Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 192 Welcome To Vegas.

Chapter 192 Welcome To Vegas.

"Welcome to Las Vegas."

Zhou Liying zipped her jacket and stepped out of the jet, feeling intruded that she was in Las Vegas, an illegal city.

She always wanted to visit Las Vegas, in her early teens, when she was rowdy. She always wished to crash in Las Vegas and spend a drunk night here. She wanted to do all the bad things like getting drunk, road sex, gambling and many other things about which she read in novels or heard from other females in her circle.

Once, she fantasised to visit Las Vegas, getting drunk, marrying a stranger and then having a love-filled night, before dumping the guy the next morning.

Zhou Liying stepped out from the jet and again, a rowdy girl, an unruly side of her was coming out. If she knew she was coming here, then she'd have left a day before, to spend her carefree day in Vegas, doing what she always wanted to do.

"Miss Zhou, our ride is waiting for us." Zhan Wei spoke, bringing a lost Zhou Liying out of her thoughts.

She nodded and followed after him towards the awaited helicopter. She raised her brow and looked at Zhan Wei. He chuckled.


"Yuehan wants everything on the date to be classy and royal. This is our ride to the hotel."

Zhou Liying felt giddy when she was in the helicopter. Familiar feelings started to build in her stomach and her heart became heavy. She felt as if she was not travelling in a helicopter for the first time for a date. She felt as if it had happened before, but when?

She took a deep breath and shook her head. She did not want these disturbing feelings to spoil her mood. She was here in Vegas. She was going to enjoy her stay here. She was going to meet Mu Yuehan. Maybe they both could talk out about a marriage of convenience.

Zhou Liying, Aiden and Zhan Wei sat in the same helicopter where the rest of her guards and guards of Mu Yuehan were to come on another helicopter.

Amazed, Zhou Liying looked out from the helicopter window and at the city. She felt interested upon seeing the large buildings and other monuments of the city which she wished to explore. She also loved the purplish and orange colour of the city, which was clicked by her.

'This Mu Yuehan knows how to impress a girl.'

She felt impressed with the way they were flying over the city and at the perfect hour of the day, during which she could enjoy the beauty of Las Vegas.

Zhan Wei looked at her happy expressions and hooted loudly for his friend in his heart. Originally, Zhan Wei was against the plan of Mu Yuehan to arrange a date in Vegas but upon seeing her smile, Zhan Wei must accept that Mu Yuehan knew what Zhou Liying liked the most.

Their helicopter slowly descended over the top of one of the biggest hotel buildings in Las Vegas. Once the helicopter came to a complete halt, Zhou Liying stepped out from the helicopter.

Again, she felt impressed upon seeing a line of guards and servants waiting for her. They were displaying the power of Mu Yuehan and she felt impressed with it. She also wanted this same power. She was only a little behind from gaining it.

She picked up a glass of virgin mojito, served to her. She took slow sips of it, feeling refreshed.

"This hotel is fully guarded by the Mu guards. You don't need to worry about your security." Zhan Wei informed. "The arrangement of the stay of your guards is done on the top floor of the hotel."

The meaning of his words was clear. This hotel was Mu Yuehan's territory and she was not allowed to take her guards with her.

Zhou Liying looked at Zhan Wei with a conflicted expression. If she did not take her guards then it would mean playing with her security but if she asked Aiden to follow her everywhere then it would mean that she was insulting Mu Yuehan. She did not trust his security.

"Don't worry Miss. All the guards inside the hotel are the elite guards of Mu Yuehan. You will be all safe."

Zhou Liying sighed and gave a signal to Aiden, asking him to stay back. She twisted her ring on her finger, telling him that she'd call him if she found something amiss.

"This way."

They entered the hotel and Zhan Wei directed her toward the elevator. Once they entered inside, Zhan Wei pushed a card into the keypad and typed some codes, taking her to the floor where her room was located.

"You can get ready in the room. Your stuff will be here in a minute." Zhan Wei informed. "You have two hours to rest and change. Then I will come to retrieve you. There are some drinks, wine and chocolates in the minibar, for you to enjoy."

Zhou Liying nodded and entered the room. She looked at the room with awe. She walked further into the room and looked out from the wall-sized window.

She looked at the dark blue-coloured sky which looked quite cool. Then she looked at the city covered in different coloured lights: yellow, blue, pink, purple, red, and many colours. She saw the Las Vegas strip and the famous fountain of the city.

She must say, the view from her hotel room was beautiful. She was able to see the city with one glimpse. It also increased her urge to explore the city.

She looked at the indoor pool in her hotel room. It was also covered in lights. It was calling for her to have a dip, with a glass of wine in her hands and cherry in between her lips and that was what she did.

She had two hours in her hands before Zhan Wei was to come and take her to meet Mu Yuehan. So, she decided to spend that time swimming and drinking some wine in the pool, looking at the city of her dreams.

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