Will of chaos

Chapter 1113 Cap 1111

Chapter 1113 Cap 1111: Magnus Part 5

The first thing I did was use earth and wind magic to clear the surrounding area, the wind magic slashed and made all the trees fly away, and the earth magic made the ground become more flat and resistant. 

I only cleaned an area of 1 kilometer, due to the large size of this Dragon of Light, I needed a very wide area where he could stay even if his body grows, I honestly don't know what will happen and that's why I like to stay prepare in advance. 

I look at Karina waiting for me already with the Dragon Seal in hand, different from the 4 I had in the past, this Dragon Seal is made of a darker and grayish crystal, the Dragon's silhouette was red and had a presence more aggressive being emitted from the Dragon Seal.  josei

"Are you sure it won't work?" (I) 

"He has already gone through an Awakening Ceremony, I can feel traces of another Dragon's presence in his body." (Karina) 

"The Ceremony of Awakening serves exactly what the name suggests, it uses the power of the one who performs the Ceremony to force the awakening of the hidden power within the target with chances of mutation of that power, which in your case is 100% chance of mutation, but if the target doesn't have occult power, then there's no way to trigger the Ceremony of Awakening from the beginning." (Karina) 

"Mine performed the Awakening Ceremony on all of his children, myself included, this is normal among True Dragons." 

"I don't think there will be any problems." (I) 

In the case of others, I used the Awakening Ceremony to grant powers, and bloodlines I created or even using certain items like the Dragon Seal, the Awakening Ceremony has always been the basis for me to put other things in motion to uplift the individuals around me as far as my power is capable of reaching. 

"(I won't be able to give him power or abilities, but the Dragon Seal still carries my Aura and Authority.)" (I) 

If it were using the Ceremony of Awakening I would be absolutely confident that your body would undergo drastic changes, but now I'm not so sure. 

"Your father didn't use a Dragon Seal on you, did he?" (I) 

"No, this is the type of item that doesn't work on those who already carry that same power, for example, you have children who carry Dragon blood, none of them would be able to receive the same benefit that someone outside of their bloodline could receive, the use of Dragon Seal would be greatly reduced to the point where its effectiveness was just over 30%." 

I look to Karina for confirmation, this wasn't written in the book Arash left behind, Karina doesn't seem to know about it either. 

I only know what was written in that small book and Karina as a Dragon High Priestess or maybe I should get used to calling her a Dragon Saint, only know theoretical information, but it seems that our knowledge is lacking in the practical area. 

"(It would be hard to know if I haven't been living with the Dragon race for a long time, with time I will learn these details.)" (I) 

I look at everything and reach out to Karina who reaches out to take my hand, so we hold hands while I hold the Seal with my other hand. 

"Let's start." (I) 

"..." (I) 

"..." (Karina) 

"..." (I) 

"How do you use this thing without the Awakening Ceremony?" (I) 


This was really a situation I didn't think of, I'm so used to using the Awakening Ceremony that I never thought how to use a Dragon Seal outside of the Awakening Ceremony. 

I can feel the Dragon of Light's eyes full of doubt about me and I can't blame him, I already feel like an idiot for not knowing something that should probably be common knowledge among Dragons. 

"It's actually quite simple, just use your Aura and Authority to fill the Dragon Seal, then the rest will come to you naturally, it should be almost instinctual." (Karina) 

"I've never created a Dragon Seal before or seen anyone use it, but her explanation matches the things I learned from my father." 

"Was it that simple?" (I) 

I take a deep breath and try to get my mental state calm again, as this is the first time I'm doing something like this, I don't want to do anything wrong by accident. 

I take one more deep breath before starting to mix my Aura and Authority together, then feel Karina do the same before sending it off to mix with my Aura and Authority, Karina's power seems similar to mine almost perfectly complementing it. 

I use this power to circulate between me and her a few times as I get used to the feeling of sharing power with someone, it only takes a few seconds, it was almost natural the ease with which our Auras and Authorities complement each other like pieces of a break head coming together so easily. 

When I was sure I could control this combined power, I made this amalgamation of Aura and Authority flow into the Dragon Seal in one of my hands. 

I could feel how that power entered the Dragon Seal and filled it, I knew the exact amount it would take to fill it and I did it precisely. 

"(I see, so this is how it's done...)" (I) 

Just like Karina said, I could understand how it worked naturally, that's because it was simple, the Dragon Seal was a crystallization of my power, even the one that was made with the Demon Dragon's power was still something I made mine. 

I could feel that this power needed a vessel and it was looking for a vessel, as the Dragon of Light was the only one around and the Seal seemed to focus on it, but I had to make the move. 

It was very simple, I exploded my Aura and Authority in the surroundings making pocketing all of us, then the Seal started to move floating towards the Dragon of Light who stood motionless waiting. 

When the Seal reached him I felt the energy leak out from the Seal to surround the Dragon of Light, it looked disorderly to me, and by reflex I made that energy become a flow that surrounded his body, this made the Seal absorb even more of the Aura and Authority than before the surroundings. 

I could feel the streams slowly attach to the Dragon of Light's body and that's when the process really started. 


<[ Demon Dragon Seal (Zenos) granting process has been confirmed with both parties accepting ]>




<[ Individual Ymir (True Dragon of Sunlight) accepts to be marked as a Descendant of Zenos (True Dragon of Eclipse of Blood) ]>




<[ Detecting Divine interference from Akatosh (Dragon God) the effectiveness of Demon Dragon Seal (Zenos) has been increased from 100% > 300% ]>




<[ The Individual Ymir (True Sunlight Dragon) wishes to receive a new name from you ]> 

This time I was experiencing something much simpler than an Awakening Ceremony, it was so much easier that it allowed me to check notifications to make sure everything was going well. 

The Dragon God's interference is something I should have known since he acted directly to ask me for it, I should have thought that he himself would contribute in some way. 

The naming part of the Dragon of Light is not a surprise since he made it very clear from the first time we met his desire to be given a different name, his first act in trying to put his past behind him was abandoning his name. 

I had already thought of a name for him for a long time, a name that shows what I expect from him, a name that still doesn't suit him and that one day I hope he will be someone who matches that name. 

But I must say that I like his old name better, Ymir is a different name I must say, I think it suits a Dragon more than this name I chose. 

"His name will be Magnus!" (I) 


<[ The newly named Individual Magnus (True Dragon of Sunlight) is in the process of transforming due to an Evolution caused by the Seal of the Demon Dragon (Zenos) ]> 

I could see and feel the Aura as well as his power being drawn into the flow of energy, in and out of the Dragon Seal as my power diluted within it, I could feel the Seal becoming energy as an A there flamed blood red begins to emanate from the body of the Dragon of Light, soon the flame changes from blood red to a harmony between black and white colors. 

The Light Dragon's body completely submerged in the flames, but I couldn't hear its roars or anything else, in fact even these flames don't emit any kind of heat or sound, everything is in complete silence to the point of being strange. 

I felt Karina's hand squeeze Kim's and when I glanced to the side I noticed that her face is a little pale, she doesn't have the same amount of energy as I do, I had forgotten for a moment that her power was also being consumed to do that and she has less energy than me. 

Fortunately, I can feel that it won't be long, his Aura is changing within the Black and White Flames, it was strange how I could feel my power affecting him not just in body but even in his Soul. 

"Looks like it's ending faster than I thought." (I)

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