Will of chaos

Chapter 1070 Cap 1068

Chapter 1070 Cap 1068: Drastic Landscape Change

Talking to Klaus is always unpleasant since his murderous intent against me never seems to go away, but this conversation was even worse because he was the one making this dangerous request.

But to make matters worse, there are still more problems arising, after this day full of problems, another piece of news arrives to close my day with a **** key.

I was inside another room with Arthur the Blood Templar and Orion standing in front of me looking away.

"You mean everyone just paid for their guns and left!?" (I)

"Yes, the other familiars except for me and Hinata went as well since it was impossible to stop them all." (Orion)

"May I know why the Saints went too!?" (I)josei

"My sisters and mother were worried about one of my brothers who works in the Gray Elf Village…" (Arthur)

"May I know why you didn't go with them!?" (I)

"I didn't make it in time, but Allan went with them along with his group." (Arthur)

"Besides, the Saints aren't as helpless as you think." (Arthur)

"..." (I)

In other words, everyone in my family except for my sisters and Ibuki left for the Gray Elf Village, my Familiars, and the 3 Saints I was supposed to protect also left, all while I was busy all day!

"Master..." (Hela)

"..." (I)

"I mean, Father… it's not time to argue, we should go…" (Hela)

"Master, I saw that it was the new White Elf Queen who opened a special temporary gate there, it seems that everyone went along with reinforcements for the fight." (Freya)

"There's a way this day can stay... better not finish this sentence..." (I)


I didn't have anything else to do, I didn't want to waste time, so I went back to my room, I had to take my equipment before leaving, and before leaving I took a last look at Nix, Layla, and Karina.

I wasn't going alone, many others like Klaus, Ivan, and as well as several other people from the Dungeon were coming together.

As soon as I left the Dungeon I saw two faces that I didn't think I'd see again today, they were Lorraine and Stella accompanied by the Spirit of the World Tree.

"You must not close your Dungeon, leave it behind for your own good." (Elly)

"Why do you need this?" (I)

"Because it would be dangerous for your two familiars to get close to this Evil God in this state and whether the Dungeon is open or closed won't make a difference." (Elly)

"(I have no way to take the Dungeon?)" (I)

I look at the Dungeon Gate that looks like a Dragon's head with open jaws, I seem to realize more and more the difference in power levels.

She means that just being close to a battle against this enemy is already dangerous for people even within a separate space, it doesn't inspire me to go along.

I thought of something after hearing all this since my Familiars are meeting there, so maybe I can take a look at the environment to see what to expect.

I went to my Sister Caitlyn who showed me an illusion inside my head about the ancient Gray Elf Village and surroundings.

It seems that the village is in the Nightmare Forest, a place that creates illusions based on people's worst fears, even the monsters that live in that place cause soul and mental attacks, a truly terrible place to go.

After listening to Caitlyn I created a ritual circle to amplify the strength and reach of my connection with one of my Familiars, I learned this ritual by thinking about situations like this.

The ritual itself was simple and didn't take long, as soon as I activated it I tried to connect with Ragnar who can fly and give me an aerial view while also having the best Aura senses, with his help I can not only see the situation but understand the monsters Klaus warned about.

But for me, the most important thing is not the monsters, the Evil God, or even his servants who must be around.

The biggest problem is the environment itself, the flow of energy from every continent must be concentrated in the 3 Trees of the World, I didn't study about that, but I imagine that it's like the flow of blood in Rodolfo's body passing through his heart.

The flow of the 3 natural energies just like the miasma is concentrated in the Tree of the Mute, I myself have seen how volatile and dangerous these energies are when not in harmony, if the Soul of the World Tree is not worth anything it is your body being used to seal away this Evil God, so I imagine the environment must be in utter chaos, maybe even more than one Nature Titan appeared.

So I have to check the situation, I use my connection to Ragnar being amplified by the Ritual to share his senses.

