Will of chaos

Chapter 1148 Cap 1146

Chapter 1148 Cap 1146: Alliance Part 3

I was with my Familiars floating in space among the stars and without an astronaut's suit, the blood in my body did not stop bubbling with emotion. 

I was feeling like I was in a B-type sci-fi movie where an idiotic screenwriter decided to have magical creatures fight aliens after a last night of drugs. 

The kind of movie with a horrible script that only relies on the beautiful scenes, but who am I kidding, I love bizarre movies like the one with sharks inside tornadoes. 

"Death Locusts, I've heard of it, but this is the first time I've seen it, their Auras are strange." (Ragnar) 

While I was standing looking at the approaching colored dots making it easier to distinguish their shapes, I was also lost in my daydreams about strange movies until I heard Ragnar speaking. 

I found it strange to be able to hear someone in the vacuum of space, but I soon understood that it was an Aura trick, he was using his Aura in his mouth to replace the air making his voice heard not through my ears but through my Aura, it wasn't a difficult trick to learn. 

"What's wrong with your Auras?" (I) 

As amazing as this whole situation was on the same level of risk, I was calm, maybe I could even say excited, that's because I'm going to fight with all my Familiars by my side and after a long time I'm going to have a new bloodline to devour, I have a few insect strains, but there must be less than 20, which is why I agreed so quickly with Elizabeth. 

"Your Auras are all interconnected with each other, but they are all different, if only they were all the same it would be one thing, but this is going way beyond a normal connection." (Ragnar) 

"Their control also seems uniform…" (Ragnar) 

I focus my Aura on my eyes and I can see the Aura of these Death Locusts, all I could do is see, by the color of an Aura you can guess its Elemental Affinity, and by the way the Aura acts you can guess the level of control it has the individual has his Aura, of course all this is easier and more accurate if it is within the reach of his Aura for a more detailed and direct analysis. 

"It's no use thinking about it now, so let's focus on what we have in front of us, everyone can fight with everything." (I) 

"He is sure?" (Sakura) 

"Yes." (I) 

"With everything..." (Hinata) 

"..." (I) 

For some reason I turned towards Hinata in time to see her look at the Wave of Monsters in the distance, the glint in her eyes gave me chills as her Aura billowed out of her body like black smoke. 

Even though they were far away, it was possible to feel their murderous intent from where we were, it was also a fact that their Auras were connected like a spider's web, I prefer to attack with everything from the beginning. 

"< Eclipse Titan's Awakening >" (Sakura) 

"< Blood Eclipse Rage >" (Orion) 

"< Aura Relic: Blade of Two Worlds >" (Ragnar) 

"< Aura Embodiment: Bladewielder of Two Worlds >" (Ragnar) 

"< Multi Elemental Incarnation: Fairy of Cataclysm >" (Layla) 

"< Rune of Transcendence: Incarnation of Endless Night >" (Nix) 

"< Holy Summon: Hinata >" (Hinata) 

"< Blood Eclipse Dragon's Awakening: 90% >" (I) 

"< Aura Relic: Blood Eclipse >" (I) 

"< Holy Summon: Star Sword >" (I) 


Pov Elizabeth: 

I'm glad that my little brother is someone simple, he knows that I'm up to something, I can tell just by looking into his eyes, that's why I knew that he would refuse my offer since unlike Natasha he is not a combat maniac. 

That's why I played with something that interests him, I know he doesn't mind having a new bloodline, he's like his mother in the curiosity aspect, but where our mother has the patience to guide, Zenos has the audacity to create, I know he has a frustration with bug type monsters, it was something Vanessa talked to me about months ago and I used that to convince him. 

