Will of chaos

Chapter 1144 Cap 1142

Chapter 1144 Cap 1142: Meeting Part 3

I was sitting on top of the building in meditation, my Aura sealed within Kim as I directly use my Authority. 

I stretch my arm and an image of an Eclipse with a drop of blood in the middle appears in front of my hand, this image was very transparent and barely visible, but just that is making me tired. 

I kept pushing, my Authority wasn't something physical or even some kind of energy, it was something more ethereal, flowing through my body without being led by my Aura it was like something solid was passing through my body, but the pain wasn't something that I was just feeling it in my body. 

I made this Authority flow down my outstretched arm into the image in front of me, most of the Authority dispersed as if blown away by the wind, but I still managed to make the image become a little more distinguished. 


My arm drops and I can see blood pouring out, several of my veins have just burst, I can feel this pain too deeply for it to have just been physical. 

"This is going to be difficult." (I) 

"Child, you're doing it all wrong." (Zadiris) 

pandasnovel.com Suddenly, someone I didn't expect to see appeared in front of me, it was Zadiris, one of the Elder Dragons. 

"Good to see you again, Mistress Zadiris." (I) 

"Don't be like the Ortiz boy, Dragons don't care about respectful ways of talking, they only care about respectful ways of acting." (Zadiris) 

"Besides, you are above me for being a Primordial, so just call me Zadiris." (Zadiris) 

"I'll take that into account next time." (I) 

"As I was saying, you are handling your Authority wrongly, what must be done is…" (Zadiris) 

She stops talking in the middle of her sentence before turning her eyes in a direction where a Golem with 4 pairs of wings and no head appears, he lands in front of me and delivers a letter before flying off again. 

"Do you mind?" (I) 

"Feel free." (Zadiris) 

I open the letter and read it quickly, then close my eyes mentally warning my Familiars and those connected with me before opening my eyes again to speak with Zadiris. 

"I'm sorry I'm not able to chat with you right now, it looks like Orsel is already bringing people together." (I) 

"I know, I was told earlier, I just thought it would take longer, I'll go ahead." (Zadiris) 

Saying that she walked with space folding around her, disappearing from my sight. 

When she was gone, I started acting to leave along with the others. 


All my Familiars were hidden within my shadow, meanwhile, Magnus, Hades, Nicole, Ivan, Diana, Vanessa, and Karina were coming with me, we were riding a Golem that looked like a Whale with the upper part of its body flat, space itself moved like water around this Golem making it interesting to travel to the indicated location, a metal platform floating in the middle of space from which the Border City could be easily seen as well as the world I discovered was named Ilios. 

When we got there there was already another one of these Golem Whales standing on one side and ours stopped on the other side, as soon as we entered an image of a blue sky with clouds and a sun in the sky appeared above us, I also noticed that a large round table was present with a hole in the middle making the table appear to be shaped like a ring. 

Orsel was already present, as well as Zadiris near them, I saw a few dozen Dragonewt, robot-like Golems, and 3 Demons standing far from the table. 

There were other people near the table, but I didn't know any of them, there was a woman next to Zadiris, this woman looked young but her eyes seemed to have as much weight as Zadiris's, this woman also seemed to be talking to Zadiris while looking at me, it took me a while to recognize her as one of the Elder Dragons that showed up at my ceremony. 

Besides the two there was also a blue skinned woman with gills on her neck, I also saw my sister Elizabeth sitting talking to the blue skinned woman. 

There was also a delicate-looking man who was blindfolded by a piece of red fabric, he looked too young as if he had just left his teens and become an adult, he was also the only one besides Orsel to wear formal clothes with the others casually dressed. 

When I reached my group my sister got up from her seat to pull me over to where we could sit side by side, Diana sat right on the other side while Karina, Magnus, and Hades stood behind me. 

Nicole sat next to Elizabeth while Ivan sat next to Diana with Vanessa sitting next to Nicole, in the letter I received earlier was the location, time, and those who could sit at this meeting, Nicole was not one of them but how Karina wanted to stand behind me my daughter went and just sat down. 

