Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 99 -

Chapter 99 - : Ouqeaseon Kingdom

 We were happily walking through the streets of the Saiven Kingdom when someone ruined the fun. A group of representatives from other Kingdoms blocks our way. 

 "Isn't this the ever famous Vrawyth Kingdom? The reason why the Grand Exemplary Competition was moved?" One the representatives of a certain kingdom said. 

 They are all wearing dark blue coats. On its chest part, a symbol was seen. Isn't this the symbol of the Ouqeaseon Kingdom? The third strongest Kingdom and one of the allies of the Aeslaerean Kingdom. 

 I raised an eyebrow at them. Does these people want war? Really? Going against the strongest Kingdom? Are they dumb?

 I look at Rufus and Leander, who seems bored with all this nonsense. It's as if the Vrawyth Kingdom is not related to them. 

 I shrugged my shoulders and continue walking. It will be a waste of time and energy if we talk to these people. I don't know where they got their confidence to go against the Vrawyth Kingdom even if they know we're the strongest among all the other Kingdom. Are they bitter? That's why they are barking at us? 

 Isn't this reverse? Shouldn't the strongest are the one who is supposed to bully the weak? But what are these fools doing?

 However, the group of people from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom didn't move and remain blocking our way. 

 "We are talking to you. Why don't you answer us?" One of the men snaps at us. He looks like the leader of the group. There are five people in the group. Two ladies who look like they are enjoying what is happening because they have smirks on their faces. And three men who are furiously looking at us like a predator. 

 I scoff. "You already know the answer. Why do we need to answer your question? Are you too dumb that you cannot even recognize us?"

 Rufus laugh. "Csille, aren't you too savage? Don't be too hard on them."

 The people from the Ouqeaseon become angrier. They started to shout like crazy, which in result garner a lot of attention from the people.

 There are many prominent figures who visit the Saiven Kingdom for the Competition. Even some noble families of the Kingdoms are here to watch the competition.

 "Look at the Vrawyth Kingdom. They are bullying the weak! What? Just because we're only the third strongest Kingdom, you all look down at us? I know you're the strongest Kingdom among all of us but do you really need to be this mean to us? What did we do for all of you to be this mean?" One of the ladies cried pitifully. She then wails loudly as if someone takes advantage of her.

 Leander whispered at me. "Wouldn't it put the Vrawyth Kingdom at risk? It's better if we get out of here."

 I look at Leander. "Running away will worsen the situation. If we run away, that will mean we are guilty of the accusations they are charging us. Do you want to taint the reputation of the Kingdom?" 

 Leander shakes his head. This group of people, do they think the Vrawyth Kingdom will be an easy target? 

 I step forward and look at the lady who is wailing on the ground. I offer my hand at her. "Here, let me help you." 

 However, the lady slaps my hand away. "What? Because there are many people watching, you suddenly become good to us?" The lady scoffs. "Why do the Vrawyth people are so hypocritical? We don't need your fake kindness here."

 People started to whisper. Throwing hate to the Vrawyth Kingdom. I look at all of them and realize that most of the people here are the ally of the Aeslaerean Kingdom. 

 "This Vrawyth Kingdom, aren't they too arrogant? Just because they are the strongest Kingdom, it doesn't give them any right to bully the weak." One of the people said to the person beside her.

 "What can we expect? The Vrawyth Kingdom has been like this since from the start. Just because they know they can step on other Kingdom easily. They are really cruel."

 "Aren't they the reason why the Grand Exemplary Competition was postponed? And now the first thing they did when they arrived is to bully the weak? This Vrawyth Kingdom will definitely have retribution in the future."

 Oh, is this how the Ouqeaseon Kingdom wants to play? They want to go against the Vrawyth Kingdom in front of me? Then I'll give them what they want. Too bad the blood of Csille Lauretré, the Villainess, is running to this body. 

 I sigh. "You're from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom, right?" I ask the lady who is still on the ground.

