Will of chaos

Chapter 439 Cap 438

Chapter 439 Cap 438: Blessings Of Akatosh(Chapter Preview)

After I talked to Luthien and Aredhel I was a little worried about our current forces, so I decided to increase our forces by two or three more for the Lower Catastrophe Grade or at least try.

The first thing I need to do is take care of Karina, from what I hear she was fighting alongside the Elves during this Annual Monster Wave because of a promise she made to stay in the village at least until the end of the year, she is said to have I did this so I could find myself when I came to this village.

Karina is already very strong, this without having a blessing from the Dragon God Akatosh, according to what she told me before, what she has as a Priestess is the Protection of the Dragon God, this can protect her, but it doesn't give any increase for its power and also has several impediments.

In order for her to be able to transform this Dragon God's Protection into Dragon God's Blessings, she needs to undergo an awakening ceremony with a True Dragon, this will allow her to form a connection with the True Dragon and will make her become a High Priestess of the Dragon God.

She told me that the reason she came to me was because of our high compatibility as I have all the pure elemental Affinities that she has, this will make her Blessing even stronger, later Vanessa told me that depending on what I do there is still the possibility of Karina becoming a candidate for Santa just like her, Vanessa even told me what to do to increase the chances.

For these reasons, I chose to make Karia the first to try to raise her to the Lower Catastrophe Degree.

But I couldn't do anything else today, my body and mind are exhausted after so many days of battle.

I need to get some rest and regain my energy before I try to do anything else.

So I speak briefly with everyone and then I go back to the house where we are staying in the Elves' village to sleep.





The next day I woke up in the middle of the day, I seem to have slept a lot, my body was a little sluggish and I felt slightly tired, but surprisingly there is no part of my body aching and my energies are completely recovered.

I go to the kitchen where I find Caryna preparing the food with Alice, it looks like everyone else was still sleeping from what the two said.

After I ate, I told Alice to go get Karina and Vanessa, so I woke up Nix who was sleeping inside my shadow, and ask her to open a gate to the Dungeon in the next room which is empty.


After Karina arrives and eats enough food to feed five people, I take her to the Dungeon with Vanessa who was still eating a meatless sandwich and drinking a bottle of blood.

Since Karina was with me, I was able to take her and Vanessa to the 12th floor where the mansion's new floor was after the adjustments Nix had made a few weeks ago.

Karina was surprised by what she saw, but I still fly up to the mansion with the two of them flying behind me, as soon as I arrive at the mansion I take them both to the hall where I always do that.

"Here is where we will perform the awakening ceremony for you, Karina."  (I)

"The reason you're doing this is different than I expected, but I'm still glad I took it."  (Karina)

"We have to be as prepared as possible for the monsters that are coming, you are one of the strongest beings at the top of Grade SSS, after awakening it is almost certain that you will reach the strength of the Lower Catastrophe Grade."  (I)

"I decided to do this here because it's safer for both me and you."  (I)

"Vanessa is here to heal me if I need it, I've been through a lot to know that it's better to be safe than sorry."  (I)

"Don't worry about me, I won't interfere with anything, I'll just watch from afar ready to help my Father if necessary in the end."  (Vanessa)

"Alright, what should I do now?"  (Karina)

"We'll both go to the center of the room, Vanessa will stay away just watching."  (I)

"It's all right."  (Karina)

I stand in front of Karina who kneels in front of me, so I gather my Aura in my hand and place it on Karina's head.

I start filling her body with my Aura until my Aura is spread all over her body, then I activate the Blood Pact skill.

<[ The Priestess of the Dragon God Akatosh (Dragonewt) has submitted to you willingly ]>



<[ Choose a power to bestow on her ]>




<[ [ Blood Pact ] skill has been activated ]>



<[ Choose a power to bestow on Priestess of the Dragon God Akatosh (Dragonewt) ]>

I feel my Aura merging with Karina's body, my Ki, mana, spiritual power and vitality leave my body forming flows of energy that connect our two bodies.

At that moment the information about what I can bestow on her pops into my head, but I don't even try to look, I already know what I'm going to bestow on her.

I grant her the skills [ Shadows Elemental Affinity: 1 ] and [ Thunder Elemental Affinity: 1 ].

When I do this two lessons come out of my chest and into Karina's body, then she starts to float as my energies and blood are consumed by her even faster.

<[ Empowerment Process Completed ]>




<[ Awakening latent potential ]>




<[ Confirmed that all requirements have been met to obtain Blessings of Dragon God Akatosh ]>



<[ You created a connection with Priestess Karina (Dragonewt) while being a True Dragon ]>



<[ You and Priestess Karina receive Blessings from Dragon God Akatosh Akatosh ]>




<[ You have received the Blessing [ Akatosh (Dragon God) ] ]>




<[ Requirements for the complete awakening of the bloodline [ True Dragon: 100% ] have not been met ]>




<[ Awakening of the Bloodline [ True Dragon: 100% ] has been delayed until the body and soul requirements are met ]>

Karina's body floats a little away from me, then something lights up inside her chest and starts absorbing my Aura, energy, and blood leaving me almost dry as if she knows exactly how much she can take from me without killing me.

Then a small energy dragon comes out of Karina's chest and circles around her a few times before entering her again, then an energy runs through her body changing the color of her scales to black, in addition, a Dragon tattoo forms on her chest.

Then she lowers herself until she is standing in front of me, at that moment I realize that in addition to her scales her body has changed a little, she has lost some of her muscles and her appearance has become pretty hands, but still had many similarities with her old appearance, her hair is still blonde but now she has streaks of red hair, just like my hair, plus she has a black crystal horn on her head.

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