"Can he handle that number of Death Locusts?" (Orsel) 

"By the sheer number, there must be at least 10 Queens, but their Auras are strange, there might be some sort of variant above the Queen controlling the others." (Uraha) 

"If I'm not mistaken there must be an Insect Empress." (I) 

"..." (all) 

"What is it doing on this side of the universe? I thought the hive star system was far away." (Zadiris)  I think you should take a look at

"What would an Empress be doing here?" (Navar) 

"This is nothing new, it happened 2 other times in the past, this one seems smarter at least, the first one tried to come alone because it was a variant that had power as an individual and the second one tried to invade using a plan so no one would notice its arrival, both times I dealt with them, I killed the first one and the second one is my Priestess in the hive star system now." (I) 

"When you heard about the numbers, did you already know about the Empress?" (Zadiris) 

"It was the only possibility, Death Locust Queens don't work together because they are too territorial and selfish, also they don't obey anyone other than a stronger variant of them or an Insect Empress." (I) 

"If what you say is true, wouldn't it be easier to assume she was a Queen Variant? How did you know she was an Empress?" (Orsel) 

"Because my little brother is very unlucky..." (I) 

The monster attacks are daily and most days it happens multiple times, with Zenos here I knew it would happen sooner or later and in a Wave of Monsters, this is even more perfect than I imagined. 

"If I may ask a question, why do you seem happy to send your little brother into what you admit is the worst possible situation for that kind of monster?" (Astrid) 

"I think you still don't understand, I know you've analyzed everyone's strength here, am I right Miss Miriam?" (I) 

"I'm not able to measure the strength of the majority, but you and your brother's group made it easier to estimate strength." (Miriam) 

"I haven't seen your Familiars, but I know enough about the matter to know that they are limited to the Contractor's strength level, I would also appreciate it if you wouldn't treat me like someone younger if possible." (Miriam) 

"For me, everyone in this place is younger, maybe even children, I am so old that I saw half the planets in the universe form and I had the pleasure of helping in the formation of 1 of them in the past, I was also responsible for destroying some." (I) 

"Don't be fooled by Elizabeth's strength now, she is still a Blood Demigod titled the Living Tyranny, one of the 3 Living Calamities, the matriarch of emperors and assassin of nations." (Orsel) 

"You don't need to be so thorough in explaining her, she is right to judge me on my current strength, her mistake would be if she judges me only on that." (I) 

The two's faces paled, I can see the wariness in the two's eyes as they stand together, interesting. 

"If I may ask..." (Astrid) 

"Say what you want." (I) 

"What's the point of this show?" (Astrid) 

"This is not a show, the monsters are real, and the battle of Zenos will be too." (Zadiris) 

"But you could tell Elizabeth wants to make a point about something, probably using Primordial." (Navar) 

"You two wheeled people must understand my brother's power, the limitations we talked about for hours matter little to him." (I) 

"..." (Zadiris) 

"..." (Navar) 

The two Elder Dragons exchange a look of understanding, it seems they finally understand what I'm getting at, so I turn to the two who have come to ask for an alliance, Astrid looks at me trying to see through my plans, I hope she succeeds in demonstrating her talents as an leader, but his companion seems to be focused only on combat, she looks up where the illusion was destroyed to show my brother's battle. 

"My brother is a long way from reaching the strength of a full Demigod, but that is far from his only identity at the highest levels of the Authority." (I) 

"I want you to pay close attention to your power, it will be important for your decision." (I) 

I look up without saying anything else, I can feel the blood inside his body overflowing with power. 

"Did you say he can do something about the impediments we've been talking about so far?" (Astrid) 

"Yes, he can solve all your problems." (I) 

"I don't understand, you seem to have known this for a while, so why not speak up beforehand during the meeting? Why make him fight? Why didn't he say anything himself?" (Astrid) 

She's asking a lot of questions, but I like that, she's being very objective with her questions so there's no leeway for vague answers. 

"Why he doesn't want to get involved, there's also the fact that you guys are very suspicious, nobody here has reason to trust you completely." (I) 

"But apart from all these reasons, you to get something from him must have a meeting with him, not with these people, because only he can give you what you seek..." (I) 

At that moment, everyone felt the wave of Auras overlapping and looked up to where several large beings were facing the attacking monsters.  josei

"I need you to understand his power level in a real battle to demonstrate to you two, so pay attention..." (I)

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