Will of chaos

Chapter 1103 Cap 1101

Chapter 1103 Cap 1101: Go To The Next Step

I spent two extra days near that World Tree waiting for Freya to finish turning the next Gray Elf King into an Ancient Elf along with promising Elves, Kira's Father being among them. 

Klaus didn't want to change his race and had to be convinced by Kira as he threatened to kill anyone who brought that subject near him. 

The truth is, there were people who tried to point towards Klaus as the next Gray Elf King, but those people broke out in a cold sweat when Klaus' murderous intent was directed towards them. 

It seems he's been trying to take on less responsibility the last few months since he found out about Kira, at least that's what the forcibly retired Gray Elf King told me. 

Klaus' motive is something anyone can understand, he wants to spend more time with his daughter and made it very clear that he will be going along with her in my Dungeon, he didn't even ask me anything, it was just an extremely aggressive warning that he would and I would have no opinion about it. 

I don't know why he hates me so much, I wouldn't stop my father-in-law from traveling with his daughter, I wouldn't do something like that even though he's an asshole bastard who's always thinking about killing me. 

"Shouldn't we help rebuild the village?" (Kira) 

"No, it would be too much work and I don't want to waste any more time here, I have to take care of Nix, Layla, Karina and I still have two other things to take care of." (I) 

Kira as well as many of my group were volunteering during the last 2 days to help the Gray Elves with the restoration of their village or should I say construction as there is nothing left standing to restore? 

My sisters as expected did not help at all, Natasha was the only one to help in the construction of a building that she turned into a bar where she leads a bunch of drunks all night to drink until they fall unconscious on the ground. 

Elizabeth just spent her time talking to future Gray Elf King candidates, her opinion on the matter carrying great weight as it was her area of expertise. 

But the one who stayed with me the longest was Caitlyn as we both spent most of our time lying down and resting. 

When I wasn't resting I was with one of the girls, Ibuki and Diana even pushed me to the bar in the middle of the day, Erica was the only one who spent her time talking to the World Tree about Curses and I had to do the same to pass the time with her. 

My Familiars they all helped the Elves, they are very helpful and kind hearted, at least half of them since Ragnar disappeared halfway through the service and Hinata was training somewhere. 

It was no surprise that the one with the best skills to help the Elves is Sakura, she is basically a tree in Human form, thanks to her many trees have been replanted or grown from scratch with the help of her powers. 

These trees would become the abodes of the Gray Elves, more children also wanted to help, but many among them didn't have much to contribute, Irina was the most useful among my children due to her expertise in magical barriers, she fortifies the defenses of Gray Elves. 

Now that two days had passed, they were finally starting to turn people away and I wanted to be among the first to leave this place. 

"Are you sure you won't need anything else." (I) 

"No, I already have all the information I could need and some materials that can be used..." (Nicole) 

"It's too early for that, just let's be blunt, why are you carrying a backpack the size of a house on your back? What happened to your storage item or your space element skills?" (I) 

"I'm taking some items that already have spatial magic, they are improvised items and I couldn't use them as I wanted, storing them inside one of these two options can cause an adverse reaction, so I'm taking them physically since my body has the physical requirements for that. " (Nicole) 

"..." (I) 

I look at the backpack twice the size of her body being carried effortlessly, I feel like I'm in a children's cartoon seeing something like this. 

I turn around without saying anything else and we leave, on the way back I see someone watching from afar and I didn't care at first until I noticed Nicole looking at that person and waving goodbye, which the other person reciprocates by doing the same, was a Human female with adventurer clothes and brown hair. 

"You know her?" (I) 

"Yes, I spent a lot of time talking to her these last few days, it was very useful for my research." (Nicole) 

"She seems to have come to see you off, do you want some time to say goodbye?" (I) 

"No, but if you have time I'd like to talk to you..." (Nicole) 

"Is it something important? Because if not, I'd rather you wait at least until we get back home." (I)  josei

"It's nothing important, I'll leave it for later." (Nicole) 

We followed to where a Fairy was, this one had the appearance of a woman with purple hair, I couldn't see Lorraine anywhere and this woman wasn't a Fairy Queen. 

This Fairy with the help of others teleported small groups of people to certain points where more Fairies of the space element were already waiting, they did not open a space door as Lorraine had done, it seems that the distance was too great to open a path through space and instead, they sent people unilaterally because it was easier. 

I was back on the Floating Island near the White Elf village, I stood where I was waiting for the others to arrive before heading back to the Dungeon and checking on those who stayed behind. 


