Will of chaos

Chapter 1089 Cap 1087

Chapter 1089 Cap 1087: You Can't Deny The Inevitable

Pov Ivan (Champion of Goddess Kalistos): 

I felt when using that great magic, all my power was taken instantly and it was not even close to what was needed to activate that great magic, it was only possible by the power of Goddess Kalistos welling up from within me and coursing through my bones before leaving my body to supplement the power needed to activate that spell. 

I could feel a countless number of what I can only describe as fragments, there is not a single word to describe these fragments, if I had to explain it was like fragments of emotions, perhaps fragments of minds, I could say that they are fragments of Souls or I could say that they are all the former things and at the same time none of them. 

Yes, perhaps the best way to describe it is to call it a fragment of people. 

Thanks to the magic I was using, I could feel these shards for a moment and I had the displeasure of seeing that this Evil God didn't have these shards inside him, it was much worse and disgusting than that, he was completely made up of these shards that were being corroded more and more. 

That was the most disgusting thing I've ever felt before, even on the battlefields when I was still alive or in Miss Lilith's torture rooms when she had truly despicable prisoners to satisfy her hunger for revenge, I haven't found anything worse than I felt this time Evil God when using this spell. 

But even with that stain forever in my mind marked as the worst feeling I've ever felt, I still had my duty to do, I started to channel the Authority and Holy Power of Goddess Kalistos not in a prayer like people of your religion do, but rather directly calling upon her to serve as his champion and be the recipient of his will to face this Evil God. 

Channeling the Goddess's power was much worse this time than when I used death magic before I was just an intermediary for the power to flow into the magic, but this time this power filled my bones and overflowed. 

Soon I felt the will and consciousness of the Goddess Kalistos inhabit my body, I felt that power resonate with my body and that's when the pain started, my bones that should have been solid began to mold into different shapes as if it were some kind of dough being molded by someone and my bones were also changing their positions as my Spectral Body changed shape. 

The pain of having her body reshaped from the inside out was devastating, but there was something even worse, I could feel like my Soul was thrown to the bottom of an ocean to suffer under the pressure of the ocean as the will of the Goddess took over my body. 

Diana never showed or talked about these things, maybe it's because I'm not a fully faithful Champion of the Goddess or maybe it's because I haven't adapted to her power long enough, but no matter my doubts when nothing is going to change in this situation, I can feel it that my entire body is at the limit and Goddess Kalistos is doing her best to keep within that limit so as not to destroy my body. 

Since becoming her Champion I have felt her presence with me at all times, but being immersed in her will goes far beyond anything I could imagine, I cannot even begin to describe the depths of what I am feeling. 


Pov Kalistos (Demon Goddess of Death): 

I look at him being torn apart from the inside out, a patchwork of several lifetimes and already missing every part that belonged only to him. 

I look down at my hand, the bones at the tip of the finger have begun to crack, for now, that's not much of a risk, but it does show that this body wasn't yet ready to be a vessel for me to inhabit or work to use my power. 

"This isn't over yet..." (Sarturi) 

"It's over, you always knew there was no chance of coming against me, in fact, any God could crush you and destroy the thing you call Soul." (I)  josei

"(Endure a little longer, my Champion.)" (I) 

I could feel the pain my Champion is enduring not only in his body but also in his Soul, he is feeling my presence directly enveloping his Soul with nothing to ease it until he was ready. 

There are still things I need to do. 

I was floating in a crumbling sky with devastated cities, forests burning black, and oceans turned to pure darkness, it seems that the God Realm of Lorraine has been badly damaged. 

I walk through this space as if I were stepping on land, I walk until I reach where Sarturi was. 

Now that I had suppressed his Aura and was deeply destroying his Aura, there were still things I had to do, so I walked on air as if walking until I finally came face to face with his face. 

"That appearance suits you." (I) 

"KALISTOS!!!!!" (Sarturi) 

A fool as ever, expending his last strength to force parts of his body that are barely under his control to attack me, but his tentacles and arms are only annihilated when he gets close to me. 

"You may have an Evil God of Death's fragment, but that's a fragment of the power if another that you could never fully use, even the Evil God that this fragment belonged to couldn't even be in my presence." (I) 

"Your resistance is futile the power of Death within you is mine to take or bestow as I wish." (I) 

I raise my hand to her face which was just a shapeless mass full of black eyes, energy starts to run through her body from the inside out as it flows towards me gathering in the palm of my hand until there is only a small black cloud left in the palm of my hand. 

When I closed my hand squelching this tainted energy, Sarturi's eyes widened out of hatred for squashing his power in front of his eyes. 

"You listened many times and yet you never listened or even understood." (I) 

"You cannot deny the inevitable, death is just a part of the whole that gives value to everything in existence." (I) 

"Only because death exists does life have meaning and only because of life does understanding death matter." (I) 

As I said that I was bombarding Sarturi's body with endless spheres of death energy, each sphere annihilated a little bit of his body, it thinned his body little by little. 

Unlike mortals, we Gods have more than just control over the concepts our Divinity represents, we are those concepts, I do not use the power of death to rule over death, in fact, it is the opposite, I rule over all death because I am the very concept of Death. 

I am one of the first existences to arise and I will be the last to succumb. 

"I know you don't even have the strength to speak in front of me, I don't like wasting time on fools either, but you were one of the few over several ages to piss me off so much by making the same mistakes over and over again." (I) 

Black chains surge around him, dig into his body as they attach themselves, then 5 scythes form and start ripping parts of his body to pieces. 

As a Goddess I don't need to use spells, techniques, skills, or anything else, the energy of death is a part of me, and manipulating that power is as simple as breathing for me. 

I can still feel some presences around outside, I feel something strange, but it doesn't seem to be something dangerous. 

"Wouldn't it be right to finish this as soon as possible?" (Lorraine) 

"Not yet." (I) 

I see that one of my Champion's hands is already completely cracked, but he can still hold out a little longer. 

I snap my fingers making the chains and scythes disappear so I stop teasing this mortal fool. 

I reach my hand out to him, making the space itself close in the shape of my hand around this fool's body. 

"A body stolen from many, let's start with that." (I) 

When I close my hand, the space around Sarturi also closes, annihilating his body in pieces that were covered by my energy, nothing remains of his body, not even dust. 

"A Soul made of fragments of which nothing of the original remains." (I) 

When the space returns to its form, only a large and even more grotesque creature remains, this creature does not have a physical body being only with a purely spiritual body. 

This creature had a strange shape that could not be considered human, there were mouths, eyes, horns, arms, legs, tentacles, and antennae scattered throughout its body by the dozens or hundreds, its body had thousands of separate colors, and it looked like several separate things were forcibly joined together and that is not far from the truth. 

This time I create a barrier containing millions of blades of death energy inside where I leave this grotesque Soul inside, in a few seconds nothing of the soul was left whole, it was broken into several fragments that began to attack a large fragment. 

"Even if they are just fragments without mind or emotions, rancor will always prevail, time to rest in oblivion." (I) 

I waved a hand creating a wave of energy that annihilates these shards without leaving anything, then I waved my hand causing the Deity Fragment of some Evil God to fly into my hand, within this fragment was Sarturi's consciousness the only one left of him. 

"Now fade into nothingness just as your victims once did." (I) 

Just a trace of my presence colliding with his shaken consciousness was enough to erase the only thing left of him, so I filled that Fragment of Divinity with my Power before destroying this thing, there's no need for it to continue to exist. 

"I told you you wouldn't run away from the inevitable, you just chose to take a nastier route to me." (I)

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