Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 80 A Date.

Chapter 80 A Date.

Nian Tian opened her eyes. She groaned.

'How can I forget about the after-effects of drinks before getting drunk?' She cursed herself angrily. She straightened herself on the bed.

Her eyes fell upon the handover pills and a small smile appeared on her lips. She picked up the pills and gulped them down with a glass of water.

"What did I do last night?" She asked no one in particular and placed a hand on her forehead.

She then looked at her dress from the last night which was completely crushed. She groaned, "he is so thoughtful. Couldn't he have asked someone to change my dress? Poor dress, it's completely ruined." She pouted.

She looked at her dress, which she would not be able to wear to any party again. It was badly crushed and some stones had come out from their threads.

"This Zhan Wei…." She cursed him.

But if only she knew the state of Mu Yuehan during last night. He was so focused on controlling himself that he did not care about changing her dress.

After encouraging herself for thirty minutes, Nian Tian dragged herself to the bathroom. She looked at her chest which was slightly red because of the stones of her dress that pressed on her skin last night.

She mumbled to herself and entered the shower cubicle.

When she came out of the shower, fully dressed, Mu Yuehan was waiting for her.

"I see, you are up and fully refreshed." He walked toward her, a mocking smile was on his lips. "Do you remember anything after getting drunk?"

"No." She mumbled and massaged her head. "Did I do something embarrassing?"

"Yes, you did something." Mu Yuehan then naughtily unbuttoned his shirt, for Nian Tian to see his chest which still had evidence from the last night.

"You see all these red marks? They are given by my wild cat." He teased and Nian Tian blushed. She quickly composed herself.

"How can a meek girl like me attack you? You are so strong. You should have stopped me."

"How was I to stop you when I was enjoying it?" he smirked. "Besides, you were too fast. You were calling me slow. I am hurt."

"What I said was not wrong. You are slow. Look at you…. you…" you haven't taken me on a date yet, she wanted to say, but her words were muffled when Mu Yuehan kissed her hard.

And in within a blink, they both were on the bed, with his shirt and her blouse completely gone. She looked at his speed with wide eyes.

Mu Yuehan broke the kiss and smirked at her shocked expression.

He whispered in her ears, "Sweet love, I am not slow. I am fast, way too fast. I did not want to scare you away, that is why I am controlling myself. Five minutes, five minutes it will take me to take away your virginity from you." He declared in a husky voice.

Nian Tian gasped and looked at him with wide fish-like eyes. Her heart was beating fast. Her face was hot. She looked into his dark eyes filled with lust and love.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Was he her Zhan Wei who was always controlling himself for her, because, at that moment, he did not look any less than a devil who had lured her into his dangerous cage.


After returning from the wedding, Mu Yuehan decided to take Nian Tian to the amusement park, to divert her attention from the hotel room incident.

He knew she was slightly affected by his sudden boldness.

"Let's go out." He offered to her. She looked at him with a wide smile.

Nian Tian squealed, "Is it a date?"

She wanted to go on the date, her first date. When she was with Fan Yifeng, she never went on a real date but she wanted to have a real date with him.

"Kind of." He gave her a boyish smile. "We can take it as a test date because I am planning something else for our real date."

He chuckled upon seeing the stunned expression on her face. He shut her mouth with his finger and pecked her lips.

"Stop standing here like a fool. Let's go."

"Now, right now?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, right now." He took her hand and then looked at Marta. "Marta, we are going out."

"Go, go, I am here." Marta smiled.

Marry sneakily looked at them and fumed.

'This Nian Tian is so lucky. I placed so many traps for her during the wedding but she came out from them unharmed. Not only that Zhan Wei seems to love her more than before.'

She gnashed her teeth, to the point of breaking them. She then pulled out her phone and made a call to someone.


Mu Yuehan first took Nian Tian to a shop on the island from where he bought a couple t-shirt. They both got changed into them.

'I am his.' 'I am hers.' Was written on them.

They then made their way toward the city where one of the famous amusement parks was located. They directly entered the amusement park because Mu Yuehan had bought the VIP tickets.

