Will of chaos

Chapter 1057 Cap 1055

Chapter 1057 Cap 1055: The Plan Of The Elves Part 3

Pov Klaus (Moon Butcher):

I was surrounded by Elves when I woke up, my body was still weak and we were all in an area surrounded by cracks, not cracks in the ground but in the space around it, sometimes one of those cracks dripped a black liquid that was soon attacked by some kind of Serpent that jumped out of the shadows.

"You woke up quickly, you should know." (Naraka)

".." (I)

"It was asleep for exactly 17 minutes." (Gurog)

"The fight isn't over yet, right?" (I)

"It's not over yet, the Shadow Spirit King is still fighting." (Naraka)

"Was he really a Spirit King?" (Gurog)

"Why that expression?" (I)

"He is a Spirit King." (Naraka)

"..." (Gurog)

"Just say what you have to say." (I)

"I heard him say that his territory was that of the Dark Faeries, so I thought that he might be…" (Gurog)

"There's no doubt he's a Spirit, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to summon him this way." (I)

"I know that, but I couldn't help but ask…" (Gurog)

"Lord Swaharak loves the Faeries, indeed to the point that the Shadow Faeries shun him at his insistence." (Naraka)

"..." (I)

"..." (Gurog)

I can't believe this, having this kind of conversation when I was so close to dying.

"The Territory always reflects the individual, creating a Territory means exposing what and who you are to everyone." (Swaharak)

Soon the man comes back with the lower part of his body being the tail of a black serpent, it was possible to see several injuries on his body, and it was also visible that he was tired, it seems that I was right to resort to this type of help before this thing was released in the world.

He touches my forehead again making the tiredness and weakness he was denying lessen even more.

"Your body and mind are the least of the problems, summoning me while separated from your Contracted Spirit put too much pressure on your Soul, not enough to hurt your Soul, but still not the kind of damage that normal people at your level would take capable of bearing." (Swaharak)


As he was talking to me I was able to feel the energy of the pure element of darkness being absorbed from the surroundings, it was decreasing the amount of miasma in the area visibly and it was possible to see the Spirit King's body heal.

"Thanks for your help, we couldn't have solved it..." (I)

"Don't thank me, you know Fairy Kings and Spirit Kings don't interfere in the world, if it was any other kind of enemy I would have let you all die." (Swaharak)

"I only helped by being up against an Evil God, actually just a rotting body that didn't even have a single Divinity Fragment." (Swaharak)

"Even so, your help is still something we appreciate, thank you." (I)

I was still tired, but I still got to my feet before bowing in thanks.

"Mister Klaus, I carry news from the village."

I turn when I hear someone talking about news coming out of the village, but from the look on their face, it can't be good.

I take the letter and read it, it takes me a while to decipher the code because my mind is still tired, but then I burn the letter with my energy.

"(They attacked just as we feared...)" (I)

"Gurog, tell the others to assemble we're heading to plane 5." (I)

"I don't understand, he must realize that we've destroyed all the monsters, we don't have a reason to raise the barrier anymore…" (Gurog)

This place where he came back was flooded with his power for a long time and several rituals in his name must have been performed here, this place has already become a sacred land for him, which makes him aware of what we did here.

"I didn't kill all the monsters, I just created a seal at the entrance, with nothing that strong inside my seal should be enough for several decades." (Swaharak)

"Now I'm going back, good luck to you..." (Swaharak)

My shadow rises again, this time more slowly than before, then when that door appears again the Swaharak Spirit King enters making my shadow return to normal as the door disappears.

"Gurog, prepare the plan, you know what to do, I will return to the Elf King's side." (I)

"< Long Distance Teleportation Shadow >" (I)

I go up to a large shadow and throw a magic crystal that I activate before casting it into the shadow, then it cuts through the shadow like a drop of water falling into a pond, disappearing completely as it creates ripples.

After waiting a few seconds the shadow seems to spin a bit like a whirlpool, I jump in the middle and let it go.


Pov Haros (Demon Dragon):

As the process began I felt Sarturi's power rushing through my body to taint the World Tree.

The initial plan was for Sarturi to feed from the World Tree, both the power it possesses and its Soul, but now the World Tree has become an empty vessel.

On the one hand, it makes the maculation and transformation process easier, which I appreciate as this alone is turning out to be worse than I initially imagined.

Also, on the other hand, this makes it harder for Sarturi to reach a Deity, from the beginning this was the best way, even if he becomes stronger at the level of a Deity, none of that will matter if he is not a God.

Power is not all that a God represents, his power goes far beyond that interfering with the world itself and having the ability to create new paths with his Authority.

"Get ready Haros, I'm going to send some of the power of the Fragment of Divinity, try to resist." (Sarturi)

"URGH!!!" (I)

"!!!!!!" (I)

I endure that instant fear of pain, but just that mere second was enough to destroy half of my organs, including my heart, I have multiple wounds on my body and blood is leaking from my eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

But even in this state I resist pain, if this body wasn't a Dragon I would be dead by now.

After that I took the big difference when all the leaves of the World Tree turn to dust as they fall, the Tree's own body must be completely corrupted by Sarturi's Evil energy.

He walks to the World Tree and enters, but a few minutes later I feel Sarturi's Aura spreading across the World Tree, a dark Aura filled with death and all-consuming Darkness.


Then suddenly a massive amount of energy crushes me to the ground as it gathers in the World Tree, then a huge explosion happens opening a hole in the World Tree where a giant deformed arm appears and Sarturi's voice comes from inside the hole.

"< Cursed Summoning: Infernal Army >" (Sarturi)

Then branches and vines emerge from within the World Tree pulling the arm back into the hole which fills with multicolored light as long as the area's energy is concentrated in that hole.

When the light disappeared, only a sphere of multicolored energy remained floating in the middle of the World Tree's hole.

"This was a trap from the start!!" (I)

I look around at the troops coming out of Hell as I do, but we don't have time to talk, if this was a trap they must be close by.

"Spread across the area, keep Sarturi safe!" (I)

With my words everyone started to move, I take two and devour them to heal faster.


Pov Klaus (Moon Butcher):

When I came out of the shadow after teleporting, I almost fell from the disorientation of traveling that way without stability, my mind was confused for a few seconds before realizing that I was in the city or should I call it a village in a quiet place in the Nightmare Forest.

When I look forward I notice that the Elf King had one of his arms with crystals coming out, he was looking at me while a bald Celestina with white wings was pulling these crystals from the King's hand, it seemed to be a detailed work.

"How did you manage to get the mountain under control?" (King Uryma)

"In a way yes, what happened was..." (I)

I began to explain to King Uryma about everything that happened, I spoke about the monsters, I spoke about the holy land of our enemy, and about the giant creature that appeared after the destruction of the mountain.

I thought I'd get into the matter at hand, I'm sure Gurog should be able to resolve some of it, but I need the Elf King's cooperation.

"Knowing you, I'm sure you've already put some plans on the beach, which one did you choose to do?" (King Uryma)

"I chose plan 5, but I have my doubts about the responsible people we will be calling in to help." (I)

"Unfortunately I won't be able to fight directly, as you can see pulling out Ury's Soul in a hurry that way had its side effects, not to mention my diminishing power." (Uryma)

"Then who should I..." (I)

"You need to go to the Sky Island World Tree, only with it will you know what to do, those were the last words Ury left for me." (Uryma)

"Looks like there was already a backup plan in place, I'll send you there now, be quick." (Uryma)

"I will do my utmost, King Uryma." (I)

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