 The lady glares at me. "So what if I'm from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom? What? Are you planning to wage war on us? Go on, that's what you always do. Threatening the weaker Kingdoms." 

 This lady. She still needs to attend some training more before she can go against me. Does she think she can win against me?

 "You're saying we're bullying you, but if you can see, all of you are blocking our way and not the other way around. If we're bullying, you can easily escape because can't you see there's a way on the side? Why didn't you escape? Wouldn't it better than to go against the Vrawyth Kingdom?" I gestured my hand at the empty side.

 Unlike them, Leander and Rufus are standing closely at my back. 

 The lady looks at the man as if asking for help. One of the men steps forward. "Why would we escape if we didn't do anything wrong? You're the one who is doing something wrong here. Why would we run away?"

 "Maybe because, as to how you describe it, we're the strongest Kingdom in here, and going against us will definitely put any kingdom at risk. Or do you just want people to see that we're bullying you, as what you been accusing the Vrawyth Kingdom?"

 The man laughs. "What can we get if we do that? Can't you see Mylle is already on the ground, and now you're telling us that we're all making all of this? What can we get from doing all of this?"

 "What? Are you going to accuse me again that I push her? That's why she is on the ground?" I laugh at them. Do they really think they can win against the Vrawyth Kingdom with this? They must be kidding me.

 "Everyone sees how she slump on the ground while crying, and have you forgotten I tried to offer my hand at her to help her stand up. But what did she do? She slaps my hand, right? So why does it sound like you're blaming us why she is on the ground?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "And also, to answer your question. What can you get from accusing the Vrawyth Kingdom? It's simple, accusing us means you're putting the Vrawyth Kingdom in the spotlight. Which will result for the other Kingdoms to hate us."

 I walk closer to the man who speaks and looks at the lady who is still on the ground. "I am Csille Lauretré, and I won't let anyone ruin the reputation of the Vrawyth Kingdom," the eyes of the Ouqeaseon Kingdom widens. Yes, be startled. Do you think I would let you taint the reputation of the Vrawyth Kingdom? 

 I look at the lady. "You keep saying we're bullying you, right? But do you have any evidence to show to the people that we are bullying you?"

 The man laughs. "Do we need evidence? We are the evidence."

 I scoff at the man. "I need someone not from your group. Do you intend to use the words of your group members? We all know you're all from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom. Of course, all of you will side with the Ouqeaseon. Can you give me someone who doesn't come from your group?"

 The man looks around the people surrounding us. "There are many people around here. Anyone who can prove that the Vrawyth Kingdom bully the Ouqeaseon Kingdom will definitely be awarded by the Ouqeaseon."

 I laugh at the man's remark. "Aren't you bribing them? That won't work. Anyone who needs money can definitely make up words that they see us bullying you just for the money. Even the courts official won't allow witnesses like that to speak inside the court."

 I look around the people surrounding us, and I smirk. "Anyone who witnesses what has happened, please step forward. We wouldn't take it against you." 

 But no one steps up. They know what will be the consequences if they go against the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 The man glares at me. "You! You're threatening them. Do you think anyone would step forward if you do that?" He snaps at me.

 I laugh at the man and look at Rufus, who steps forward and uses his body to cover me. "You definitely heard what Lady Csille said. Are you deaf, or you just don't understand what she said? When did you hear she threatened them? She was even reassuring anyone that we won't go against them. How can you say we're threatening them?"

 The man glared and look at Rufus. "Who are you? I'm not talking to you." 

 Rufus snorts at the man. "Too bad I want to talk to you. Who am I? I am Prince Rufus Astalieu, the son of the Duke of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 The man takes a step back while looking at Rufus and I with wide eyes. And now these fools are scared like that? I haven't even started. They are no fun.

 "Pri-Prince R-Ru-Rruufuss?" The lady on the ground stuttered. 

 Leander sigh and taps Rufus' shoulder. "Let them be. It won't be good for us to continue this. Come on."

