Will of chaos

Chapter 1137 Cap 1135

Chapter 1137 Cap 1135: Leaving For Frontier City

Pov Haku (?????): 

"You know, you were a very nice person to talk to, you told me so many things that I was glad to know." (I) 

I was opening my box of food, and unfortunately, it's very difficult to get vegetables and fruits on this planet, so my daily food always ends up being a variety of meats. 

"You know, because of my research I spend a lot of time alone and I don't get to talk to people as much these days." (I) 

"The little time I have for myself I end up spending on training, self-learning, and improvement will always be important." (I) 

My comrades and subordinates find it difficult to understand that as wonderful as meat is, nature still has many things we can use to further nourish our bodies, restricting food to meat alone is foolish when the most rational option should always be to expand your food range to the fullest. 

"You were such a good listener, I love your body too, I can see some effort in staying healthy, congratulations." (I) 

I take a few pieces of meat and eat it, even if it's not what I expected, the meat really is delicious, I didn't even realize how fast I was eating it until I realized it was gone. 


"You know, I shouldn't tell outsiders, but I think it shouldn't be a problem for you to know, two of our agents went missing on the mission you told, so I really appreciate your information." (I) 

I stretched my body a little before wiping my mouth with a cloth I had nearby, then I look at my new guest with a smile. 

"I still don't know what happened to them, I can understand interfering with their connection to me, I might even understand if they had just been killed which would have resulted in the connection being abruptly severed." (I) 

"But what I felt was something different, something invaded the connection, a primordial and limitless hunger devouring everything was what transmitted it to us, I even got scared, especially when I tried to use the security system to take possession of the creature, there was something even worse that crushed the security system, that something was worse than the creature itself, just thinking about what I felt..." (I) 

I shivered just thinking about the sensations transmitted to me, it was horrible, the creature was pure instinct and somehow fascinating, but that something connected to the creature was different, there were many contradictory things like life and death, creation and destruction, shadow and light, fire and ice, as well as many other things I didn't understand, was bizarre to the point of scarring my mind as a trauma. 

"I felt that it might negatively mark me and I tried to use the hypothesis protocols on myself in an attempt to erase the memory of it, but no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't forget it." (I) 

"I even thought about ripping out a part of my brain, theoretically it would have worked, but the Queen wouldn't let me, so I had to move on to a solution that I didn't like having to do." (I) 

"It was obvious that what I went through was a trauma and one of the most profound ones since not even the hypothesis helped, with trauma you have 2 very obvious options." (I) 

"Do you avoid what triggers the trauma or do you overcome the trauma, one of the ways being over exposure, people are able to adapt to the most extreme situations, so I used hypothesis to go through everything I felt every time I close my eyes or sleep." (I) 

The first few times I wasn't even able to close my eyes during the day making me create a habit of keeping my eyes open for long periods of time, sleeping was almost impossible, I had to use extremely potent drugs to forcefully keep my sleep, but with the passing of the days got easier, the fear didn't diminish unfortunately. 

"You know, I think it's funny how we're able to live with fear when we know there's no escape, at least it's not crippling for me anymore." (I) 

I don't like to admit it, but lately, I can't imagine myself not feeling the presence of that something that existed, maybe that's why I've been eating so much, I'm trying to quench my craving for it. 

The saliva produced in my mouth and the tears in my eyes, I can't tell if they are from hunger or terror, they are instincts so primitive that I didn't know I was so weak in the face of them, but for some reason that only makes my smile get bigger. 

"Unfortunately among the information I collected from you, I wasn't able to find even the source of that hunger, that is, the creature that killed our agents, nor did I get information about the one that controls it..." (I) 


"At least I saw a familiar face in your memories, I didn't think Miriam would be there in person." (I) 

"As I'm happy to have achieved something, I'll make good use of you, your body is unfortunately being used for the study of my new apprentices, but don't worry I'll create a new body for you." (I) 

I say this as I run my hand across the transparent membrane of the bubble where the Adventurer's eyed brain was still floating. 