Pov Mirian's (?????): 

I was in an Adventurer's Guild when an emergency meeting took place, they called all Adventurers with the strength of what they call Lesser King Grade or above. 

As I was slightly above that level working as an Adventurer for over a year while traveling across this continent, I was also taken to this meeting where an Elf started passing on some vague information. 

It was just information about some kind of attack against an Elf village by an Evil God, they talked a little bit about the enemy type and extreme environmental changes, but they were very vague about many details and I think that was the purpose. 

The people at the meeting were being given a special mission to help the Elves, but before that, they all had to go through a serious he questions one at a time, they must have some way of identifying who is lying, I was inclined not to participate because of that, but I decided to risk it by thinking that the questions shouldn't be too focused on people's secrets, but focused on things related to the Elves. 

As I thought they were very basic questions about being an enemy of the Elves, wanting to do something against the Elves, being allied with an Evil God, and those types of questions. 

It seems I was right to take the risk, there were other people who didn't even want to ask the questions and left, there were also those who didn't pass, but apart from those who got the questions about Evil Gods wrong, which were only two, the others were released without more questions. 

After that we were all sent from that room the next day after being prepared, we were sent from some means of Teleportation, and we left in a camp where more detailed information about the enemy, environment, and plan was passed on to everyone. 

I had already heard about World Trees, but I never saw one up close, I heard that in this continent there are 3 of these World Trees. 

It seems that it wasn't just the Adventurer's Guild where I was that recruited people, there were thousands of people in that camp, but very few were brought in by beings that even I feared and so I paid more focused attention to these individuals. 

What followed was a great series of incredible events, unfortunately, I couldn't be in the forest as my senses weren't working normally, I didn't want to take unnecessary risks in such an unpredictable environment, so I returned to the camp. 

The camp was attacked a few times and thanks to that I was able to see some amazing things of people fighting, among them a Vampire with an Armor that has an Eclipse symbol was one of the best fighters along with some people who carry objects with the same symbol. 

After dealing with the attacks and realizing that there would be no further attacks, I went along with a small group to investigate the situation in the forest, I was happy to find that my senses were no longer blocked, the environment was still too unstable and so I was careful. 

Over the next few days, I gathered information from those who fought in the forest, I seem to have missed a great deal of events, some that I couldn't even fully understand from listening to reports from those who were there, but many of these events were around that large group that was listing special attention. 

One of the people in that group was a woman named Nicole who came to me on her own, she fascinated me with her skills and intelligence, she totally treated the situation as a testing ground for her research, and she reminds me of someone I know very well. 

I took advantage of the fact that she seemed interested in me to get information out of her, she talked about some of the things that happened there and her group spoke only superficially, but at least I found out their names and their leader, a Vampire boy I avoided getting close to due to those around him being something he couldn't fully understand. 

When I heard that Nicole's group was leaving, I also took the opportunity to leave, I had already discovered many things, I saw the Vampire boy doing something with the World Tree and I saw many unknown entities, so it was time to leave. 

"Don't cause trouble and try not to get more enemies." (Thalia) 

"I don't make enemies Miss Thalia, by the way, thank you for not talking about me to anyone." (I) 

"The Church of Death does not involve itself in the affairs of the living, I told you that once and now I warn you, be careful with your future actions." (Thalia) 

"..." (I) 

Just as she appeared out of nowhere, she also disappeared out of nowhere right after I saw Vampire Boy's group leave, the way she spoke didn't seem like a threat, but someone like her doesn't need to make threats to act. 

"(The mere fact of her acting increases her relevance to that group.)" (I) 

I had made a decision about researching them further and dedicating a more detailed report on them when I get back. 

Once I was taken back to the city where I was before, I took my communicator inside the wall of the rented room where I left it hidden. 

"[Miss Miriam, do you have any new information?]" 

"Let them know that I've already confirmed this world as compatible with Project Alpha." (I) 

"Tell her to move on to the next step." (I) 

"[She will want a report from her for this certainty after waiting 1 year of investigation.]" 

"It took me a long time to blend in and during that 1 year I didn't learn anything that others couldn't discover, but in the last few days I've witnessed several individuals of unknown category." (I) 

"I'll be coming back myself to deliver my report to her." (I) 

"[I will advise the team to withdraw from the world.]" 

I turn off the communicator and think again about what the Saint of Death said. 

"Sorry, but certain things must be done..." (I)

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