Will of chaos

Chapter 1127 Cap 1125

Chapter 1127 Cap 1125: What Comes Out Of The Cocoon? Part 1

When I went after Arash to find out who was last night's visitor I found the exact same object that invaded my room yesterday, but this one was 5 times bigger and it was square instead of the cylindrical shape of yesterday, even with the differences in shape and size I managed to know that it was the same thing as yesterday by feeling your presence. 

Last night this thing was trying to hide its presence and I only felt some traces, but this time I could feel it easily, it seems like it was revealing its presence of its own accord this time. 

"I was close to calling you here." (Arash) 

"I wanted to talk to you too, but I see that will no longer be necessary." (I) 

"Orsel told me about your encounter last night, thank you for not destroying that thing inside the castle." (Arash) 

"I avoided doing anything because I didn't know what was going on." (I) 

"[My Golems by default have defensive devices and some for self-destruction, I did this to protect my creations from being stolen.]" (Orsel) 

"If you cause any damage to this castle, you already know what I will do to your city." (Arash) 

"[It wouldn't be my fault, none of my communication golems have ever been attacked within your territory.]" (Orsel) 

I walk in and see Arash behaving normally with this crystal cube, it makes me relieved to at least be sure he's not an enemy, as soon as I walk in the doors close behind me. 

"Did you know you were coming to Arash?" (I) 

"[It would be the most logical decision to make, from your non-aggression decision yesterday I assumed was the best course of action.]" (Orsel) 

"I imagine you have some questions, so you can ask them, I'll try to answer them in the simplest way possible since this idiot makes many turns on the same subject." (Arash) 

"The first question would be if he's an enemy, which I can see not being the case, so would I be happy to know who he is?" (I) 

"His name is Orsel, his work is similar to that of his daughter Nicole, but the difference is that his research is more focused on the use of crystals." (Arash) 

"[Versatility makes up for many of the other drawbacks of my approach, magic can resolve or at least alleviate these drawbacks...]" (Orsel) 

"He doesn't need to know so much and don't interrupt me again." (Arash) 

"[...]" (Orsel) 

"Don't let his type of work fool you, he still has an important role, he's a defender, one of them at least." (Arash) 

"He told me he's from a border town or something." (I) 

"It's not a border town, it's the Border City." (Arash) 

"He said something like that, but there's no way a city could have a name like that, right?" (I) 

"Frontier City is out of this world, and by that, I mean truly out of this world, this is a city where high-level Adventurers and Guardians live, their duties are to face dimensional creatures and space monsters." (Arash) 

"..." (I) 

"(I didn't really expect to hear something like that, does he mean there's a city in space?)" (I) 

That means it's some kind of magical satellite, a Floating Island like the White Elves, maybe some kind of magical super Ship or some Separate Space. 

I was thinking of endless possibilities, I even thought of a dungeon in the world's orbit or a city built on one of the moons, I was trying to understand what they were trying to say by an off-world city. 

"Do you mean a city in another world or a city outside the world's orbit?" (I) 

"The city moves around a bit, but it's outside of the world's atmosphere, the city serves as a checkpoint and shield against things that try to attack the world." (Arash) 

"[These may be the main activities of our city since its founding, but they are far from being the only ones...]" (Orsel) 

"I already told you to stop interrupting, how can he understand if you release so much at once?" (Arash) 

"He only needs to know the main function of the city, the rest he can discover little by little." (Arash) 

"So you're in this town right now?" (I) 

"[Correct, there are few who possess my specialty and have enough strength to stay in this city.]" (Orsel) 

"The off-world environment can be a little aggressive for those without enough strength, those focused on production, maintenance, and creation being competent craftsmen hardly focus on anything other than their areas of work, this leaves their power levels stagnant for large periods of time Periods of time or perhaps a lifetime, there are few who try to increase their power." (Arash) 

"[Don't even tell me, the lack of manpower is making a mountain of work fall on my head, it's been 6 years since I've had a day off.]" (Orsel) 

"Do you have any more questions? I think that should be enough to get the conversation going." (Arash) 

After that I only asked two more questions, the first one about these dimensional monsters, Arash explained to me that there are certain monsters with powers of the space element or that went through rifts that can arise in space that travel between dimensions, the second option can corrupt the body and monster's mind making him an even greater danger.  josei

It seems that Evil Gods also don't always just come from other worlds in this dimension and there are also those who travel across dimensions to find a new place where they can become true Deities once more. 

The second question I asked was about Space Monsters, in my head, I was thinking of aliens with green or gray skin and big eyes saying "take me to your leader" or something. 

But it seems that they are monsters, First generation monsters for the most part with few being able to generate offspring. 

Space seems to be a very large place through which a lot of energy flows, in space, there is no world that serves as a point to organize these energies and there are no World Trees to solve any problem that may arise. 

Fortunately, it seems that the planets themselves serve to channel these energies in a certain way, keeping things at a certain level of order, but even then it is not something stable like within a world, and because of that many monsters are formed. 

I was amazed at how dangerous the universe was, the normal problems like lack of gravity, atmosphere, and cold seem to be the least of concerns. 

I spent a few hours understanding these things, I also wanted to know this Orsel's interest in me, but we didn't have time to resolve it this time, he said goodbye when he was called by someone else. 

I saw once more your Golem make space float as if it were the surface of water and sink in disappearing just like it did last night. 

As soon as he left I asked if he could be trusted by Arash, and the answer I got was an affirmative, Arash seems to trust him and respect what Orsel does, he also said that there are many Dragons in Border Town. 

Not gonna lie, as soon as I heard about this city floating in the universe my blood started boiling with excitement, I wanted to go there, "going where no one has gone before", I couldn't help this phrase constantly popping into my mind. 

Arash said he'll call me when Orsel gets back, but he should be back in 3 or 4 days as today's talks didn't go very far as they had to explain a lot of things to me. 

As I left Arash's throne room I was fascinated with the idea of going into space, I'm sure Nicole will freak out when she finds out more about it, there were a lot of things to think about, but I must refrain from talking about all of that until I have the next meeting with Orsel. 

Having organized my mind I turned to my shadow, I could feel the thing inside moving, I have to solve this as soon as possible. 

With that in mind, I went after Karina once again, I wanted to create another Dragon Seal with the equivalent power of 50 just like yesterday, this left us in a bad state, but it was also our first attempt, I'm sure we can do better this time. 

When I arrived at the Temple of Dragons I went to Almeida's room yesterday where Karina was already waiting for me, I spend a few minutes talking to her about what we can do differently to make this process less stressful for both of us. 


It was already night when I woke up in my bed inside the room assigned to me in the Castle of Dragons, I remember that yesterday I lost consciousness still inside the room in the Temple of the Dragon. 

When I turned to the side I could see the closed eyes of a sleeping Karina, just feeling her Aura I know she's just tired, but she was far from the state of complete exhaustion from yesterday. 

I on the other hand was feeling awful, today was clearly worse than yesterday and I don't even know if we succeeded, as far as I remember I'm not sure if the Dragon Seal was fully formed yet. 

"(Tomorrow I think about it, there is still one last step before the Awakening Ceremony.)" (I) 

Thinking about these things, I hug Karina and go back to sleep, there are many things to do, I still want to talk to my sisters tomorrow about this Border City.

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