 I laugh at Leander. I hold his arm. "Leander Smythe, you're a citizen of the Vrawyth Kingdom too. Do you want these people to taint the reputation of our Kingdom? If you can bear that, I won't."

 I put Leander's arm to his side and look at the group of people who looks like they lost all the confidence they have before. 

 "Le-Leander S-smythe? The son of the best doctors in all the Kingdoms?" The other lady from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom said.

 I smirk. Do they think the Vrawyth Kingdom representatives are simple students only? Too bad they look down on us. 

 I take a step forward. "Since you cannot find someone to prove we're bullying you, then I guess you need to say sorry to us."

 The man looks at me and frowns. "Sorry? Why would we say sorry to all of you? We're the one who was bullied here," he scoffs. "And now you want us to say sorry to all of you? Just because you're all prominent figures in the Vrawyth Kingdom, it doesn't mean we will let you step on us."

 I laugh at the man's words. "You keep saying we bullied you, but you cannot produce a piece of evidence that would prove that we really did bully you. If we did, we would take the responsibility, but you cannot take the responsibility of accusing us of bullying? Don't you know that's defamation? You're ruining our reputation and the reputation of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Don't you think you need to compensate us?"

 The man glared at us. "We're the one who was bullied here, but you want us to compensate you? Aren't you too much? Just because you're the daughter of the Count and the fiancée of the Crown Prince, it doesn't mean we would lower down our head."

 The other representatives of the Ouqeaseon nod their heads. The lady who is slumping on the ground suddenly stands up and points her fingers at us. "Look how arrogant the Vrawyth people are? You want us to say sorry? dream on. We would never say sorry to this kind of people."

 I raised my eyebrow at Mylle, the lady who is slumping on the ground a while ago. "You won't say sorry? Don't you know it's a crime to defame and accuse someone of something they didn't do? Do you know how much money you need to compensate and how long you need to spend in the prison for this crime?" 

 I take a step towards her. "I'm actually giving all of you the way out since I don't want all of you to think that we are all taking advantage of the power that the Vrawyth have. But since you won't let us off, how can I just let it go?" I look back at Rufus. "Rufus, give me the recorder that the Vrawyth invented. You recorded everything they said to us right from the start, right? Do you think the King will be mad at us because I show them the recorder?"

 Rufus looks at me confusedly for a second before he put his hand on the pockets of his pants. "It's in my pocket, and yes, it recorded everything they said right from the start. Do you want to let the people hear it? We-"josei

 Before Rufus can finish his words, the delegates from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom instantly kowtow on the ground. "Lady Lauretré, Prince Rufus, and Mister Smythe, please forgive us. We were just joking. Please, don't take it seriously. We have learned our lesson. We won't dare to go against the Vrawyth Kingdom." The man said with a shaking voice.

 I smirk. That's what you get from going against the Vrawyth Kingdom. I look at them and sigh. "We actually didn't mind, but the Vrawyth Kingdom's reputation was ruined because of this. How can we explain to the King of Vrawyth that it's all because of the representatives of the Ouqeaseon Kingdom?"

 All of them trembles with the mere mention of the Vrawyth King. Leander shakes his head. "You can all stand up. I just hope there's no next time, or else you wouldn't like what will be the consequences are."

 The Ouqeaseon representatives immediately stand up and are about to run away, but I stop them.

 "Wait, I think you're forgetting something?"

 All of them look back at me with a worried expression. I smile. "You forgot to say sorry and to say what really happened here? Or do you want us to show the recorder to everyone? Rufus-"

 They immediately said their apology. The man elbows Mylle to step forward. Mylle gritted her teeth and bows her head. "I'm sorry, Lady Lauretré. What I have said are all lies. The Vrawyth representatives didn't bully us. instead, it was us who bully them."

 After Mylle said those words, she was immediately dragged away by her friends. I smile and look at Rufus and Leander. 

 "Come on. I'm already starving."

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