Ragnar notices me and didn't resist my will stretching towards him, at this moment I see Ragnar rising higher and higher revealing first the strange forest around him, the people waiting below him and finally the place that should be the village of the Gray Elves.

"..." (I)

"This is extreme environmental change..." (I)

I compare the illusions my sister showed of the past and what I'm seeing through Ragnar's eyes, I can't believe this change has happened in such a short time.


Pov Razor (Diana's Father):

I was with the other combatants waiting for the orders coming from the King of the Gray Elves, Uryma is someone with a bloody fame, he is a legend from the time of the war of thousands of years ago, Uryma was a Gray Elf who attacked from the front killing most of your enemies on the first hit and in sequence.

"I still think I should have called Ibuki." (Diana)

"She wasn't around, who sent her off to look for food without warning." (Érica)

"(These two are very calm in this situation, it demonstrates some kind of experience with abnormal things.)" (I)

I look at my daughter, I still remember that little girl who would run to hug her mother after every training session.

"You two are wasting your time, you should be gathering information preparing for the attack." (I)

"We're already doing that." (Érica)

"Kira will collect area information and I don't have much to do until the time of the attack." (Diana)

"What is Ragnar doing?" (Érica)

"I don't know, but if it keeps going up..." (Diana)

"Come back here you idiot..." (I)

Quickly I launch a rope to tie to the leg of this man who is floating higher and higher, but as soon as the rope starts to wrap around his leg, it was torn to pieces by the Aura, but it wasn't the Aura I felt coming from him before.

"You said your friend over there was a Familiar of your Husband, correct?" (I)

"Yes, Ragnar is one of Zenos' Familiars, the aura now also looks like his, did they open another teleportation gate?" (Diana)

"I don't know, but we don't have time to talk so calmly." (I)

I point to the sky, the storm cloud seems to take the shape of a bird with two pairs of wings, he moves his head in the direction of where the boy was floating.

This fair cloud creature is one of the 5 Titans of Nature that are in the surroundings, because of the harmony that is still maintained in this area thanks to the Elf King these Titans of Nature are keeping away from us while they devastate the surroundings by rearranging the map of the entire this great area.

When I thought this Cloud Titan of Nature would attack it was too late, with the rope torn to pieces I didn't have time to make another move, but then the Cloud Titan stopped in front of the idiot.

"I see, his Aura too." (I)

Before when the rope was destroyed I felt a trace of a different Aura, but this time I am feeling the full power of a very different Aura, the same Aura I felt from my daughter's husband when I first met him, it may be stronger and slightly different, but it's still very similar to what I remember.

"He is coming back." (Érica)

If I'm not mistaken his name is Ragnar, it seems he returned to normal as soon as the Titan of Nature turned his back to leave, so he decreases in height until he puts his feet on the ground.

"So, do you have any news from Zenos?" (Diana)

"We have problems, Kira is being stalked." (Sakura)

"Father!" (Diana)

"I know, I'm already mobilizing everyone." (I)

"I don't need to, I can take care of myself, but thanks for your concern." (Kira)

"Where are those who were chasing you?" (I)

"There." (Kira)

I look where she pointed and see a teleportation gate, from inside flying a large deformed and half-crushed head, then I see Zenos appear along with other people, all complaining while covered in purple blood.


Pov Zenos:

From Ragnar's vision, I realized the state of things, but it was still confusing, at least I know that the place where jobs appear is safe, I was stunned by the landscape even when I felt something curl around Ragnar's foot, then I go to pieces when a large cluster of clouds forms in front of me before opening his eyes and blasting his Aura revealing himself to be a Titan of Nature.

Only by using my Aura filled with the power of nature and showing no aggression did I show myself not to be a target, so the monster moves away, at this moment I deactivate the ritual and join the others when the Teleportation gate opens, at this very moment hundreds of grotesque monsters appear making everyone attack reflexively killing them with attacks from all directions, but this came at the price of being bathed in the blood of these hideous monsters.

"Why am I so unlucky? What's wrong with this damn day!" (I)

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