Will of chaos

Chapter 1097 Cap 1095

Chapter 1097 Cap 1095: Is This Still A Win?

Pov Juliano:  josei

I look around, the sky that was once half purple and half white because of our two Territories overlapping has now been swallowed up in purple with a red sun shining in the sky like an open wound. 

All the parts representing Edward's light-filled Territory were consumed by black flames or buried in bones, nothing was left of his Territory, but those were secondary things, what I was really looking for I couldn't find, which only made an old wound open in my heart. 

"So he really went that far..." (I) 

"J, you know it's not your fault, that was his decision." (Lydia) 

I turn to Lydia, that day I linked her Soul with mine due to a Curse gone wrong while Edward and I fought the monster she had become. 

It took me years to realize her Soul sleeping inside my body, it was only when I managed to completely dominate my Aura that I felt her Soul inside my body. 

At that time I had already fought Edward twice, the first time was right after he regained consciousness after Lydia's death, he tried to kill me for the first time. 

The second fight was months later and I learned that he was going to enter the Church of Light, I wanted to talk to him about it, but he led me into a trap where I was mortally wounded and almost managed to kill me. 

After that, I didn't see him for years, but I still heard about how he was becoming more and more known within the Church of Light. 

When I was finally able to master my Aura and feel Lydia's Soul my first thought was to tell Edward, I had hope that things could go back to the way they were in those days with the 3 of us together, but not even me and not even Edward we were the same people as when we were younger. 

I tried everything to awaken Lydia's Soul, but each thing seemed too risky, the bond between us was stronger than I thought, and that's when I found that bond connected our Souls, the Necromancer I trusted trying to find an answer betrayed me and almost takes our two Souls at that time. 

It wasn't until decades later while I commanded an army to protect the Demons just before the smoking of the Black Kingdom that would one day become the Black Empire, it was only at this time when I acquired the power of Authority that I was able to awaken the Soul of Lydia. 

"You regret?" (I) 

"Of having killed the person I once promised to marry?" (Lydia) 

"..." (I) 

"No, he wasn't the man I fell in love with, he was just a shadow consumed by hatred and manipulated by the Church of Light." (Lydia) 

He had Edward's necklace in his hands, she took off the pendant with the symbol of Baldr and used her Demonic power to expel the Holy Power from the golden chain, turning it back to its normal silver color. 

"It makes me sad that he didn't forget me if he could have put those days behind him... he could have done so much... but in the end, it was one more life lost to my foolishness..." (Lydia) 

"As you said yourself, it was his decision, don't blame yourself, the dead don't carry the guilt of the living and at that time you were dead." (I) 

"Besides, Edward was already dead, even his Soul no longer existed." (I) 

After his death I was still thinking whether it was necessary to destroy his Soul or not, until the end, I still could not make up my mind and at his death, I realized that it was not necessary, he destroyed his Soul himself, by making his body one receptacle for the God of Light there could not be a Soul inside that was not that of a Saint, Hero or Champion. 

"Did you get what you needed?" (I) 

"Yes." (Lydia) 

A white and gold energy flowed through the hand that passed through Edward's body, these energies condense into a golden sphere with white stripes similar to metal, Lydia's already pale face turns even paler as she throws the sphere towards me. 

"That was very unpleasant." (Lydia) 

"I told you not to try to take it in, you're lucky you don't have a real physical body or you'd have turned to ash like Edward." (I) 

"Now that I have this I can use the remaining energy of the primordial of Demons to corrupt that power into pure demonic energy, with that I have the final piece for the ritual, so wait a little longer... just a little longer..." ( I) 

"J, don't hurry, my death as well as what I am now are my faults, stop carrying the burden of my sins, don't make Edward's mistakes." (Lydia) 

"Becoming a Demon Spirit is more than I deserve, so thank you for everything." (Lydia) 

"Wait just a little longer, I couldn't save Edward, but I'll get you back." (I) 

I undo my Territory along with the Relic of Aura technique causing Lydia to disappear in a stream of red flames that my body absorbs. 


Hours later I was sitting on top of what was left of the city walls, looking at the devastation of the War. 

When I returned I joined the combat destroying every member of the Church of Light, without Rhaegal and Edward they had no one but those still fighting Julius, but I will not interfere in their battle, as Emperor he must shoulder his duty. 

I just attack the soldiers, even though I'm weakened after the battle with Edward, my power is not something such an army can match while still facing another army. 

Even without using my power, just the strength and speed I possess was enough to end many, with the help of my army the battle was over in less than 2 hours. 

During that time Julius ended their battle in a draw, and their Territory fell apart revealing the two falling with mortal wounds, I finished off his last enemy before rescuing Julius who is now lying next to Arash's Human form. 

"Thank you for your help, I know you didn't want to be part of this war." (I) 

"I didn't participate, I just helped my nation's wounded." (Ikaro) 

I look at the Human who has Demonic blood running through his body, the Saint of the Night God, and the orphan Arash saved a long time ago. 

"Your help is still something I appreciate, thank you." (I) 

For Ikaro this war was completely meaningless, there was no reason for the Church of Light to attack, but there was also no denying the hatred of the Demons against them, he says he keeps himself out of the War, but his presence reveals that if we were being pressed he would intervene. 

"Are you happy? Everyone from the Church of Light who came is dead." (Ikaro) 

"I do not rejoice in the death of the enemy, especially in the death toll of my own people in a war that should never have happened." (I) 

I look down with grief, bodies being carried incomplete, people crying over the deaths of their comrades in arms and friends, a wasteland as far as my eyes can see with blood in every direction. 

If I close my eyes, it will be impossible not to hear the screams of rage, the cries of those who survived, and the cries of those who lost precious people. 

That day may be remembered in glory for future generations, but for those of this generation, it will always be a day of pain. 

"Does this still count as victory?" (I) 


Pov Zenos: 

When I opened my eyes I was in a dark place feeling my whole body being touched by something, as my vision is not very affected by darkness I was able to see roots and vines everywhere tying me up. 

But I didn't feel uncomfortable, in fact, I felt different types of energy interacting with my body. 

One thing I noticed clearly was the state of my body, I was completely fine, my body was in great condition, my energy reserves were full, my Soul seemed to be undamaged from everything that happened today and my mind that was the only one something I couldn't get back just by meditating was light again. 

"(Looks like you woke up.)" (Ury) 

I didn't recognize the voice in my mind as I never talked to her, but in this situation, it wasn't hard to guess who is speaking and Silvia had already informed me about her name. 

Before I could say anything I felt everything around my body loosening up until I was released from the wooden cocoon I was in. 

When I opened it I got used to the light I was able to see Vanessa, Alice, and Silvia waiting for me, I looked down and saw the roots facing the ground. 

"How do you feel, Father?" (Vanessa) 

"Refreshed, how long have I been unconscious?" (I) 

"Only a few hours, no need to worry." (Alice) 

I look at the World Tree right behind me, it looks like it has treated my injuries, exhaustion, and tiredness. 

"Now that you're awake, we have some things to tell you." (Alice)

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