Will of chaos

Chapter 430 Cap 429

Chapter 430 Cap 429: Annual Monster Wave Part 2(Chapter Preview)

According to what Luthien said today or tomorrow the monsters will start to appear, she said that I would be able to notice since the energy would pile up until first-generation masts are born nonstop causing an imbalance in nature that I am able to feel now that I have obtained the trinity.

Everyone is in their positions, but the truth is that the battle should be easy, according to what Luthien told me the monsters that appear are normally from Grade SSS and below.

It seems that the only Grade Catastrophe monsters are the final boss of the two Dungeons that are at the ends of the Illusory Forest, and rarely does a first-generation Lower Grade Catastrophe monster spawn on this continent where energy density is considered low.

The first day passes without anything happening, during the night we sleep in shifts in preparation for the wave of monsters to happen during the night.

As if waiting for the worst possible moment, that's exactly what happened, the ground shook, ripples of energy were felt by everyone and the sound of roaring began to come from all directions.

"< They're coming, get ready!!!! >" (I)

I use the same technique I used in the Makari Kingdom capital to shout an order to everyone.

With my shout everyone jumped up grabbing their weapons and heading straight for their positions, I myself run forward with Barok and Ibuki behind me.

I stand at the front waiting, I can feel the earthquakes increasing, I can hear the roars getting closer and closer, and I can feel the bloodlust of thousands and thousands of monsters coming our way.

"I will attack first, Ibuki will attack Grade S ones and Barok will go after those with large bodies, they usually have a lot of strength so I'm counting on you."  (I)

"Yes."  (Ibuki / Barok)

I can already hear branches and trees breaking, I can also see red eyes appearing from the darkness of the forest.

When the monsters come out of the forest I realize that they are plant-type monsters, they were of different shapes and sizes, clearly, not of the same race, but as usual, the monsters of a Wave of Monsters seem to coordinate.

"< Breath of Fire >" (I)

I wait until these monsters get closer and take a deep breath concentrating my mana in my mouth, then I open my mouth releasing a sea of ​​fire in a cone shape that devastates everything in a distance of about 500 meters.

My attack that destroyed hundreds of enemies doesn't even seem to have frightened these monsters, they throw themselves into the fire while still running toward me.

"< Blades of Fire >" (I/Ivan/Elsaris/Layla/Barok)

Me and the others who have Fireblade-type skills, nis approach each other standing side by side while we wait for these monsters to approach so we can launch an attack that will be strong enough to crush the weakest.

Our attacks cut through these monsters like they were made of paper, then these monsters caught fire.

The groups under my command started to prepare and follow my orders, I had spread my Aura over a long distance so I could see the battlefield in my head.

Thanks to that I could coordinate well our troops that defended themselves very well from these monsters.

Sometimes I saw the large body of Dragon of Nyx roaming the battlefield devouring entire groups of monsters.

Orion was flying while rays of black energy came out of his mouth, when these strange rays of energy hit something a wave of black energy traveled for a few meters forming a circle, those hit by this black energy started screaming, and their bodies dried up.

This was the energy of the Darkness element that contaminates the target we took him to death, consuming him from the inside out.

Layla on the other hand this time was fighting only with the fire element to destroy these enemies.

Layla didn't hold back and revealed her true form, so she started using her four hands to attack in four directions at once, devastating the monsters.

Layla's attacks caused explosions, fire tornadoes, fire butterflies, and fire element blade attacks.

After a while I tell the Mages not to waste their strength now, these monsters were Grade A or lower, and they don't pose a danger to us beyond their colossal numbers.

I stopped wasting my strength for nothing with these weak monsters, so I hold my dagger and sword and start running between the enemies, I use my sword to cut the enemies in a way that makes it impossible for them to fight again, after that, I leave it to others to finish off these monsters.

I use the dagger to hit vital points by killing the monsters with a single blow or to deflect some attacks to avoid getting hit.

I was surrounded by monsters that tried to trap me in vines, tried to pierce me with branches as sharp as spears, or tried to use poison attacks on me.josei

I was able to see and dodge attacks of that level, but the problem was the large number of monsters, so some attacks still hit me while I used a dagger to defend myself.

The poison attacks had no effect on me, the same can be had with the illusion attacks, none of that worked on me, that was a wonder since I was the worst enemy of these monsters.

Among the monsters that I was destroying, I found even Nymphs, but these were different from the ones that are living in the Dungeon, these nymphs had more monster form than human form, there were branches and tendrils of vines.

Those were the most problematic as they stayed away from using magic attacks on me, luckily my body is very strong, and the few attacks that hit me did nothing, my clothes were also very resistant since they are made from my lines.

I use my intimidation skill, and with that I see the monsters stop moving for a few seconds which was enough time for us to kill many of them.


It was already dawn and these monsters seemed to have no end, the more they were killed, the more of them appeared to replace the ones that died, it seemed that this would never end.

​ I also noticed that the role of monsters has increased, Grade S monsters started appearing a few minutes ago.

Now I'm avoiding using ranged attacks because of the Dungeons fighters around me.

I now realize how much stronger I am, even after a night of fighting I was not tired, all I feel is my blood boiling from the heat of the battle.

I stretch out my Dragon Wings and let my blood flow through those wings as I control to shape a specific shape before I crystallize the blood, thereby creating red crystal blades in my wings.

As the enemies seemed to have no end I use my wings to fly before throwing myself spinning in the middle of the enemies spreading my wings and causing a shower of wood splinters.

During this entire battle I didn't have to give many orders as the attacks I was leading were doing a good job, besides that, I didn't want to disperse our forces too much.

I believe we should never underestimate our enemies, so I won't let the groups I've formed with our warriors get too far away from each other and die.

In the midst of my attack, I see a mountain of bones rise from the ground and show itself in a gate more than ten meters high.


An evil energy form inside this bone gate and a roar spread through the surroundings, then a large snake-like head comes out of the gate, before I can understand what is happening another four heads like the first one come out of the gate followed by a single body with four thick paws linking these heads.

There was no doubt, that this was a Hydra, but this monster was not alive, this monster had exposed flesh and organs, and this monster was half-rotted showing that it was clearly an 8 meter tall Zombie.

As soon as this monster appeared, something jumped from the ground straight to this Zombie Hydra's head, it was Hela who was still in her Human form, Hela points at the monster and the Zombie Hydra starts attacking.

The monster's acid breath attacks destroyed hundreds of enemies each time it was used, plus this Zombie Hydra was very strong crushing monsters like they were dry tree branches.

Hela who was on top of the monster gave orders to him avoiding hitting the Dungeon warriors, this is maybe the first time I see Hela's Necromancer skills, but I didn't expect her to do that against such a weak group of enemies.

After some thought I realize something is wrong, this Zombie Hydra had Grade S strength, even with its great size its power didn't match its appearance.

I imagine that Hela decided to nominate this creature so as not to show too much of her power.

When I saw that Hela was saying that crazy thing, I worried about what Lilith might be doing.

I tried to find Lilith and found her sitting on a large pile of dead monster bodies, she was sitting casting spells with excellent accuracy only on monsters that were in Grade S while humming with a smile on her face.

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