Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 308 - Unexpected Outcome

Chapter 308 - Unexpected Outcome


 With Princess Paislee? 

 What is she doing here? She is supposed to decline Rufus' invitation, so why is she here? I don't understand what is happening.

 I thought this would be a devastating night for Rufus. However, why did it suddenly becomes a devastating night for me? 

 I look at Rufus and Princess Paislee walking towards the prepared romantic table. I can see that Rufus is already anxious while Princess Paislee isn't even bothered looking at the romantic decoration. 

 I just stare at them for a couple of minutes. Trying to process things. This is not supposed to happen. Rufus is supposed to spend the night alone, but what is happening?

 My eyes widened when I realized something. This is against the storyline. It means I need to stop this if I want to keep everyone safe.

 I was about to get out of where I was hiding when someone suddenly grabbed my arms and covered my mouth. That person then starts to drag me out of the restaurant and force me to go inside a carriage. 

 I couldn't see the face of the person because he made sure that I couldn't turn my head to him. I am sure it's a man because of his built and attention. 

 I wasn't able to protest when the carriage started to move away from the restaurant because he was still covering my mouth. He only let go of it when he was sure that we were far away from the restaurant.

 I was about to scold the person, but all my words got stuck in my throat when I realized who the person was.

 "Prince Fraser?" 

 What is happening here? First, Princess Paislee comes with Rufus to the garden restaurant, and now Prince Fraser drags me out of the restaurant? 

 "What are you doing here, your highness? I—"

 I tried to say something, but my mind couldn't think of anything to say. It still couldn't process what is currently happening.

 I don't understand why he is here and why did he drag me instead of Princess Paislee.

 Prince Fraser raised his eyebrow at me. "You're really asking me that question? Shouldn't I be the one that is supposed to ask that? What are you doing there, Csille? What? Do you want to see how devastated Rufus is?"

 I look at Prince Fraser, confusion is clearly written on my face. How did he know that I was here for that? Although what he said is not entirely true. I am in the restaurant because I want to comfort Rufus and not because I want to see how devastated he is. 

 "Pardon you're highness, but I don't seem to understand what you want to say. Why would I want to see Rufus devastated? He is my friend. Why would I want that?"

 Prince Fraser stares intently into my eyes. I stare at him in return. I want him to see that I am not doing anything wrong here. However, I was shocked when I saw a hint of anger in his eyes.

 Why is he angry again? Is it because of me? But what did I do this time? Does he know I help Rufus set up a dinner date for Princess Paislee? However, if that is the case, why am I the one he drags outside instead of Princess Paislee? 

 There are a lot of things that I don't understand right now. All I know is this is definitely against the storyline.

 I heard Prince Rufus laughs, but it's the kind of laugh that is taunting. "And you're still acting like you don't know anything? Do you think I'm stupid, Csille?"

 I frown. What does he mean? I am acting? Why would I act? "Your highness, I don't understand what you are saying. I am not acting or pretending not to know anything because I really don't know anything. I don't understand what you are saying so can you please enlighten me so I will know how to reply to you. Also, I am not thinking you're stupid. How can I think of you like that? If you're stupid, then who can be intelligent in the whole Kingdom?"

 Prince Fraser glares at me for a couple of seconds before he looks outside the window beside me.

 I just look at him, bewildered by what is happening. Did he just ignore my question?

 "Your highness, I don't really understand what you are saying. So can you please expl—"

 I wasn't able to continue what I was saying when he suddenly looked at me. "I already warned you, right? Why didn't you listen to me? Look what happened now."

 He then returned to looking outside the window. I look at him. What did he say? He warned me? With what? And how can I know what is happening if he wouldn't explain to me what is happening? 

 I tried to ask him again, but he just ignored me. It's as if he couldn't hear my questions. So, I just end up leaning my head on the window while thinking about what is happening.

 This guy! He drags me out of the restaurant, but he doesn't want to explain to me why he did that? He's really infuriating. 

 A moment after, the carriage stops in front of our house. I look at Prince Fraser, who is still avoiding looking at me. 

 Forget it! If he doesn't want to talk, then I won't force him. I get off the carriage and walk inside the house without even saying thank you to him. 

 Why would I? He just drags me out of the restaurant out of my own will, and when I ask him what he is happening, he just ignores me? So, why would I say thank you to him?

 "My dear, is that Prince Fraser who send you home? We have seen his silhouette inside the carriage. Did he treat you—"

 I kiss mother's cheeks and smile reassuringly at her. "Mother, I'm exhausted today. Can we just talk tomorrow?"

 I didn't wait for her to reply and just went straight to my room. I need some time to think. I need to process what just happened today.

