Will of chaos

Chapter 1191 Cap 1189

Chapter 1191 Cap 1189: Who Cowards And Who Seeks

Pov Cynthia: 

I saw the master in Dragon form among the star field, his presence enveloped all the stars with a protective barrier, his power endlessly radiating from his body. 

I saw Haku being taken by a flow of power controlled by the master directly to one of the stars before disappearing, then he turned to me without saying anything. 

"I will give them the option..." (I) 

So I mixed my Aura with the master's and felt the stars before throwing myself into it. 

When I regained mental clarity and opened my eyes I was in a white stone room covered with red spots, many torture objects were everywhere, it almost looks like Miss Lilith's torture room. 

Soon I spotted a single person in the middle of the room, his clothes and hands were covered in blood, but as I approached I noticed that he himself was covered in wounds. 

"It's not my fault... it's not my fault... it's not my fault..." 

He was muttering the same words over and over, when I approached he didn't seem to see me, all he did besides whispering to himself the same words over and over, was look at his hands that were dripping blood that clearly wasn't his.  josei

"It's not my fault... it's their fault... it has to be theirs... I wouldn't do it any other way... it's not my fault." 

When I looked again at the surroundings translucent images appeared, it was him each time being tortured, but no sound was heard other than the whispers of the real him next to me. 

I walk closer to him and a red light envelops my body before focusing on one of my hands, soon this red light materializes in the palm of mine like a star crystal dagger, when I get right in front of him it looks like he hasn't yet. can see me. 

Looking at him I see a young man just out of his teens, he is Human with stubble and long unkempt hair, his eyes had no light and yet I could feel a great desire within them, an endless rage that is just being overshadowed by her fear. 

"..." (I) 

"I didn't want to feel pain anymore... but I didn't want to join them... they were much crueler... everybody wins... it wasn't wrong... it wasn't my fault..." 

Soon the surroundings changed once more, this time it was him torturing people, in half of the pictures around he did it crying, but in others, he just did it with blank eyes or avoiding looking, even now I still can't hear what's going on in the pictures. images around us. 

I place one of my hands on the young woman's shoulder and with my strength I make him fall to his knees giving me a higher point of view as our eyes meet for the first time. 

"You've set aside your will out of fear, but I'll give you a chance, tell me now, will you rise with the resolve never to stray from your path again even if it leads to a precipice, or will you cling to your pathetic fear by choosing always what easy way without caring to keep moving away from your will!?" (I) 

"I do what I want, just get me out of here, I don't want to hurt others, I don't want to die, I don't want anything else..." 

In my presence, he can lie to me all he wants with his words, but he can't help answering himself, and as long as he knows the answer so will I. 

"A life without a will is worse than death, to abandon your will once is a stain you will always carry, to do that twice is to condemn yourself to a life of torment... you condemn yourself and I execute that one who inside died in sin." (I) 

My dagger pierces his heart and his body cracks and breaks, then so does the surroundings revealing once again the field of stars around us. 


Pov Hades: 

I was before an Elf, her posture as firm as a mountain, her body not covered by anything reveals injuries that came from combat, her eyes are steady as is her grip on the spear in her right hand. 

Around us an empty training ground, Dede the moment I got here she looks directly at me, in her eyes all that exists is a strong gleam of murderous intent, but it's not directed at me. 

"Did you expect me?" (I) 

"I expected anyone, my Father said that sooner or later the will to resist all evils would get me where I want to go." 

"He wasn't wrong, but that's only if you survived the path." (I) 

"Which was easy since it wasn't my death that my enemies wanted and I was lucky it wasn't my body either." 

"Do you know who I am?" (I) 

"No, I don't care either, from the moment I closed my eyes I could feel the same presence I feel around you, something that, like me, rejects the Church of Light." 

"First of all, what is your will? What are you looking for?" (I) 

"I seek only my own strength and the chance to put every hypocrite who fills their filthy mouths to talk about the right path to the ground with my spear pierced through their hearts." 

I expand my Aura highlighting the characteristics that come from my master for her to feel the one I serve.  I think you should take a look at

"You have two choices, take my hand and be free or get down on your knees and claim the power that has always been within you." (I) 

"It's your choice." (I) 


"Will I have a chance to fight the Church of Light?" 

"Certainly yes, my master is someone hated by them and there will be no lack of confrontations in the future, if you choose the second option don't expect a safe life." (I) 

"I never cared about safety, but I feel there is only one way for me to go, I dedicate this spear to your service." 

"May your power be a flame of unshakable will now and forever in the name of Zenos." (I) 

My hand fills with Holy Power and Authority making me a pathway for Master Zenos' power, so I hold the Elf's head and let my body be a conduit for his bipider to fill this young woman. 


Pov Haku: 

It's been several hours and I've only taken care of a few hundred targets, I'm glad most of them accept my gift and only a few don't have the courage to change, but I'm sure those few will have their chance in Cynthia's hands. 

Now when I opened my eyes I was in a room with a baby crib with artistic decorations of women showing different emotions. 

I look in the corner of the room where there is a large window, and a Celestina woman was there with her wings closed looking out, I knew she could feel my presence and yet she ignored me being here. 

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm I go to her and stand beside her, her face was young but for Celestinos it seems that the aging process is similar to that of the Elves, while I'm not sure, but even so, it wasn't her appearance that caught my attention, it was her eyes full of a will that burns like a volcano. 

"Which God do you serve and represent, envoy?" 

"I represent the Blood Eclipse Dragon Demigod, Zenos." (I) 

"Son of the Blood Goddess, Blessed by many Gods, Ruler of thousands, friend of the World Trees and Primordial Dragon" (I) 

"Eclipse... Dragon... son of the Goddess Selene..." 

"Zenos... Zenos... I don't remember hearing that name existing among the Demigods." 

"My master is still young in age." (I) 

"I have a few questions if you're willing to answer them." 

She doesn't seem to show any reactions to the things I've said, her eyes never leaving the window that leads straight out to a view of a city in ruins and bodies everywhere. 

"Ask anything you want, I'll answer as soon as possible." (I) 

"Will this Demigod fight against the Church of Light?" 

"Yes, from what little I know so far the conflict must be impossible not to happen." (I) 

That first question has been asked by over 90% of everyone I've encountered so far, but I guess it's not surprising after all that these people have suffered because of the Church of Light so far. 

"May I join you, be part of your Holy Warriors?" 

"It doesn't depend on me, you as Celestina must understand that it depends mainly on you, but you will have your opportunity." (I) 

"I always believed that a Divinity would come, Faith moves mountains and its power knows no boundaries, I always had Faith that one day this arrogant Sun would meet its end." 

"I will make each one of them pay, what they took from me is not something that will be forgiven even after the destruction of every single one of this filthy religion's holy places." 

"I want to taste the knowledge of their blood running down my throat before I bring their lives to an end." 

Hatred of her is apparent in her voice, I look back at that empty crib and then at her before extending my hand to her. 

"Take my hand and receive the power that comes from your will and receive the gift that is bestowed upon you." (I) 

"The more power the better, it means the stronger the enemies I can crush with my bare hands."

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