I looked at the hologram coming out of an eye on the wall next to the bubble showing my image, next to it there was some delay in the pickup but still audio readout, your emotional readings are still a little out of control if your mind goes on like this will not bear. 

"We can't let a mind go astray like that, did you know a mind is better than a computer? Too bad Miriam's people don't understand the wrong path they've chosen." (I) 

"Now, what can we get you? I think we're going to resume hypnosis therapies first with a different focus, but for the body..." (I) 

I tried to remember the materials they brought so far and still exist in stock, I could use Elf's blood which has great Mana condition capacity, the bones would be better to use from Dragon, unfortunately, this material is almost impossible to find, so maybe I'll get something of the decent, I could shape bones with the Necromancer Magic I've been learning. 

"I have to go through the stock to see the organs, I like to keep a nice appearance, I like elegant things, maybe make you an assistant? That's a good idea, I think I need to do some brain modifications besides hypnosis to speed up your thoughts..." (I) 

I was happy, I got a new assistant, but I should think more about his looks and versatility, I feel like an artist full of inspiration. 

"Let's start?" (I) 


Pov Zenos: 

It's been 7 days and after a long therapy of submersion in the pool of blood my body was completely recovered, I thought that my Soul was also recovered, but Ivan told me that it wasn't. 

It seems that my Soul never recovered 100% from any of the various types of damage I suffered over time, the healing that the Fairy Kings, the Fairy Goddess, my mother, my sister Natasha and on that occasion where I took care of mine myself recovery mostly, in none of these situations did I fully recover, all I did was heal the wounds and this scar is what makes my Aura stronger with each recovery, my Soul seems to become more resilient being able to take more damage. 

I can feel my Soul, but understanding and seeing are things that I am not capable of, the very concept of a Soul is too abstract for me to understand, the most I am able to do is feel my Soul and when I have some damage to it, but I don't I can feel the scars Ivan spoke of. 

But the important thing is the confirmation of my recovery, being in basically normal conditions, I could no longer stay in Castelo do Dragão, unfortunately, I did not have many opportunities to explore the surroundings of the castle. 

There will always be a next time, I'm immortal, so I have the luxury of time, right now what I need to do is fulfill Arash's request, and for that, I was outside the castle with Diana, we found Arash and his assistant Ortiz the Dragon Star, it seems he will be our guide and escort to Border Town.  josei

"It will be my pleasure to serve as a guide and adviser to Primordial Zenos, I am born and raised outside this world, part of my family resides in Border Town and I trained half my life there before the Dragon Emperor accepted me as his assistant." (Ortiz) 

"Ortiz is by far one of the wisest and most intelligent Dragons alive, unfortunately, he is not suited to lead his tribe due to his lack of combat prowess, but he will one day be an Elder Dragon helping to guide Dragons in future generations." (Arash) 

"You honor me with your words, Dragon Emperor." (Ortiz) 

"I'll be in your care, can I just call you Ortiz?" (I) 

"Of course you can, you are above me being Primordial, you are at the side of the Dragon Emperor and the Elder Dragons deserving respect from all Dragons." (Ortiz) 

"Ortiz spent a lot of time dealing with other races and that's why he became so "polite", but the vast majority of Dragons are less respectful in the way they treat others, the way a Dragon shows respect was never with words but with actions." (Arash) 

"I'll bear that in mind." (I) 

After talking to Arash and giving him time to say a tearful goodbye to his daughter, Diana, and I who were saying goodbye to the Dragons they fought during their training here, we all climbed onto the Floating Ship that Nicole had modified once again, acted using heavily space element magic to move with other magic serving only as support. 

Ortiz was giving the coordinates to our captain, meanwhile, I was with many others watching the Castle of the Dragon get smaller and smaller on the horizon.

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