Will of chaos

Chapter 436 Cap 435

Chapter 436 Cap 435: Annual Monster Wave Part 8(Chapter Preview)

After six days of constant fighting, the last monsters to appear were twenty Lower Catastrophe Grade monsters, they appeared alone without any other monsters next to them and at the same time.

The worst thing is that we hadn't noticed them at first, ten of these monsters were a herd of Illusory Hunters, they looked like Wolves, but their bodies were made of intertwined plants, they could completely hide in the mist, moreover, their illusions were due to hallucinogens that the plants on their bodies released into the air.

By the time we realized these monsters were there, it was too late and ten Ogres and twenty Ghouls had died.

Before we had time to deal with these enemies three birds fly across the sky towards us, these birds were more than five meters in size, these birds had greenish feathers and threw feathers that looked like sharp knives covered in poison, these birds were very fast and resistant.

In addition, there were five Bear Kings of the Forest, they were ten meter-sized Bears with vine tentacles with poisonous spines on their backs and wooden armor around their bodies, these monsters were very strong and had an annoying resistance, their only weakness would be their speed, but they make up for this weakness with the tentacles of vines with spikes on their backs, these tentacles are very fast which makes it difficult to fight this monster in melee.

The last two monsters were a 4 meter tall Cyclops looking like a mountain of muscle, he held a tree trunk like a staff as he approached.

But the worst enemy was actually a Wood Golem, it had 8 crab or spider legs with spear-like feet, it had the rest of its humanoid body with two arms holding trees that it looks like it had just ripped out by the roots, this monster has hundreds of vines growing behind him, in addition, he uses poisons and illusions, I had read about this monster in a book in the past, I just didn't think I would meet him one day, I don't remember all the information about this monster, but I know it's a variant of Wood Golem.

This Wood Golem is a very rare variant to be seen from the information I read, its height is over 15 meters, and the only guaranteed way to defeat any Golem is to destroy the core that is somewhere in the body, meanwhile if not done there is no way to kill this monster as its body can regenerate quickly from what I remember from the information I read.

All these monsters appear at the same time causing a big problem for everyone, I had to make everyone below Grade SSS leave the battlefield as quickly as possible.

I couldn't ask everyone to withhold their power because of being exposed, so I stopped caring about everything and gave everyone permission to use their powers to the fullest.

Lilith, Hela, and Érica release their true forms, Hela wasn't exactly a Demon, she was a Kimera type, but her real appearance was certainly demonic.

When the three unleashed their full power their Auras became ten times stronger.

I spread my Aura across the battlefield to increase the power of my companions while at the same time I am weakening these monsters, I am also using all my Aura effects like fear, pain, and death to weaken these monsters as much as possible, but I realized that those effects aren't doing much against monsters of equal strength to me.

I contacted Sakura for her to come help as well, meanwhile, I use my lines in my hands to grab the ten wolf-like plant monsters and throw them away from the retreating troops, then I use a fire breath with all my strength, but the monsters haven't died yet, their bodies are damaged and some are still on fire, but they're still alive running towards me.

"Leave those to us, Father."  (Lilith)

"Master, you better take care of those in heaven."  (Hela)

When I was going to throw myself into the fight against these monsters Lilith and Hela ran ahead of me to them.

Apparently, they were worried about the birds, but that wasn't necessary since Orion, Layla, and Nix are already going to them.

I look at Cyclops or at least the direction he was heading, but he's already gone.

But that was just using illusion to hide, I could see him running towards Irius and Iriana who fended off his attack with a double defense but were still knocked back.

"< Dragon Sword: Dragon Claw >" (Barok)

Barok uses a flying blade attack that creates two more Ki blades that hit Cyclops making a similar wound and claw on Cyclops' arm, but it was only a superficial wound to that large body.

Cyclops uses a Mana beam against Barok who uses his wings to boost upwards evading a direct attack, Cyclops continues with his attack trying to hit Barok destroying everything in the surroundings with his energy beam, I had to use my wings to protect Érica and the barrier around the village received most of the attack but is still intact.

I couldn't spend much time watching the others fight, I just saw Barok trying a hand to hand fight against the Cyclops and Sakura coming along with Jade, Ivan, and Sapphira to help in the fight against the wolf-like monsters, Irius and Iriana too are heading towards Cyclops to help Barok.

I saw all this while flying towards the big Wood Golem, getting closer I notice that it has some branches with leaves growing on its big body when I was trying to approach these leaves to come out of the branches and fly towards me, I use my cape made of my blood and threads to create a red crystal shield in front of me to defend myself, the leaves get stuck in the shield and I realize they are like very sharp flying knives.

The shield blocked my vision as the Golem's vine tentacles were coming towards me with great speed, but I didn't need vision, I could see everything within range of my Aura in my head in real-time, it takes a little bit of mental effort, but it is very useful during combat.

​ "< Storm of Blades of Fire > ×20" (I)

I transform my shield-shaped cape into four crystal swords while holding my sword and dagger using an ability to slice through these tendrils of vines coming my way, but the Golem didn't wait for me to finish dealing with these tentacles, one punch from an of his arms was coming towards me.

"< Fire Meteor >" (I)

I activate the magic I was preparing on the way here, the magic circle flies up and a 10 meter tall rock covered in fire falls at high speed towards the monster.

I thought this would make him give up his attack on me to dodge or defend himself, but I was wrong, he continued his punch sending me flying backward and crashing into the protective barrier of the village.


I thought he had been destroyed by the direct hit of my attack, but I had to confirm, that my injuries weren't very serious and I only used a healing skill to get myself fully recovered.

I fly over to where the Golem was and use the wind pressure caused by my wings to scatter the dust cloud while dodging another punch I noticed coming from within the dust cloud because of my Aura.

"You're tougher than I thought."  (I)

When the dust nine disappears it reveals that more than half of the Golem's body had been destroyed, but the wood that makes up his body is growing and regenerating to its normal form quickly, in a few tens of seconds his body was completely intact again.

"He's a Golem, so his weakness has to be his core, but where is that?"  (I)

"That meteor destroyed more than half of his body, but it looks like it missed the core, so where is this core?"  (I)

"(I don't know where the core is, so I just have to finish off the whole body.)" (I)

"< Earth Pillar >" (I)josei

I create a magic circle and drop it to the ground below me as I push to the ground with my wings, then spin in the air and land on the ground kicking with all my might at the magic circle that absorbs all that force, then a pillar 3 or 4 meters thick appears with great speed on the ground hitting the Wood Golem from below and throwing him up dozens of meters high.

"< Prison of Flames >" (I)

"< Mana Barrier >" (I)

I activate the corrosion skill while creating a large sphere of fire by hanging the golem inside while he is still in the sky, then creating a barrier of Mana so the Golem cannot escape.

With the corrosion ability that activates this fire besides burning is also acidic, that means it will destroy this Golem's body twice as fast, in addition, I'm hitting his entire body at the same time this way, all I need to do is use each drop of Mana I have to maintain this barrier for this monster not to escape.

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