Will of chaos

Chapter 412 Cap 411

Chapter 412 Cap 411: World Tree Part 2(Chapter Preview)

During the night I was being guided to the place of the World Tree by Eleanor, the barrier that protects and hides the village from the Elves seems to be much bigger than I initially thought.

As soon as we leave the village of the Elves accompanied only by the Guardian, Layla, Orion, and Nix we enter a forest where we walk for 30 minutes before arriving at a temple built of wood.

This temple was very strange as even though it looked like it was built by a carpenter, the wood from which this great temple is built seems to still be alive and growing giving a touch of mystery to this place.

Also, I could feel a lot of energy in the constant flow here, I'm sure a person with strength below Grade S would have died just from being in a place with so much accumulated energy.

"This is the place, High Priestess Aredhel must be waiting for you at the temple gates up these stairs."  (Eleanor)

"Aren't you going to come along?"  (I)

"I cannot enter the temple."  (Eleanor)

"Why?"  (I)

​ "You must be feeling a lot of energy around us, that's my limit."  (Eleanor)

"But inside the temple, there will be even more energy, my body and soul couldn't bear to stay there for long."  (Eleanor)

"..." (I)josei

I concentrate more and I can feel the flow of energy going towards the World Tree, but I also feel waves of energy being continuously emanating from the World Tree, I can even feel that the closer I get, the greater the concentration of this energy will be.

"Will you be here when I get back?"  (I)

"No, staying here too long is something that affects those who aren't strong enough, so I'm going back to the village."  (Eleanor)

"Fine, then let's get this over with."  (I)

I start to climb the stairs, which must have 50 or 70 steps, even without looking back I know that Eleanor is already gone and I can feel someone waiting for me after the stairs.

"Are you sure I should have come here, this seems like a holy and pure place, not the kind of place that someone suspicious like me would let in."  (I)

"Stop worrying, you'll soon understand everything."  (Guardian)

I keep climbing and feel the concentration of energy increase with every step I take, but I continue to walk calmly to the top where Aredhel is waiting for me.

"Aredhel, how long without seeing you, you wouldn't be avoiding me after a few words I said yesterday, would you?"  (I)

"Shut up you psycho Vampire, I'm only here because it's my duty to guide you to my Queen."  (Aredhel)

Just as I expected, Aredhel is not at all happy to see me, in fact, I'm sure that if it were possible she would attack me now, the contempt in her eyes is something apparent, besides that, I see the anger in her eyes.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the Queen who is waiting for you in front of the World Tree."  (Aredhel)

"I'm right behind you, I just hope you don't try to trick me again."  (I)

"Just be silent and follow me, the sound of your voice irritates me."  (Aredhel)

"Alright, alright, then lead the way, you grumpy High Priestess."  (I)

Aredhel turns her back to me and walks to the doors that open on their own, after we enter the doors close behind me.

The temple looked like it did, but that was just for the eyes of common people, I could see Fairies and Spirits walking around here, they weren't like children playing, these were older and more mature looking, and many had normal-sized bodies being taller than me in most cases.

These Spirits and Fairies were doing cleaning chores, reading books, talking, sleeping, eating, etc.

As I passed them, many greeted me as I continued to follow Aredhel.

Inside the temple, it didn't have the grandiose and imposing appearance that I expected to see, the architecture of the temple was beautiful but it felt cozy and comfortable, in addition, the mana, spiritual energy, and Ki in this place are very strong, I can also feel the pure energy of all elements.

I wanted to explore this place, but it wasn't the time, I don't know if I should either, so I kept following Aredhel until I crossed the temple to the other side where there was a magnificent garden with flowers of all colors and shapes, there was a path made of some kind of greenish marble leading up to a platform made of that same marble, in front of the platform was what at first glance looks like a giant brown wall with multicolored sparkles.

"..." (I)

But when I looked up I realized that this was not a wall, this was the trunk of the World Tree, if I looked carefully I would notice a slight curve in what looked like a wall.

I was amazed, seeing it up close only made this sight even more splendid, this tree must be miles wide and I don't even dare to think about its height since I'm not able to see the top of the World Tree.

Now that I am so close I can see the World Tree being the center of a great flow of energies coming from all sides, it looks like a fierce current of energies hitting the tree and being absorbed, and at the same time, I see waves of energy calms emanating from the World Tree peacefully to the surroundings.

Because of all that energy surrounding the World Tree it made it look like it was covered in a layer of a faint multicolored glow.

This was an unforgettable sight, but I was surprised by how I felt the power of nature in this place, but appearances can be deceiving.

The only safe way for me to walk was this greenish marble path, that's why these energy flows passed everywhere outside this marble walkway, I could feel the danger of death from these energy flows.

To tell you the truth, the place where I am already has a lot of energy around it, I even feel like I'm immersed in a bathtub of that energy.

"Come on, don't try to delay my duties, I know how magnificent the World Tree is, but don't get distracted and come soon, the sooner you do, the sooner you'll be gone."  (Aredhel)

"It would be a shame not to be able to see this beautiful place, but with someone so childish and annoying around, I'm in no mood to appreciate this beautiful place."  (I)

I start to walk down the marble path and feel pressure hit me from all sides.

"..." (I)

I was surprised by this pressure that almost threw me back, I was lucky it wasn't a very strong pressure.

"I'm sorry, I guess I forgot to mention about the pressure being stronger from now on, it's also going to get harder with every step you take."  (Aredhel)

"This pressure is caused by the collision of these strong energies, this pressure not only affects your body but also your mind and soul, yet it is still safer to walk through the greenish marble paths."  (Aredhel)

"If you go outside the marble path, there won't even be any traces of your body left..." (Aredhel)

"Thanks for the thoughtful warning, it doesn't always sound like the mad woman who nearly caused the deaths of dozens of Elves."  (I)

"Take care of your words, Vampire."  (Aredhel)

"Don't think for a second that you have the numerical advantage here, you're not the only one with contracts with Fairies and Spirits, in fact, you've always been at a disadvantage in my presence..." (Aredhel)

"Enough of that Aredhel, we have more things to talk about, so follow him here."  (Luthien)

"Yes, my lady."  (Aredhel)

"..." (I)

"(So she's seeing us.)" (I)

When this irritating High Priestess and I were about to start an argument Luthien's voice resounds from all sides causing Aredhel to kneel down with a calm face immediately.

It seems that Luthien has seen everything that has happened, but I can't say if that's since I entered the temple or even before that.

The worst thing is that I didn't even realize I was being watched, I don't like to be taken by surprise like that, but I can't help it since this Elf Queen has a level of strength unknown to me.

"Follow me."  (Aredhel)

"..." (I)

Aredhel gets up and walks ahead without looking at me telling me to follow her, I follow her through the marble path, every step I take increases the pressure as if I was going deeper into an ocean when we were close to the greenish marble platform the pressure was already so great that I was using all my strength to move.

I look at Aredhel walking without difficulty and get annoyed that she does something I don't understand, but I also realize that I'm the only one suffering this way.

I look at Orion and Layla on my shoulders and it doesn't look like they're feeling any pressure, Layla is humming in my ear and Nix doesn't seem to feel anything inside my shadow.

As soon as I step onto the platform the pressure seems to disappear, I feel my body as light as a feather at that moment.

"I guided him here as requested my lady."  (Aredhel)

"Good job, Aredhel."  (Luthien)

"Good to see you again, Zenos."  (Luthien)

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