happened—"

 Father laughs. But it's not his usual proudly laugh. He is really mad. 

 "Mad is an understatement. I am enraged, Csille. Do you know what your Mother and I feel when we heard the news? We were so worried that we left our duties and rush to the northern region. But guess what we see when we arrive there. You are not even there. Imagine our shock when we heard from Prince Fraser where you are. Our daughter who is badly injured went to the nearby town to check the situation there."

 Father scoff. "You want to check the condition of other people but you cannot even look after yourself? Csille, do you really not care about your well being? How can you be proud saying you're helping other people when you cannot even help yourself?"

 I bow my head. I know I did wrong and I feel guilty for doing it. But if I was given another chance I will still decide to accompany Rufus to go here. Because this is the only way I can think of to matchmake the two leads.

 "And now you're staying silent. Are you guilty of the mistakes you have made?"

 I take a deep breath and look at Father. "I know what I did is wrong but if you will just let me explain my side first. I—"

 Father gestured his hand. "Let me hear then. I want to hear your explanation."

 "Father, I apologize for not keeping my promise. However, I only did because I was thinking about the people in this town. If you only see their situation when we arrived here, I'm sure you will understand."

 I look at Father. "If I let Rufus to come here alone, I'm sure all of these people will think that his majesty abandon them already. I don't want them to think that we are neglecting them by sending one person to check on them. I know I am wrong because I am also injured but I was only thinking about these people."

 Silence engulf the whole place. A moment after, Father walk to me and hug me. "Csille, I know you only want to help them but I'm just worried about you. We were worried about you. Don't get us wrong, we were proud of what you did but can you please take care of your own health. You're are only child. We will lost it if something happened to you."

 I hug Father tightly. Mother also joined the hug. "We're going home Csille. I cannot let you stay in this place, okay?"

 I nod my head at Mother. It's about time.. The Villainess needs to go back to the capital now.

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