"Hello everyone, sorry for the delay." (I) 

"You are on schedule, Mr. Zenos, you are very welcome as well as your companions." (Orsel)  I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

"I think some of you may already know each other, but let me introduce you all anyway." (Orsel) 

After that, Orsel previewed my group before introducing the others to me. 

Zadiris (Wood and Forest Elder Dragon) 

Navar (Elder Star and Gravity Dragon) 

Uraha (Demigoddess of Life and the Seas) 

Kaito (Demon Lord of Greed and Commerce) 

These are the ones I didn't know, or at least the ones Orsel thought he didn't know when in fact he'd already talked to Zadiris a few times and had seen Navar before. 

I greeted everyone before turning to Elizabeth expecting an answer as to why she was there since she didn't say anything about it. 

"Don't make that expression, I have a very long life, I'm older than some worlds." (Elizabeth) 

"I know I know you're old... I mean, you have a lot of time to live, but why didn't you tell me you were going to participate?" (I) 

"I am one of the people who founded this city together with Uraha, as such we have important positions in this city, as you were coming I thought to see what has happened after so many centuries without passing through here." (Elizabeth) 

"Before you arrived Zadiris was telling the other two about you, the fact that you are my brother was also explained." (Elizabeth) 

"Did it need to say that much about me?" (I) 

"It doesn't change anything to say since everyone could find out these things just by seeing your Aura." (Elizabeth) 

While talking to Elizabeth I noticed the others looked up, I wasn't seeing anything with the blue sky illusion in place so I used Miss Aura on my eyes and could see a cylindrical vehicle with two wings curved backwards and a slightly curved tip, no matter how it looks that was a spaceship. 

As anyone who delved into the world of games in my previous life is impossible not to know the science fiction genre, I made 4 games with this main theme, I had to hire specialists to design the ships, weapons, and some other things in these games since he was not a scientist.  josei

The spaceship seemed to be made of metal, but I didn't see anything I expected, it didn't seem to have connection points where the plates were attached to the structure, and there was no screw or anything like that, it's as if the spacecraft had been molded by a single metallic piece. 

I was fascinated, the way the ship moved was also smooth as it stopped not on top but on the side of the big disk we were on, then I noticed a fluctuation in space when 2 women appeared, they used teleportation, I'm sure of the fluctuations of space that I felt coming from the ship half a second before they appeared here. 

But as soon as I looked at them, other things came to mind as I recognized one of the women. 

I look at Nicole who was already looking at me and she nods her head, so I'm sure this brown-haired woman is the same one who talked to Nicole at the time we were taking care of the Gray Elf World Tree, the same woman from brown hair that Nicole warned me about later. 

The two people approach, I take a look at the second woman, she has long silver hair with a shine similar to that of metal, and her black skin highlights the lines on the sides of her eyes and down her cheeks to her neck, I noticed the same lines on her arms which made me think that, like me, her marks could be passing through her entire body, but what calls my attention are these marks, they look like lines on a circuit board because of their shape and position. 

She also has a triangular crystal on her forehead, slightly larger than the High Elves have, her eyes also have similarly triangular pupils and golden irises, it seems to be unnatural somehow. 

The two women are dressed very differently, while the second wears an elegant dress that does not restrict movement in white with silver details, the first woman wears more military-looking clothes, white pants and shirt, with a silver coat with some Details on the silver coat. 

The two might have looked unarmed, but I could see the flow of energy in their clothes, especially in the bracelets on the woman in the dress and the rings on the woman with the brown hair. 

The two don't look at anyone in particular as the brown haired woman steps forward with a slight bow. 

"A pleasure to meet you, my name is Miriam." (Miriam) 

"The one next to me is called Astrid, our leader." (Miriam) 

"A pleasure to meet you, I would like to thank you for accepting our request for this meeting." (Astrid) 

Everyone remains seated while Orsel rises, returning the greeting and briefly introducing everyone including my group, I felt both of their gazes on me briefly before focusing on Nicole. 

"Please be seated." (Orsel) 

"With everyone present, we can start this meeting." (Orsel)

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