"You have spent a lot of money, haven't you?"

"If not for my girl, then on whom am I going to spend it." He replied and pulled her toward the rides.

By now, Mu Yuehan knew she loved to enjoy all types of thrilling rides. She was one of those girls. So, he didn't lag and enjoyed many rides with her.

He then took her to the horror house.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?" he asked her.

"Who is afraid of ghosts?" She shrugged her shoulders proudly and walked ahead. Mu Yuehan stood behind, looking at her.

The next second, a man without a head came in front of Nian Tian. Blood was all over his body. She shrunk in fear and was back in the arms of Mu Yuehan, making him chuckle.

"Hey, not my mistake. That ghost looked real." She slapped hard on his chest.

After the horror house, they walked toward the carnival where both of them got a chance to show off their skills.

"Look at me, I am an expert in the rings game."

Nian Tian was given ten rings. She took them professionally and then looked at the gift items on the table ahead of her. One by one, she threw the rings and eight out of ten rings had gifts inside of them.

"Wow." Mu Yuehan whispered and collected the gifts.

He then took her to the shooting range. Many gifts were displayed on a rake. They were given to the players based on the number of balloons burst by them within a minute.

"Which gift do you want?" Mu Yuehan asked her nonchalantly. He counted down the balloons, they were a hundred.

It was not hard for him to burst all those balloons in within a minute, taking his training in the military.

"I want that teddy with heart in his hand." Nian Tian pointed toward the gift which he would win only by getting the highest points. "I am sure, you cannot get it for me."

Mu Yuehan smirked and adjusted the gun. "Start the timer."


Mu Yuehan fired the gun. He frowned when he noticed, that the balloon he burst was not his target, but two balloons below in the next row. He shot another bullet and again, the same was the case.

He smirked. 'So, this gun is adjusted.'

After studying the modified target of the gun in mare five-second, Mu Yuehan started to fire one after another. Each shot was accurate. Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes, especially the stall owner.

In exactly, fifty-five seconds, the board was empty of any balloon with air.

"Here is your gift mister. You were too good just now. I have hardly seen someone crossing the mark of forty."

Mu Yuehan took the teddy from him and gave it to Nian Tian. She grinned and took the teddy, squeezing it tight. "Thank you, my shooter. I did not know, you were so good at firing a gun."

"Don't forget I am the bodyguard of Mu Yuehan." He ruffled her hair.

They made their way to the canteen to have something. He then passed the gifts they had won to one of his shadow guards, much to the surprise of Nian tian.

"You have shadow guards? From when does a guard have his own guards? Are you hiding something from me?" she accused.

"I have two men following after me, so they can quickly support me in case of emergency. It's not new for guards to have their team."

"Oh," Nian Tian nodded her head, believing his lie. She continued eating her food.

Mu Yuehan sighed. He had called for the guards out of habit, forgetting about her.

Once they had their fill, they decided to enjoy other rides. And now, only Ferris wheels was left and Mu Yuehan was strictly against going in it.

"Sweetheart, look at the carts. They are open. They don't have any protecting gates. They can be dangerous. What if you fell when enjoying the ride?" He looked at the carts of ferry wheels.

The carts were in the shape of a basket and opened from both sides. There was a lot of danger of people falling out from them when enjoying the view. They were thrilling, adventurous, as well as dangerous.

"I don't know anything. I am riding it and that too with you." Nian Tian declared and clutched his hands. "Moreover, I have heard, that if a couple kisses on the top of the Ferris wheel, then they stay together forever."josei

She looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes. Her bait was enough for Mu Yuehan to willingly follow after her.

They entered their cart, sitting opposite to each other. They took the hold of support and looked out from their cart.

"City looks so beautiful from up here." Nain Tian commented. She unconsciously shifted to one side of the cart, looking out from it.

"Careful." Mu Yuehan frit out and placed his arm in front of her. He was afraid, this stupid girl would fall. Then what was he supposed to do without her?

"Don't worry. I am not a kid. I know how to protect…." Her sentence was not even completed when the Ferris wheel came to an abrupt halt, and due to momentum, she was pushed out of the cart.

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