 I slump my body on my bed and sigh. "What is happening? Why did things progress to that? And why does Prince Fraser doesn't look like he is bothered by the fact Princess Paislee is with Rufus. Instead, he looks mad at me. What did I do this time?"

 I roll on my bed out of frustration. I don't know what to do anymore. Why does it seems like things are always getting out of hand? 

 What am I supposed to do now?


 I look at the clock on the wall and sigh. I was too engrossed with working that I didn't even realize that it was already lunchtime.

 I stopped reading the documents and slumped my body on my chair. I didn't get much sleep last night because I keep thinking about what happened yesterday. I will be lying if I say I wasn't frightened. The last time I didn't follow the script, I almost lost my voice. I'm afraid that something might happen to me again and to this world. 

 I really don't understand why things are getting out of hand, and the worst thing about this is I don't even know what to do to fix everything. 

 I mess my hair out of frustration and slump my head on my table. My head hurts from too much thinking already, but I still haven't thought of a solution to solve this problem.

 "You look so frustrated right now. Is there a problem?"

 I was startled when I heard someone speak in front of me. I look up and find Rufus standing in my doorway. I look at him intently, trying to see if his eyes are red from crying, but he looks okay. He doesn't look like he is hurting or something. 

 What could have happened last night? He doesn't look like he is heartbroken, which is supposed to happen. 

 I heard Rufus chuckle. "Do you need to look at me like that? You look… surprised. Is there something you should be surprised of?"

 Although I heard what Rufus said, my mind couldn't process what he said. I just look at him blankly.

 Rufus walked towards me and snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Purplany, are you okay? Is there something I should be worried about?"

 I blink a couple of times before I look at him. Rufus looks so concerned about me. I can clearly see the worry in his eyes.

 I shake my head at him and heave a sigh. "No, I just didn't expect you would be here. After all last night you…" I didn't continue my words because I was worried that he wouldn't like to talk about it. Although I have seen him with Princess Paislee, I still don't know the whole story.

 Rufus raised his eyebrow at me. "You always tell me that I am a nosy person but look at you right now." He then laughs for a couple of seconds before he gently taps my head. "You want to ask what happened last night?"

 I nod my head. I know there is no use hiding from Rufus. He already knows what I want to ask.

 Rufus sits on the chair in front of my table. "I messed up, purplany."

 I frown. What does he mean he messed up? Doesn't he manage to bring Princess Paislee with him? So how come he said he messed up? That's definitely not a mess.

 "What do you mean, Rufus? Did our plan fail? Did she refuse to come with you?"

 Rufus shakes his head. "No, purplany. I managed to invite her to a dinner date, and she agreed. She even stayed with me for hours last night."

 My eyes widen for a few seconds. Princess Paislee stays with him for hours? But why would she do that? As far as I remember, she should still be aloof to Rufus because she is afraid that her secret might be known to him. So, how come she decided to stay with Rufus for hours. That doesn't make sense at all.

 "But how come you say it's a mess if you were able to bring her to the garden restaurant? Don't tell me…" I pretended to be shocked. "She turned you down? The great Prince Rufus Astalieu was rejected by a wo—"

 I hear Rufus heave a sigh. "I don't know if that is worst or the fact that I wasn't able to confess to her."

 I knew it! I knew that there was something odd last night. When Princess Paislee looks at the decoration nonchalantly, I know something is not right. Also, I know that it is impossible to happen because if Rufus managed to confess to Princess Paislee, that means her secret has been compromised. And I'm sure if that happens, she will run away from the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 I should be still thankful then that Rufus hesitated to confess to Princess Paislee. However, there is still one thing I don't understand. How did he manage to invite Princess Paislee? Knowing her personality? She doesn't want to get her sight away from Prince Fraser. That how dedicated she is to her work as a knight.

 I pretended to be shocked and disappointed. "Rufus! That is your chance. Why did you let it pass again? You already managed to bring her to the restaurant. All you need to do is to confess your feelings to her. Why didn't you do that?"

 Rufus sigh. "I'm sorry, purplany."

 I hold Rufus' hand that is resting on my table. I don't feel frustrated at all. In fact, I felt relieved because I knew Princess Paislee still had a reason to stay in the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 "Rufus, you don't have to be sorry. I know it's never easy to confess your feelings to someone. I just feel—"

 "No, Csille. That is not the reason why I am saying sorry."

 I frowned when I heard his response. What does he mean by that? I thought he was sorry because I was disappointed with what he did. But if it's not the reason, then why is he apologizing to me? 

 "What do you mean, Rufus?"

 Rufus held my hand tightly. He then looks at me straight into my eyes. "Because I used you as a reason."

 I just look at him, confusion is visible on my face. He used me as a reason? What does he mean?

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